"Collusion" (Trump Aide Makes Repeated Russian Contacts, Explicitly Endorsed!)

As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.

Collusion it's self may not be a crime but colluding with the Russians to influence our election can certainly be conspiracy against the US.

Of which he has only been charged, he pled not guilty.
Mueller has Manafort by his short hairs Just a matter of time before he spills the beans on Trump OR maybe Trump pardons him too??
You assume there are 'beans' to 'spill'.

A President has the authority to pardon anyone he so chooses. Doing so does not mean he is guilty of anything. If it did, Bill Clinton pardoning terrorists to help Hillary win her Senate race would mean Bill was somehow a terrorist / terrorist supporter.
yes he does but doesn't one have to be judged guilty before a pardon ,and won't that make trump look even worse if possible than the crook already does ?
The President is not going to pardon Manafort before the judicial process runs its course.

I would agree, though, that since it appears that Manafort may very well be guilty of TAX EVASION dating back to 2006, it would be ill-advised to pardon him before the judicial process runs it's course.
and you believe that's all they have on him???? You need to read up a little more easy and not look at these foul republicans with one eye closed
Papadopolus has talked and spoke loudly Your pubs goose is almost cooked He was told who to speak to and conversations were listened to When Mueller knocks on your door you better answer

When Mueller knocks on my door ... I am going to tell the silly goose his butt is lost ... :thup:

Nah seriously ... The case he is bringing against Manafort is what he can do.
I mean hardly anyone ever gets charged with "failure to register as a foreign agent" ... And the 'money laundering" charge isn't the same as what people usually think.
If he can make the Failure charge stick ... Then anything Manafort might have done with money would be considered laundering even if it wouldn't be illegal otherwise.

The tax evasion ... Manafort screwed the pooch on that one if guilty ... You owe, you got to pay.
The statute of limitations is 5 years federal (criminal) and 6 years revenue (taxes) ... But the prosecutors can ignore the statutes of limitations if they suspect it deals directly with current events (yet to be proven).

Manafort's worst mistake was getting anywhere near President Trump ... If he hadn't, he would not be under indictment.

That's true, but anyone who runs as a Republican is making himself a target. Snowflakes will stop at nothing to destroy Republicans. They are all thugs. They all belong in prison.
come on bri you know both play that game I just think republicans are the experts at it
Republicans aren't able to do it because they don't have the fake media blasting their lies and propaganda 24 hours a day.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.
He was an unpaid volunteer, a 'nobody' who was indicted for lying to the FBI ... nothingburger.

Funny. Manafort was "unpaid". Trump is "unpaid". I also believe Jared and Ivanka are "unpaid".
Manafort was paid, moron.
Is there anything you won't lie about? Sheesh.

Trump dismisses Papadopoulos as 'low-level volunteer' - CNNPolitics

"The fact that Papadopoulos was unpaid puts him in line with many on Trump's campaign and in no way gauges his stature in the operation.

According to previous reporting, Manafort, Gates, Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and senior strategist Steve Bannon were all unpaid "volunteers" while doing extensive, high-level work for the campaign."

Who reported it, the fake news? Manafort's position is normally a paid position.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

In other words, it's a bullshit charge the government uses for piling on.
As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.

Collusion it's self may not be a crime but colluding with the Russians to influence our election can certainly be conspiracy against the US.
You mean like when the Hillary campaign paid Russian operatives to produce dirt on Trump?
He was an unpaid volunteer, a 'nobody' who was indicted for lying to the FBI ... nothingburger.

Funny. Manafort was "unpaid". Trump is "unpaid". I also believe Jared and Ivanka are "unpaid".
Manafort was paid, moron.
Is there anything you won't lie about? Sheesh.

Trump dismisses Papadopoulos as 'low-level volunteer' - CNNPolitics

"The fact that Papadopoulos was unpaid puts him in line with many on Trump's campaign and in no way gauges his stature in the operation.

According to previous reporting, Manafort, Gates, Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and senior strategist Steve Bannon were all unpaid "volunteers" while doing extensive, high-level work for the campaign."

Who reported it, the fake news? Manafort's position is normally a paid position.

Post it up or shut up.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

In other words, it's a bullshit charge the government uses for piling on.

In other words, it makes collusion a criminal offense.
The fact that Russia undertook this operation is not in question. The only questions left is who, when and to what degree were Trump folks involved. Mueller has that well under way.
As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.

Collusion it's self may not be a crime but colluding with the Russians to influence our election can certainly be conspiracy against the US.
You mean like when the Hillary campaign paid Russian operatives to produce dirt on Trump?

