Colorado baker told to bake that cake

Joe, you posted similar before. If she had that frame of mind, she wouldn’t work at a place that offers them for sale in the first place. 🤦‍♂️

Why should the first amendment apply ONLY to business owners?

It seems to me if the business owner has a right to refuse service, then the business employee should as well.

That depends on what rules this doctors employers set up. If its a private practice then he shouldnt be allowed to treat whomever he wants. Many doctors may not feel qualified to treat transgender patients, since most doctors dont go to psychiatry school.
Another dodge.

What if Dr. Mengele, M.D. decides he doesn't want to treat a Jewish Patient because he is an untermenschen? Should he be allowed to do so? Assumes he's the only doctor on hand and the patient won't live to get to the next doctor's office.
Should the baker be forced to make a cake celebrating an adulterous affair that another man had with the bakers wife?

He does, after all, bake cakes. And adultery is a lifestyle to many.

I am not aware of these adultery cakes you speak of. I couldn't imagine anyone foolish enough to eat something prepared by the guy whose wife you just banged.
He makes cakes. Cakes are a product he makes. He was offered a job making a type of cake he doesn’t offer. Never in the history of his bakery has he ever offered such cake.

He doesn’t offer it to straights
He doesn’t offer it to gays.

He cannot be accused of discriminatory practice for offering the product that is not included in his product line. Period.

If a gay couple walks into a Chevy dealership and tell the dealer they want to order a Brand New Mustang to celebrate their wedding vows, the Chevy dealer, who sells cars, cannot be accused of discriminatory practice as her does not offer the product the gay couple wants!

Except he agreed to bake the cake as specified until he was told what it was for.
I am not aware of these adultery cakes you speak of. I couldn't imagine anyone foolish enough to eat something prepared by the guy whose wife you just banged.

It’s your entire argument that the baker make special occasion cakes. He may, but not all.
Sometimes you have to wonder about the future of the human race. Kids are dying from imported fentynal, millions of illegal aliens are flooding the borders, the president is embroiled in half a dozen scandals, the greatest Country in the world is facing a food shortage and energy prices are steadily rising. Meanwhile a small but vocal minority of perverts claims a victory if they put a baker out of business.
Sometimes you have to wonder about the future of the human race. Kids are dying from imported fentynal, millions of illegal aliens are flooding the borders, the president is embroiled in half a dozen scandals, the greatest Country in the world is facing a food shortage and energy prices are steadily rising. Meanwhile a small but vocal minority of perverts claims a victory if they put a baker out of business.

Priorities are all fckd up
Wow, you didn't keep track of your own argument, did you?
Interracial Marriage was illegal in this country, based on religious beliefs. Until the courts said they weren't.
Yep. Once again, the Christian church doesn't pass laws. No different than communities with a majority Muslim population that have passed laws. Why do you hate democracy? Interracial marriage was illegal in states that had laws against it. Some states did and some didn't. Marriage laws are a state issue and queer marriage will soon be returned to the states.
Yep. Once again, the Christian church doesn't pass laws. No different than communities with a majority Muslim population that have passed laws. Why do you hate democracy? Interracial marriage was illegal in states that had laws against it. Some states did and some didn't. Marriage laws are a state issue and queer marriage will soon be returned to the states.
Actually, they won't. Congress passed a law protecting gay marriage and even the Republicans voted for it.

The Churches INSISTED on these laws in the Jesusland states.

Sometimes you have to wonder about the future of the human race. Kids are dying from imported fentynal, millions of illegal aliens are flooding the borders, the president is embroiled in half a dozen scandals, the greatest Country in the world is facing a food shortage and energy prices are steadily rising. Meanwhile a small but vocal minority of perverts claims a victory if they put a baker out of business.
Its a freedom issue.. You whine about wearing a mask so you should understand the issue.
Except there is no such thing as an adultery cake.
Now, I suppose that if he wife and her friend were having a party, and they were pricks enough to insist he make that cake, he really wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

And until recently, no such thing as a same sex marriage cake.

When it became a product he could produce, he declined, regardless of the sexuality of the couples!

It ain’t all that tough to understand
They don’t have a contract to supply chevys because they don’t want to, it’s a product they do not choose to offer, therefor, not a product they can be forced to produce and in no way is it discriminatory.
This post is funny, not just because it's stupid like your others, but personally funny to me. See, when I was just a tyke, as it seems you must be, our richest neighbor was a plumber. Norman. His brother was a butcher. His other brother, Harvey, sold cars. That one owned a dealership. New car dealerships were all franchised back then. His was what we called a Mopar dealership. So this plumber, butcher, and their kids always drove Chrysler, Dodge, or Plymouth products. If one wanted a new Rambler they had to go to an AMC dealership instead and pay full price.

To this day in some States, Tesla can't sell their newly manufactured vehicles directly to the public due to still existing franchise dealership laws. A fucking Chevy Dealer may have wished that they could sell new Ford or GM products really, really hard! Alas, no. Not happening. No way in hell. And, even today, franchised dealers still don't "produce" shit. They supply an inventory of products, aka their "stock." Beyond that, they must "special" order just like anyone else.
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And under normal circumstances, that's what you should do. Maybe leave them a crappy yelp review on the way out.

But as a matter of principle, we have public accommedation laws for a reason.

Let's say that the baker doesn't like black people, should he be allowed to discriminate against black people? Or Jewish people.

Sure... All that he has to do is prove he has a soul, and that it would definitely be condemned for baking a cake, and that it was worth 2.3 billion.

Any more dumb analogies.
But that doesn’t apply here. The baker didn’t refuse to make this cake, until they told him it was for a transition party. See, you all think he refused to bake a cake for a trans or gay couple, that’s not the case. He just refused once he found out the reason.
But that doesn’t apply here. The baker didn’t refuse to make this cake, until they told him it was for a transition party. See, you all think he refused to bake a cake for a trans or gay couple, that’s not the case. He just refused once he found out the reason.

The baker doesn’t offer transitioning cakes.

It just that simple.
Actually, they won't. Congress passed a law protecting gay marriage and even the Republicans voted for it.

The Churches INSISTED on these laws in the Jesusland states.

Yes, so why do you hate democracy? Christophobic bigot.
But that doesn’t apply here. The baker didn’t refuse to make this cake, until they told him it was for a transition party. See, you all think he refused to bake a cake for a trans or gay couple, that’s not the case. He just refused once he found out the reason.
Circular. In the first instance, yes, he refused to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding. In the second, he refused to bake a cake for a woman who wanted it for her own transition party. There was no "they" as in plural. He denied the woman service to her face. In both cases, yes, the bigoted baker refused to bake the cake only after finding out the customer's intended use for it.. which was never any of his fucking business. He really only refused because he's bigoted against the intended end users, not for any sort of "reason."

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