Colleges Have a Guy Problem

Most people who were in colleges in 1990s or earlier do not understand how hostile are colleges to male students in 2021.

Male students are viewed as oppressors.

Many females are openly hostile to male students -- openly male bashing and even saying things like "kill all men".
My son is in college now. He has no problem telling people exactly what he thinks.
Are you actually so fucking retarded that you can't grasp that "feminazi" is not a synonym for "women"?

Or are you just being a complete asshole and purposefully being dishonest about what his point was, and thus lying your ass off about his point, because you are an assho
The term "feminazi" is just an idiotic derogatory name for a woman who doesn't agree with the person who uses it. I think that it was invented by that jerk limbaugh. Women, whatever their personal opinions and politics, don't have any say in whether any guy goes through the procedures to get into college or not. Are you thinking that guys need some sort of affirmative-action program?
This is like playing Russian roulette.

If you are accused you are presumed guilty.
I'm just funnin'.

Seriously though, I was hanging out with one of my buddies who graduated from college a few years ago. The stories he would tell of personal experience, and of his friends... made me consider the thought of going to college for a few seconds. :D

Luckily I'm smart enough to know college is for the birds. Trade schools are my thing.
My son is in college now. He has no problem telling people exactly what he thinks.
I guess different colleges have different rules. In late 1990s I never got in trouble at university for my Politically Incorrect opinions. Those who made inappropriate jokes did get in trouble.
The term "feminazi" is just an idiotic derogatory name for a woman who doesn't agree with the person who uses it.
A woman who believes that all men are oppressors, uses terms like #killallmen, and makes very hateful generalizations about men is an extreme bigot.

Many modern Progressives are using Nazi-style propaganda dehumanizing men

Sadly in 2021, such attitudes are very common, particularly among Liberals.
I guess different colleges have different rules. In late 1990s I never got in trouble at university for my Politically Incorrect opinions. Those who made inappropriate jokes did get in trouble.
My son currently has "politically incorrect" opinions. He is not expendable because he is male is one of several. He has argued in class. Not all colleges are the same.

When my son started kindergarten the teacher put a bunch of jobs on the board. Taxi driver, bus driver, police officer, fireman etc. They didn't even have doctor on the board. I told him to tell his teacher that he wanted to be a Supreme Court Judge. There is nothing wrong with the other careers. It's about expectations. They were shocked but they made a strip of paper that said I am going to be a Supreme Court Judge. I taped it on the door eyelevel so he saw it every time he walked out to go to school.

When he was in high-school the counselor wanted to push him into A & P. Expectations. I love my son but not once has he ever shown an interest in that stuff. I don't think he knows the difference in screw drivers. He definitely doesn't know the proper names because I don't. So, at the college he restarted their mock trial club, participates in their international relations competitions and has picked up 19 hours this semester and is working towards 3 degrees and acting in their theater. Expectations from a strip of paper.
My son currently has "politically incorrect" opinions. He is not expendable because he is male is one of several. He has argued in class. Not all colleges are the same.
In late 1990s I mentioned in several classes/gatherings that male victims of Domestic Violence face severe discrimination. I was not disciplined in any way. I never encountered hostility for being male -- late 1990s.

I do not claim to be an expert on colleges in 2021. I read about some colleges in which males are constantly vilified. Even in class they mention that the World would be better if it had less men. Hopefully most colleges are not like this.

On the other hand the fact that the Laws and practices that treat male victims of Domestic Violence as abusers does endanger women. Many male victims of Domestic Violence are truly trapped in abusive relationships.
yes, when males make less/etc, they get frustrated more ...commit domestic violence and kill
A woman who believes that all men are oppressors, uses terms like #killallmen, and makes very hateful generalizations about men is an extreme bigot.

Many modern Progressives are using Nazi-style propaganda dehumanizing men

Sadly in 2021, such attitudes are very common, particularly among Liberals.

I don't think that this very widespread. There is a vast difference between decent men and the men who insist on playing identity politics and denigrate women at every opportunity, sometimes egged on by members of highly misogynistic religions and clubs. Women have suffered a lot more discrimination based on their sex than men have, and have the right to fight against it, protect themselves, and be treated with respect. Heck, women have to fight to retain control over their own bodies every day, not only as it relates to choosing whether to continue a pregnancy or not, but also as it relates to not being touched inappropriately by any guy who feels like doing it. Women's bodies are not public property, but I remember when I was in college in the 70s hearing women being referred to as "poontang."
1) I don't think that this very widespread.
2) There is a vast difference between decent men and the men who insist on playing identity politics and denigrate women at every opportunity, sometimes egged on by members of highly misogynistic religions and clubs.
1) Extreme misandry may have been rare in 1970s or 1990s, but based on what I read, it is very common in 2021.

2) I have advocated for male victims of abuse and discrimination since 1996 -- this is one of my main interests. Those who advocate for men are persecuted themselves.

3) Men do suffer extremely severe discrimination. In particular, male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by MSM, Universities, and workplaces.
This forum has many identity issues advocates: for Racial Minorities, for the White Majority, etc.

I hope as an advocate for male gender issues I can fit in this forum.

Male gender is the only birth group against which hate is globally accepted in 2021.
This forum has many identity issues advocates: for Racial Minorities, for the White Majority, etc.

I hope as an advocate for male gender issues I can fit in this forum.

Male gender is the only birth group against which hate is globally accepted in 2021.
This forum has many identity issues advocates: for Racial Minorities, for the White Majority, etc.

I hope as an advocate for male gender issues I can fit in this forum.

Male gender is the only birth group against which hate is globally accepted in 2021.
We are not really at odds, you and I. I have personally witnessed domestic abuse of a man by a woman, abuse of a woman by a man, and heard abuse of a woman by a man through the common wall between our townhouses, with the man knocking at my door to say that he does not abuse his wife after I pounded on the wall and asked if anyone needed help. I do stand by my statement that some men (not all!) are guilty of playing identity politics. Many religions incorporate male- identity politics in their beliefs.

It's not a matter of taking sides, one sex or the other. It's a matter of helping all of us eliminate abuse of anyone based on sex or any other factor. Yes, there are issues between men and women, but they can be resolved with open communication, cooperation, acknowledgment that we beings are all equal in this world and any other, and love between ourselves and extending to all humankind.

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