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Colin Powell Warned President George W. Bush


That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.

We had brought Iraq to a stable level that was no longer broken. Don't you rmember O saying "we're leaving behind a stable sovereign Iraq?"

Of course you don't.

Obama then took the STABLE situation and broke it.

But by all means keep showing your total lack of sophistication on the topic.

Iraq was at a "stable level" while Saddam ruled it. He was a terrible dictator, but that's none of our business. Nothing that GW or Obama has done has improved the situation. Let the Iraqi people deal with their own dirt.
Obama could have pulled our troops out. Instead he followed the same timeline that Bush and the Iraqi government set. Now he wants to get involved again. Both of them own it.

But of course partisans just happen to believe that blinders improve their vision of the real horizon.

You have a point, Obama might have been able to break Bush's time table, he has gotten ridiculous heat from the CPAC crowd, so it couldn't have made much difference. He was damned if he did, damned if he didn't from Day 1.
Following 9/11, most Americans stood firmly united behind our president (including me). Little did we know then what a pile of shit we were standing behind.
Oops:Who can stay awake through these speech's of his

Obama’s Remarks on Iraq and Afghanistan

Published: July 15, 2008

Following is the text of Barack Obama's speech on Iraq and Afghanistan, as prepared for delivery and provided by his campaign.

Sixty-one years ago, George Marshall announced the plan that would come to bear his name. Much of Europe lay in ruins. The United States faced a powerful and ideological enemy intent on world domination. This menace was magnified by the recently discovered capability to destroy life on an unimaginable scale. The Soviet Union didn’t yet have an atomic bomb, but before long it would.

The challenge facing the greatest generation of Americans – the generation that had vanquished fascism on the battlefield – was how to contain this threat while extending freedom’s frontiers. Leaders like Truman and Acheson, Kennan and Marshall, knew that there was no single decisive blow that could be struck for freedom. We needed a new overarching strategy to meet the challenges of a new and dangerous world.

Such a strategy would join overwhelming military strength with sound judgment. It would shape events not just through military force, but through the force of our ideas; through economic power, intelligence and diplomacy. It would support strong allies that freely shared our ideals of liberty and democracy; open markets and the rule of law. It would foster new international institutions like the United Nations, NATO, and the World Bank, and focus on every corner of the globe. It was a strategy that saw clearly the world’s dangers, while seizing its promise.

As a general, Marshall had spent years helping FDR wage war. But the Marshall Plan – which was just one part of this strategy – helped rebuild not just allies, but also the nation that Marshall had plotted to defeat. In the speech announcing his plan, he concluded not with tough talk or definitive declarations – but rather with questions and a call for perspective. “The whole world of the future,” Marshall said, “hangs on a proper judgment.” To make that judgment, he asked the American people to examine distant events that directly affected their security and prosperity. He closed by asking: “What is needed? What can best be done? What must be done?”

What is needed? What can best be done? What must be done?

Today’s dangers are different, though no less grave. The power to destroy life on a catastrophic scale now risks falling into the hands of terrorists. The future of our security – and our planet – is held hostage to our dependence on foreign oil and gas. From the cave-spotted mountains of northwest Pakistan, to the centrifuges spinning beneath Iranian soil, we know that the American people cannot be protected by oceans or the sheer might of our military alone.

The attacks of September 11 brought this new reality into a terrible and ominous focus. On that bright and beautiful day, the world of peace and prosperity that was the legacy of our Cold War victory seemed to suddenly vanish under rubble, and twisted steel, and clouds of smoke.

all of it here:
Following 9/11, most Americans stood firmly united behind our president (including me). Little did we know then what a pile of shit we were standing behind.

As did I, I thought Iraq must have SOMETHING that posed a danger to the US; who would have imagined a President would lie about something that could cost US lives? But then came Cheney's piggy bank boy.
President was told in July of civil war risk in Iraq
President George Bush was warned in July that Iraq could descend into all-out civil war, according to a classified estimate which summarised the views of a number of US intelligence agencies.
Even the best-case scenario for Iraq is a political, economic and security situation described as tenuous.
The National Intelligence Estimate predicts three possible scenarios: tenuous stability, political fragmentation, or civil war.
The 50-page document, prepared in July before the latest upsurge in violence brought a sharp increase in Iraqi civilians killed and attacks on American troops, has yet to be officially released
Bush warned of civil war risk in Iraq | World news | The Guardian
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan.
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan. - Philly.com
Now let's all blame Obama anyway!
"W invaded Iraq knowing that civil war could break out. Obama could have done a better job on the follow up.
Conclusion: It wasn't just Bush. It wasn't just Obama. But put them together, well that's a totally different story.

Clinton: Iraq has abused its last chance

President Clinton addressed the nation from the Oval Office

Clinton spells out Iraq's non-compliance
•Iraq repeatedly blocked UNSCOM from inspecting suspect sites.

•Iraq repeatedly restricted UNSCOM's ability to obtain necessary evidence.

•Iraq tried to stop an UNSCOM biological weapons team from videotaping a site and photocopying documents and prevented Iraqi personnel from answering UNSCOM's questions.

•Iraq has failed to turn over virtually all documents requested by the inspectors.

US Forces:

There are 15 U.S. warships and 97 U.S. aircraft in the Persian Gulf region, including about 70 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. More than 12,000 sailors and Marines are in the region.

U.S. sources said eight of the warships, equipped with cruise missiles, have been moved into the northern part of the Gulf, within easy striking distance of Baghdad. More troops and jets have been ordered to the region.

