College student barred from class for saying there are two genders

Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.
Yes let us look at looney moves by schools, or even worse by School Boards.

BOARD FOR KANSAS DELETES EVOLUTION FROM CURRICULUM From a while back but the whackjobs have continued to pursue forcing their religion on school children. - 1999

Kansas evolves into national laughingstock on evolution, again - 2013
This from The Kansas City Star, their own newspaper.

"This is Kansas, after all, where anti-evolution forces several times have made the state a national laughingstock with their obsession of trying to stop real science from being taught in classrooms."

Fighting Over Darwin, State by State - 2009

Watchdog groups alarmed after Kentucky law clears the way for Bible study courses in public schools - 2017

You want to find REAL looney crazy batshit, look at what any red state puts into LAW regarding religion and evolution. Many times actually decreeing by law that children be taught bible verses in public school. And where they can eliminating the teaching of evolution in science classes.

Yes OP, let us look at the nutjob conservative looney across the board shall we.
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Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?
Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.
Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?
The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?


Did you go to college?
Not true he denies he was disruptive.

The teacher says he was. Guess who wins that argument?

liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.
You don't know what happened yet her you are siding with a Professor that is so stupid she thinks there are more then 2 genders.
liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?


Did you go to college?
I did but before the Liberals were so brazen the made shit up and attacked students. Had one that wouldn't let me argue in a term paper that the 2nd amendment was an individual right.
liberal professors like this woman are very thin skinned. they are the ones who came up with this concept of safe spaces... etc. Sure, any opposing opinion to her especially by a male would be disruptive... in her mind it was probably even violent. maybe her medications were out of balance that day.

A good professor would have welcomed a challenge in front of the class, especially seeing how no one else was even speaking up or participating. WTF then was there to even disrupt??? I call BS on her.


That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?


Did you go to college?

Well, I went to city college in Oakland but that was before safe spaces existed... But look, a professor has to know that teaching something like that is going to be highly controversial and should expect opposing view points and at her pay grade as Professor she should be willing to talk both sides of an issue. If she was worth a damn. According to the article she was trying to involve the class in discussion but no one was speaking up, except for this one kid. So what was he disrupting? her ego?

That's a wonderful narrative that you've created out of thin air. I'm sure it comforts you to believe it.

Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?


Did you go to college?

Well, I went to city college in Oakland but that was before safe spaces existed... But look, a professor has to know that teaching something like that is going to be highly controversial and should expect opposing view points and at her pay grade as Professor she should be willing to talk both sides of an issue. If she was worth a damn. According to the article she was trying to involve the class in discussion but no one was speaking up, except for this one kid. So what was he disrupting? her ego?


Laney or Merritt? Or was it back when Laney was "Oakland City College"? I don't know how old you are.

Think back to one of your classes. If you disagreed with your professor, and made a disruptive spectacle of yourself doing so, what would have happened?

Do you think your professor would have politely engaged you in discussion, or thrown you out of class?
As much as we laugh and are entertained by it, this is startling stuff.

What will it take for the West to put an end to all of this? I know the election of Trump is positive in respect to the fact that he is against PC and obviously his language supports this belief. However, is it going to take a serious military confrontation or mass economic problems for people to stop being absurd with these games on language?
Not at all! it gives me no comfort... hahaha its just the way I see it. OK?

No, it's not the way you "see" it. It's the way you want to see it.

Of course it gives you comfort. That's why you made all that up - you had to create a story that made you feel good. You wanted to believe this kid's story, so you did - and you filled in all the blanks with a narrative that justified your preconceptions.

Hey well a so called professor gives a speech on ...“reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,”

And any guy i the class is supposed to sit there like a dummy and swallow any ounce of self respect he has... if one of them speaks up to counter such ridiculousness he is called disruptive...
And yes... my narrative was purposely over dramatic.... just having a bit of fun ..:badgrin: as we all do from time to time. Even so figure it out, based on the lecture... I'm sure the kid felt he was being goaded by an anti male lecture... so where was his safe space to insulate him from this professor?


Did you go to college?

Well, I went to city college in Oakland but that was before safe spaces existed... But look, a professor has to know that teaching something like that is going to be highly controversial and should expect opposing view points and at her pay grade as Professor she should be willing to talk both sides of an issue. If she was worth a damn. According to the article she was trying to involve the class in discussion but no one was speaking up, except for this one kid. So what was he disrupting? her ego?


Laney or Merritt? Or was it back when Laney was "Oakland City College"? I don't know how old you are.

Think back to one of your classes. If you disagreed with your professor, and made a disruptive spectacle of yourself doing so, what would have happened?

Do you think your professor would have politely engaged you in discussion, or thrown you out of class?

Laney. Sure, professors rule the class, but you know... this topic is controversial. Now the kid claims the teacher was trying to unfairly silence him and embarrass him, while the Professor is claiming he was completely disruptive. It will all come out in the wash if there were witnesses and likely it was being recorded on someones phone as this is pretty common during lectures.
To me, it was telling that this Professor was only asking the opinion of women in the class. She shouldn't be biased in that way but it does start to paint a picture of her.

I know enough people who have gone to SF State and other colleges around here in the bay area to figure out the divisiveness they are teaching in our schools. I had one Chinese friend where I worked who came back angry and bitter after taking some social justice classes... angry at the boss, American society, and it got to the point to where it affected job performance and attitude for about a year. years later though after having his own business and employees... he's more of a conservative and nothing like he was after had time to detox from those college courses.

I'm sorry, but I feel that some of these things are being taught to our kids without proper context, and its more to make these Professors "feel good" than to actually give kids a real advantage in life.
As much as we laugh and are entertained by it, this is startling stuff.

What will it take for the West to put an end to all of this? I know the election of Trump is positive in respect to the fact that he is against PC and obviously his language supports this belief. However, is it going to take a serious military confrontation or mass economic problems for people to stop being absurd with these games on language?

Still hoping for that civil war, aren't you?
College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders

Imagine, a student was barred from class for saying there are only two genders.

Only in liberal loony land.

Dear Votto and theDoctorisIn
The teacher cited "disruptive" talking without permission
that is against the RULES of the CLASSROOM.

So you can argue the same with beliefs about gender identity or orientation:
it's not the CONTENT that is being objected to per se
but the fact these are FAITH BASED BELIEFS
and that VIOLATES the rules about Govt/public institutions
not establishing (nor prohibiting) free exercise of religion.

If you are going to get this guy on a technicality,
heck, let's argue that BELIEFS about LGBT
are also faith based and don't belong in govt jurisdiction either!!!

Free choice, free speech for the people. Regardless of content.
Just follow the rules, where everyone is treated equally
and nobody falls under discrimination by creed, for or against.
College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders

Imagine, a student was barred from class for saying there are only two genders.

Only in liberal loony land.

Dear Votto and theDoctorisIn
The teacher cited "disruptive" talking without permission
that is against the RULES of the CLASSROOM.

So you can argue the same with beliefs about gender identity or orientation:
it's not the CONTENT that is being objected to per se
but the fact these are FAITH BASED BELIEFS
and that VIOLATES the rules about Govt/public institutions
not establishing (nor prohibiting) free exercise of religion.

If you are going to get this guy on a technicality,
heck, let's argue that BELIEFS about LGBT
are also faith based and don't belong in govt jurisdiction either!!!

Free choice, free speech for the people. Regardless of content.
Just follow the rules, where everyone is treated equally
and nobody falls under discrimination by creed, for or against.

Facts about the LGBT community are not a religious belief. The right likes to claim everything that they disagree with is somehow faith based. It is not.

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