Colorado gun stores under attack by illegals

Colorado Gun Store Owners Fight Back After Migrant Gangs Rob Them Using Children, Stolen Cars

I'm deviant. An old buddy of mine often talked about rigging his home that if someone broke in, it would drop a cyanide gas pellet and when he came home, the robbers would be laying there dead.

If I had a gun store, some of my responses would be:
  • Erect those big steel pipe columns outside that a car would crash into stopping them from hitting the building.
  • Put away all the guns at night but leave out fake black cardboard pieces looking like guns in their place.
  • Erect an automatic weighted fishnet that drops from the ceiling.
  • Pay two workers to stay in the store at night in the dark waiting.
  • If these punks broke in, soon as they jumped out to grab the guns and found they were only cardboard, drop the net on them capturing them; spray them with mace and pepper spray.
  • Take them into custody and start jamming their balls with a cattle prod until they tell who backs them.
  • Once their backers are caught, beat them all with lead pipes and brass knuckles and take them out in the desert for the vultures to have.
  • Mail their heads back to the Mexican cartels who sent them with the message that they will be next.
I'm deviant. An old buddy of mine often talked about rigging his home that if someone broke in, it would drop a cyanide gas pellet and when he came home, the robbers would be laying there dead.

If I had a gun store, some of my responses would be:
  • Erect those big steel pipe columns outside that a car would crash into stopping them from hitting the building.
  • Put away all the guns at night but leave out fake black cardboard pieces looking like guns in their place.
  • Erect an automatic weighted fishnet that drops from the ceiling.
  • Pay two workers to stay in the store at night in the dark waiting.
  • If these punks broke in, soon as they jumped out to grab the guns and found they were only cardboard, drop the net on them capturing them; spray them with mace and pepper spray.
  • Take them into custody and start jamming their balls with a cattle prod until they tell who backs them.
  • Once their backers are caught, beat them all with lead pipes and brass knuckles and take them out in the desert for the vultures to have.
  • Mail their heads back to the Mexican cartels who sent them with the message that they will be next.
There was a case in Colorado years ago when a warehouse owner got tired of being robbed, so he rigged a shotgun up to the door and killed an intruder. He plea bargained his way out of prison time for reckless manslaughter.

One guy booby trapped his farmhouse and blew a thief's legs off. The thief sued and won. They asked the farmer if he would do anything different, and he said, "I'd aim that gun a few feet higher."
There was a case in Colorado years ago when a warehouse owner got tired of being robbed, so he rigged a shotgun up to the door and killed an intruder. He plea bargained his way out of prison time for reckless manslaughter.

One guy booby trapped his farmhouse and blew a thief's legs off. The thief sued and won. They asked the farmer if he would do anything different, and he said, "I'd aim that gun a few feet higher."
The "Spring gun" case. Yeah, you can't rig a gun to shoot whoever.

I would stay in the gun store with several loaded guns and shoot whoever broke in. Not even asking how old they are. It's like getting maggots before they become flies.

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