Collins believed Ford , just it wasn't Kavanaugh


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
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Yet she countered all your lies. Not surprised you didn’t listen.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
I honestly don't believe RW's have the brain power to process complex thought and grasp the big picture.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
Yeee haaaaww! Yeah, because all the bad things you said was gonna happen when Trump became president, that didn't. I'm so happy, liberalism is slowly fading away! Trump is the man!
Best analysis I've read of the entire fiasco...

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Story Has "Collapsed"; She Gave "One Too Many Narratives"

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Coming into where we are today, she wasn't able to locate the supposed assault or the time or the date and she had the early 80s, the mid-80s, the late 80s, she was a young teenager, a little bit older. But I think there was a lot of doubt. Then we've had the collapse of the 5th accuser, 6th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd -- [Julie] Swetnick, [Deborah] Ramirez - that didn't help. And now we have the boyfriend coming forward and her own testimonies where she admitted that she flies regularly, that's corroborated by the boyfriend.

The two-door thing. People in Palo Alto have two doors for one purpose, not because they are claustrophobic because they want to get extra income and renter come in and that seems to be true for her.

I think the tragedy though, Laura, I don't think she'd ever think she'd have to come forward at all. She would write this anonymous writ and then that would sort of float out and cast doubt and that might just panic the Republicans and Kavanaugh would withdraw.

It's sad because she gave one too many narratives. She gave a narrative to the therapist. She gave a narrative to Dianne Feinstein. She gave a narrative to 'The Washington Post.' She gave a narrative through her testimony. She butted up against a pretty seasoned prosecutor. And those narratives cannot be reconciled, they are mutually exclusive. They contradict each other. Whether it's on the lie detector or the circumstances about flying or particular names that are supposed to corroborate. Here we are, it's collapsed.

Hanson responded to those who say Ford is incredibly believable:

HANSON: You can be sincere, maybe, empathetic, but it has nothing to do with reason and logic and credibility. She wasn't credible and I think the fact that she was empathetic and sincere only gets you so far. In a weird way, Cory Booker was right when he said this doesn't matter anymore because we're into the realm not of legality anymore. It's not about Kavanaugh. It's not about Trump. It's about raw sheer politics in the arena.

And the Democrats are saying, you know what, we lost the Senate, we've lost the House, we've lost the presidency, we're going to lose the Supreme Court. We have no other trajectory to get this progressive agenda so we're going to bet the farm so to speak that we're going to use revolutionary tactics. And now this election is a referendum on whether you believe you can swarm a Senator or you can get in the face of a Senator in the elevator or bother somebody in a restaurant...

Are you for due process or are you for revolutionary fervor? Are you for reason or are you for emotion? Are you for this street antics that Antifa brought into the Senate or are you for custom and practice of the U.S. Congress?

There is one other element. I think that they are really angry because it's kind of a self-inflicted wound. Barack Obama set that precedent: 'I won, elections matter.' Okay, that's what a president does when he wins. He picks people. Joe Biden, 30 years ago, never in his right mind thought that the Senate Judiciary Committee would be controlled by Republicans that there would be a lame duck Democrat when he made the Biden rule. Finally, Harry Reid never thought they would take the Senate, that the Republicans would, it's all come back.

Victor Davis Hanson: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Story Has "Collapsed"; She Gave "One Too Many Narratives"
I honestly don't believe RW's have the brain power to process complex thought and grasp the big picture.
Big picture being lib scum win at all cost and cast America down the toilet.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
Ford is a liar. She is a left wing activist, big supporter of abortion, and huge ties to the CIA. So of course she is lying.

Kav sucks though. He is a Bushy and likely lying about his wild years.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.

Ya lost another one....snicker
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
Penelope, the United States has laws. One of them is perjury. When you go all out nationally and lie about somebody's character based on an imaginary event that not only didn't take place, the names of two people she counted on to back her up both said they never went to the gathering she described. She not only couldn't give a date, and address, she alleged a crime so devastating it should have been immediately reported first to a hospital to take semen samples from her apparel or vagina, and a report was owed to the police so they could prevent whoever was the perpetrator from repeating the assault. This woman's ex couldn't stand her because she did bad stuff to get what she and her crowd wanted--to cover up breaking the law by using psychological techniques to pass a lie detector test if queried along those lines. The Democrats are bent on damaging all Republicans and fiscal conservatives because we come from a different viewpoint than they. We think people should pay for wrongdoing. We think people who are blabbermouths have no business anywhere near personal information in which discretion is necessary, and not blabber-mouthing it all over the world. The Democrats think they have to take any lie and support it if it means women can go on and kill Americans who haven't been born yet residing in their womb. That includes eliminating a Judge who is supported by about 75% of all Americans who think abortions are not the answer to the nation's women's problems. Roe v. Wade resulted in the destruction of about 40 million Americans who were never born due to their forced demise, with their mother's insistence. A majority of Americans do not like to look at that statistic of how many millions of little Americans were taken out by Roe v. Wade.

Taking a life, however insignificant it seems to power women, is not something to be proud of, unless they want to tan its little hide and make a "me too" coin bag out of it. which is a step up from throwing it into a trash bin and sent to the local dump or flushing it.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.

Thanks for revealing the REAL reason behind the liberal attacks on Kavanaugh.

Seriously, I expect some changes to how late you can get an abortion, but an outright ban is not realistic.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
Do you never question the people you get your info from?
Do you like to make dumb statements?
All this shit you say, NEVER happens.....the right is not a violent, dictatorial group of people like the left.'
We haven't killed all the blacks, jews, gays and any other group you said.
And to say end civil rights, is a fucking joke from you people.
you guys don't like due process, the kavanaugh hearing shows that, but also when DeVoss brought in due process into college courts and hearings, you guys complained.....what do you have against civil rights?
Why don't you want people to be able to defend themselves?

And not just democrats, but ALL people should have civil rights.
I will never believe that. She will watch him end the Mueller investigation, saying the Potus is above and outside the law, cut Medicaid, end food stamps, decrease Hud, and help to repeal Roe V Wade , probably stop SSM , vote for corps over individuals, and will help end civil rights.

This is what Collins will have to look in the mirror and remember.

This is making the Conservatives very happy. Just remember when they end abortions , you will be paying for lots of preemies, I hope you can afford it. All those months of vents, you know why, because women and men before they get pg , will not have healthcare.

This is what you have to look forward to, also pollution now that we have a far right wing SC, and with 2 ? female assaulters on it, God only knows what will happen. No birth control pills in the health ins. You have set the US back 50 years.
Yeee haaaaww! Yeah, because all the bad things you said was gonna happen when Trump became president, that didn't. I'm so happy, liberalism is slowly fading away! Trump is the man!


One of your grandkids is born with cerebral palsy and YOU and the family get to pay $200,000.00 a year for care for the next 30 years ..

HAPPY DAYS !!!!!! :5_1_12024:
Ole well, i wouldn't want it aborted anyway. If that's where you're going.

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