College student barred from class for saying there are two genders

You can not make this shit up.

(pardon my french)

You simply can not make it up.:dunno:
This is how we got the global warming hoax...facts don't matter...feelings suplant facts...

P.S. - if you can't convince them there are more than two sexes, just falsify the data and produce a hockey stick graph...but you'd need to protect your emails better this time...
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He should sue the school for violating his rights.


What "rights" of his were violated, exactly?
How about his right to attend a class he paid dearly for?


There's no "right to attend class".
He paid for the class and under federal law unless he violated some law or code of the school they can not deny him class time or the class simply for an opinion. Or in this case fucking scientific fact.
He should sue the school for violating his rights.


What "rights" of his were violated, exactly?
How about his right to attend a class he paid dearly for?


There's no "right to attend class".
He paid for the class and under federal law unless he violated some law or code of the school they can not deny him class time or the class simply for an opinion. Or in this case fucking scientific fact.

He was removed from class for being disruptive and disrespectful.

How much would you like to bet that's in the School "code"?
Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.

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