More than 300 cruise missiles are available for use against Iraq, and there are air-launched cruise missiles aboard 14 B-52 bombers on the British island of Diego Garcia, sources said.

Britain has 22 strike aircraft in the region.

Pentagon unveils details of Operation Desert Fox
Transcript:Text of Blair's remarks on Iraq attack
Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike


Clinton statement from the Oval Office on attack against Iraq

December 16, 1998
Web posted at: 8:51 p.m. EST (0151 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraq's refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons," Clinton said.

Operation Desert Fox, a strong, sustained series of attacks, will be carried out over several days by U.S. and British forces, Clinton said.

"Earlier today I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces," Clinton said.

"Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors," said Clinton.

Clinton also stated that, while other countries also had weapons of mass destruction, Hussein is in a different category because he has used such weapons against his own people and against his neighbors.

'Without delay, diplomacy or warning'

The Iraqi leader was given a final warning six weeks ago, Clinton said, when Baghdad promised to cooperate with U.N. inspectors at the last minute just as U.S. warplanes were headed its way.

"Along with Prime Minister (Tony) Blair of Great Britain, I made it equally clear that if Saddam failed to cooperate fully we would be prepared to act without delay, diplomacy or warning," Clinton said.

ALL of it here:
CNN - Clinton: Iraq has abused its last chance - December 16, 1998
Didn't we go this when he decided to get involved in Libya?

how many excuses did we hear then about him being a warmonger and interferer in other countries that did NOTHING TO HIM

Face it, he's turned the middle east into a raging hell hole
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We were told by the Bush adminstration about mushroom clouds, that scared enough people to back this mess.

When the Bush administration found out that the WMD's were a fantasy, we were told that we were there to liberate Iraqis.

Then the Bush administration convinced itself that it could build a stable, modern, dependable democracy in the middle of a 17th century Islamic civilization.

Gosh, what could go wrong?

Colin Powell is an honorable man who got tangled up in possibly the worst presidential deception in modern history. That should end the debate about who owns Iraq.
There was never any 'debate' to begin with – it's a settled and accepted fact that GWB will forever be responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan and their respective outcomes, regardless the current administration.

And Powell was far from alone warning Bush about Iraq, this isn't a matter of hindsight being 20/20; GWB ignored those who counseled against an unwarranted, illegal invasion of Iraq, and Bush is the sole owner of its failure consequently.
President was told in July of civil war risk in Iraq
President George Bush was warned in July that Iraq could descend into all-out civil war, according to a classified estimate which summarised the views of a number of US intelligence agencies.
Even the best-case scenario for Iraq is a political, economic and security situation described as tenuous.
The National Intelligence Estimate predicts three possible scenarios: tenuous stability, political fragmentation, or civil war.
The 50-page document, prepared in July before the latest upsurge in violence brought a sharp increase in Iraqi civilians killed and attacks on American troops, has yet to be officially released
Bush warned of civil war risk in Iraq | World news | The Guardian
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan.
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan. - Philly.com
Now let's all blame Obama anyway!
"W invaded Iraq knowing that civil war could break out. Obama could have done a better job on the follow up.
Conclusion: It wasn't just Bush. It wasn't just Obama. But put them together, well that's a totally different story.

Close to it in 2007-2008 also, nation building must have a foundation, all the patching in the world cannot create one.
President was told in July of civil war risk in Iraq
President George Bush was warned in July that Iraq could descend into all-out civil war, according to a classified estimate which summarised the views of a number of US intelligence agencies.
Even the best-case scenario for Iraq is a political, economic and security situation described as tenuous.
The National Intelligence Estimate predicts three possible scenarios: tenuous stability, political fragmentation, or civil war.
The 50-page document, prepared in July before the latest upsurge in violence brought a sharp increase in Iraqi civilians killed and attacks on American troops, has yet to be officially released
Bush warned of civil war risk in Iraq | World news | The Guardian
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan.
CIA: Iraq at risk of civil war The warning, at odds with Bush's upbeat view, was delivered this week to Washington. His aides are pushing to save a transition plan. - Philly.com
Now let's all blame Obama anyway!
"W invaded Iraq knowing that civil war could break out. Obama could have done a better job on the follow up.
Conclusion: It wasn't just Bush. It wasn't just Obama. But put them together, well that's a totally different story.

Close to it in 2007-2008 also, nation building must have a foundation, all the patching in the world cannot create one.

Any illusion that Iraq was a rock solid stable country run by nice guys prior to being invaded is just that. It was a piece of shit held together by terror, killing and torture.

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Remember how they hated Colon Powel because he help with the LIE. they claim was sold to make the Democrats vote for the war?

now, love love love him

In fairness, I don't remember Democrats being as hard on Powell as they could have been. He seems pretty well liked on both sides of the aisle.

back then in this forum he was kicked in the balls repeatedly....even when he resigned many of the Lakota type lefties still called the man choice Metaphors....
In fairness, I don't remember Democrats being as hard on Powell as they could have been. He seems pretty well liked on both sides of the aisle.

True. I actually felt sorry for him.

was that before or after you laughed at the guy?....

I have always had great respect for Colin Powell. The reluctant warrior who did as he was ordered. Like many of us, he was also deceived. It must have been terrible for a great man like him trying to make sense of it all. Bush rewarded his loyal and patriotic service by firing him from Secretary of State.

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