"Collusion" (Trump Aide Makes Repeated Russian Contacts, Explicitly Endorsed!)

All attempts that never happened, subsequent contacts, were explicitly endorsed, best wishes for more expressed and intended. All contacts that had already happened--dozens and dozens, (maybe hundreds and hundreds), were embraced--and not condemned or repudiated. Further basis only, was not pursued.

Collusion intended had happened already.

Search continues.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mommies and Daddies foaling, even: Likely colluded, and with best wishes(?). . . .Hollywood maybe excepted(?)!)

The guy was volunteer, how about you show where the campaign reimbursed any of his expenses for these trips.


As was Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr, Ivanka, Sessions...etal. Whether or not they were on the payroll is irrelevant.
Papadapolous never met with Trump, never arranged a meeting with Trump, was never a senior advisor. He wanted to write a tell all book and was looking for something to tell.
Papadapolous never met with Trump

As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.
As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.
He was an unpaid volunteer, a 'nobody' who was indicted for lying to the FBI ... nothingburger.

Funny. Manafort was "unpaid". Trump is "unpaid". I also believe Jared and Ivanka are "unpaid".
Manafort was paid, moron.
Is there anything you won't lie about? Sheesh.

Trump dismisses Papadopoulos as 'low-level volunteer' - CNNPolitics

"The fact that Papadopoulos was unpaid puts him in line with many on Trump's campaign and in no way gauges his stature in the operation.

According to previous reporting, Manafort, Gates, Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and senior strategist Steve Bannon were all unpaid "volunteers" while doing extensive, high-level work for the campaign."
As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.

Collusion it's self may not be a crime but colluding with the Russians to influence our election can certainly be conspiracy against the US.
He was an unpaid volunteer, a 'nobody' who was indicted for lying to the FBI ... nothingburger.

Funny. Manafort was "unpaid". Trump is "unpaid". I also believe Jared and Ivanka are "unpaid".
Manafort was paid, moron.
lol Oh yeah he was paid .by Ukrain Russia etc etc etc
He was paid by the Trump campaign.

Once again you make accusation without a shred of proof to support them. On the other hand, the Russians did pay Hillary and Bill. The evidence of that is abundant and irrefutable.

Post it up or shut up.
SSDD - Another Day, Another Day Snowflakes, Libs, and Mueller Have NO EVIDENCE Against President Trump.

Mueller has Manafort by his short hairs Just a matter of time before he spills the beans on Trump OR maybe Trump pardons him too??
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?

Mueller has Manafort by his short hairs Just a matter of time before he spills the beans on Trump OR maybe Trump pardons him too??
You assume there are 'beans' to 'spill'.

A President has the authority to pardon anyone he so chooses. Doing so does not mean he is guilty of anything. If it did, Bill Clinton pardoning terrorists to help Hillary win her Senate race would mean Bill was somehow a terrorist / terrorist supporter.
Mueller has Manafort by his short hairs Just a matter of time before he spills the beans on Trump OR maybe Trump pardons him too??
You assume there are 'beans' to 'spill'.

A President has the authority to pardon anyone he so chooses. Doing so does not mean he is guilty of anything. If it did, Bill Clinton pardoning terrorists to help Hillary win her Senate race would mean Bill was somehow a terrorist / terrorist supporter.
yes he does but doesn't one have to be judged guilty before a pardon ,and won't that make trump look even worse if possible than the crook already does ?
Mueller has Manafort by his short hairs Just a matter of time before he spills the beans on Trump OR maybe Trump pardons him too??
You assume there are 'beans' to 'spill'.

A President has the authority to pardon anyone he so chooses. Doing so does not mean he is guilty of anything. If it did, Bill Clinton pardoning terrorists to help Hillary win her Senate race would mean Bill was somehow a terrorist / terrorist supporter.
yes he does but doesn't one have to be judged guilty before a pardon ,and won't that make trump look even worse if possible than the crook already does ?
The President is not going to pardon Manafort before the judicial process runs its course.

I would agree, though, that since it appears that Manafort may very well be guilty of TAX EVASION dating back to 2006, it would be ill-advised to pardon him before the judicial process runs it's course.
A volunteer is an employee, even in the Federal Labor Fair Standards rules. So the directed employee--clearly with approvals from the Entire Campaign, (top to bottom, for example--including at Trump-directed meetings), lied about Russian meetings. Now he has been reporting ever since.

Talk about canaries and tweets!

This sucker sings!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Jesus loves this, all must know, Like the Deuteronomy show. No more interest allowed in the land, except to screw the goyim brands (Deut. 23:19-20)! Wait until the Alt Right finds out about what Jesus believed in!)

You have to be kidding. Volunteers are obviously not the same as regular employees. The claim that he had approvals from the entire campaign wouldn't be true even if he was an employee.
Do volunteers sit in on national security meetings?
Check my above post..
When you stump for Trump you’ll always get caught in a lie.

What "National Security Meeting" did the volunteer sit in on?


Why was this guy wearing a wire?
Why was he shopping a book deal 3 weeks ago?

I smell a Mueller 'rat' / 'plant'. It would not be the 1st time Mueller used 'dirty' tactics.

Mueller reportedly once indicted / charged the wife of a suspect to pressure him to give up 'evidence'.

Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull

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