Colleges Have a Guy Problem

We are not really at odds, you and I. I have personally witnessed domestic abuse of a man by a woman, abuse of a woman by a man, and heard abuse of a woman by a man through the common wall between our townhouses, with the man knocking at my door to say that he does not abuse his wife after I pounded on the wall and asked if anyone needed help. I do stand by my statement that some men (not all!) are guilty of playing identity politics. Many religions incorporate male- identity politics in their beliefs.

It's not a matter of taking sides, one sex or the other. It's a matter of helping all of us eliminate abuse of anyone based on sex or any other factor. Yes, there are issues between men and women, but they can be resolved with open communication, cooperation, acknowledgment that we beings are all equal in this world and any other, and love between ourselves and extending to all humankind.
Thank you.

Second Wave and Third Wave Feminism were mostly for Equal Rights. Most feminists of the older generation rejected male-bashing. Male bashing trend of 1990s and 2000s was independent of Feminism.

Most Generation Z Liberals on Social Media view all men as oppressors. Many of them use hashtags like #menaretrash and sometimes #killallmen. Most young Liberals are offended by the idea that #notallmen are guilty. Most young Liberals consider it "sexist" for men to be offended by any negative generalization about men.
Thank you.

Second Wave and Third Wave Feminism were mostly for Equal Rights. Most feminists of the older generation rejected male-bashing. Male bashing trend of 1990s and 2000s was independent of Feminism.

Most Generation Z Liberals on Social Media view all men as oppressors. Many of them use hashtags like #menaretrash and sometimes #killallmen. Most young Liberals are offended by the idea that #notallmen are guilty. Most young Liberals consider it "sexist" for men to be offended by any negative generalization about men.
You are concentrating too much on the feminist movement instead of uniting with all of us to fight discrimination and hatred. Unfortunately, our society has been dominated by male-identity politics, guys who say that they should be allowed to get away with misdeeds against women, gays, etc. because "I'm a man" and male-dominated religions telling women what we must be and do, and what we must believe. You must fight these attacks on women. If a person is being attacked merely for being a male person, rather than for playing the male-identity card, I will defend him. I have loved many males in my life, starting with my honored late father, and I give sincere thanks to those who have supported me, including my white, male, heterosexual, ex-Marine-officer cousin. when I had to make decisions for my family in a crisis.
Will someone please give some examples of this supposedly widespread hostility toward males, and white males in particular?
You are concentrating too much on the feminist movement instead of uniting with all of us to fight discrimination and hatred. Unfortunately, our society has been dominated by male-identity politics, guys who say that they should be allowed to get away with misdeeds against women, gays, etc. because "I'm a man" and male-dominated religions telling women what we must be and do, and what we must believe. You must fight these attacks on women.
1) I guess we would never agree on Gender Issues -- I am an advocate for men since 1996. In any case, discussions on USMB have very little strategic significance. People who have thousands of followers on Social Media have real influence.

2) Many prominent feminists demand that men to confront other men over alleged sexism. This is the most powerful reinforcement of traditional role for men -- that of self-sacrifice. Modern men must primarily concentrate on interest of their gender.
This forum has many identity issues advocates: for Racial Minorities, for the White Majority, etc.

I hope as an advocate for male gender issues I can fit in this forum.

Male gender is the only birth group against which hate is globally accepted in 2021.
Replace This Unmotivating Indentured Servitude With Highly Paid Professional Training.

College is work without pay; there's nothing manly about that. It is for teenage males who are afraid to grow up. It's always been that way, even without the Femininny persecution, which is the present outcome of the fact that only emasculated weaklings go to college and are easy to pick on.

College graduates have no right to the jobs they are given, because they didn't have to compete with anyone with self-respect. These no-talent brown-noses are the main cause of our economic decline, yet they never get blamed for it. The rulers want more and more graduates, foolishly caring about quantity rather than quality.
Never Mind and You Will Never Matter

The fact that you are always wrong gives us hope that USMB @s do matter. The reason you push that downer is you're afraid of what will happen to your imaginary utopia if we do have influence.
Only people who have over 1000 followers matter.

USMB has great advantage -- all large Social Media forums like Twitter have thousands of professional stalkers.
African American men are more likely to be unjustly expelled. Here.
Colleges are bending over backwards for Black students, male and female. My wife is a professor and my best friend's wife is a professor. They both say the same thing. University policies now favor Black students in all facets of college life. DEI is a top priority at large colleges. Emails are constantly flying around about inclusion, micro-aggressions, sensitivity training, increasing diversity etc etc.
Colleges are bending over backwards for Black students, male and female. My wife is a professor and my best friend's wife is a professor. They both say the same thing. University policies now favor Black students in all facets of college life. DEI is a top priority at large colleges. Emails are constantly flying around about inclusion, micro-aggressions, sensitivity training, increasing diversity etc etc.
Once again we will never agree on these issues.

This board has many identity advocates -- many for the white majority, a few for Black minority. I am not that knowledgeable about race issues.

There are several advocates for female gender and I am an advocate for male gender.

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