More like "If it's what I think, I love it".
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?

Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

In other words, it's a bullshit charge the government uses for piling on.

In other words, it makes collusion a criminal offense.
The fact that Russia undertook this operation is not in question. The only questions left is who, when and to what degree were Trump folks involved. Mueller has that well under way.

It makes collusion to commit a crime a criminal offense. Of course, the crime is already criminal, so why do we need the collusion charge? There's no crime of "collusion" independent of some other crime. If I collude to arrange a surprise party for my wife I haven't committed a crime, bonehead.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?


These snowflakes just don't seem to get that all their accusations apply to Hillary far more appropriately than they apply to Trump.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?


Those aren't even real allegations. They only exist in the fever swamp.
As the jewish legal scholar Alan Dershowtiz pointed out, "I don’t think they’re going to get him [The Donald]. I don’t think they have anything. Because collusion, even if were to be established, isn’t a crime. You have to find something that actually violates the federal criminal statutes. I don’t think they’re even close to that.”

Conspiracy against the US is a crime.

Which he has only been charged. He pled not guilty.

Collusion it's self may not be a crime but colluding with the Russians to influence our election can certainly be conspiracy against the US.
You mean like when the Hillary campaign paid Russian operatives to produce dirt on Trump?

More like "If it's what I think, I love it".
Once again, the point went right over your head.

You are fucking stupid, but not so stupid that you don't understand that Hillary is guilty of exactly what you accuse Trump of
Do you think Maxine Waters appearing at rallies and speeches, repeatedly declaring the President needs to be Impeached, declaring she is going to 'get' the President, is 'SEDITION'?

Do you think the Liberal's violent rhetoric against Republicans and the President, which resulted in a liberal to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians, was / is 'SEDITION'?

By definition it is:

SEDITION: 'Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.'

Now let's watch all the snowflakes attack this post and declare that none of that is 'Sedition'.....lie, deny, and justify....

Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

Those aren't even real allegations. They only exist in the fever swamp.

So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?


"So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?"

You did not answer the question.... So you agree that those acts by Democrats were Conspiracies.....you just did not want to admit they were.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

In other words, it's a bullshit charge the government uses for piling on.

In other words, it makes collusion a criminal offense.
The fact that Russia undertook this operation is not in question. The only questions left is who, when and to what degree were Trump folks involved. Mueller has that well under way.

It makes collusion to commit a crime a criminal offense. Of course, the crime is already criminal, so why do we need the collusion charge? There's no crime of "collusion" independent of some other crime. If I collude to arrange a surprise party for my wife I haven't committed a crime, bonehead.

I never said collusion was a crime, dope. In fact I said it explicitly wasn't. The crime is conspiracy against the US when that collusion is done with the intention of interfering with our election.
Conspiracy against the US was count one in both indictments and IMO will be the for all of them.

Conspiracy': 'a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.'

Sorta like:

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election?

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through?

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution?


Sorta like:

The first allegation against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is "conspiracy against the United States".

But what does it mean?

The detail is spelled out in the US Code of Laws - Title 18, Chapter 19, Section 371.

What does the law say?
Firstly, you cannot be charged with conspiracy alone. The law is used against "two or more people" - in this case, Mr Manafort and Mr Gates.

Secondly, the law is broad. It can be used against a group who "commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose".

In a 1924 case, Hammerschmidt v. United States, Chief Justice William Taft (who was US President from from 1909 to 1913) defined "defraud".

"To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money," he said.

"But it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest."

The last paragraph says it all. Colluding with a foreign power to influence our election certainly fits that criteria very well.

What is the punishment?
A maximum of five years in prison. "If found guilty, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both," the law says.

The maximum fine is $250,000 (or $500,000 for organisations).

But - if found guilty of other offences - longer sentences can apply.

So you are declaring that...

Buying a fake report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm linked to / known to work for Russia in order to use it illegally against the opposition in a US election...

Like conspiring together to protect Russia from known criminal allegations, hiding the evidence, & taking bribes / money to ensure the purchase of US uranium from a foreign nation known to be 'hostile' to the US goes through...

A collaborated effort to protect a proven criminal who jeopardized national security from indictment and prosecution...

...are NOT Conspiracies?


Those aren't even real allegations. They only exist in the fever swamp.
You did not answer the question.... So you agree that those acts by Democrats were Conspiracies.....you just did not want to admit they were.

I didn't answer because I told you none of that was real.

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