Colorado Mass Murderer Was a Rightwing Racist and White Supremacist

I suspect I know more then you, and I happen to be one.
No doubt you know more than me. Most Leftists are afraid to be around Conservatives. Its been my experience, that when they encounter a Conservative, they clam up and walk off. I'm sure the excuse given will be their acknowledged intellectual superiority, but the truth is, they have no way to intelligently defend their political ideology. So yeah, you know more than
Why was Cernovich following him on Twitter?
I don't do Twitter. I often follow back people on tiktok simply because they followed me first. Just being nice to people looking for followers. Nothing more

I can agree with this person too on conservative principles. That doesn't mean I have ANY desire to shoot the freaks of our society
Obama started 5 wars and murdered millions of brown people for the MIC.

He is a liberal mass murderer.
The truth of the matter, however, is that we all know lots of leftists since we encounter them here on a daily basis.

Yes, and we all know internet forums are an accurate reflection of real people and real life, right?

If rightists I know in real life act like some of the rightists here I’d give up on humanity entirely.
Yes, and we all know internet forums are an accurate reflection of real people and real life, right?

If rightists I know in real life act like some of the rightists here I’d give up on humanity entirely.
I did not claim it was an accurate representation, now, did I?

I simply established an obvious fact that contradicts your false narrative. You cannot counter the fact, so you move the bar.
No doubt you know more than me. Most Leftists are afraid to be around Conservatives. Its been my experience, that when they encounter a Conservative, they clam up and walk off. I'm sure the excuse given will be their acknowledged intellectual superiority, but the truth is, they have no way to intelligently defend their political ideology. So yeah, you know more than
Really? That is odd. Maybe it has more to do with you than them. Where I live conservatives are the majority. I have no problem talking with them. In fact, on person who is a member here was passing through and we’ve met over a meal and chatted. We talked about each other’s views and why. It is a whole lot different than an anonymous message board.
I did not claim it was an accurate representation, now, did I?

I simply established an obvious fact that contradicts your false narrative. You cannot counter the fact, so you move the bar.
What ever you want to say dude. I’m not really sure where you are going with all this other than trying to start a fight.
What ever you want to say dude. I’m not really sure where you are going with all this other than trying to start a fight.
I am countering your false claims by using facts and reason. It's called "debate".

Have you ever considered doing so, yourself?
I am countering your false claims by using facts and reason. It's called "debate".

Have you ever considered doing so, yourself?
Actually I think you are just trolling for fight, but whatever. It is silly to think ”knowing leftists“ on an Internet forum is similar to real life.
Actually I think you are just trolling for fight, but whatever. It is silly to think ”knowing leftists“ on an Internet forum is similar to real life.
And I think you are being dishonest as always, can't stand anybody calling you on your bull shit, and so respond in an underhanded fashion, again, as always.
And I think you are being dishonest as always, can't stand anybody calling you on your bull shit, and so respond in an underhanded fashion, again, as always.
Whatever dude. It’s your fight, do as you wish, though I am curious why you think ”knowing” a bunch of “leftists” on an Internet forum some how qualifies as knowing leftists. For instance you have no idea if they really are leftists. In addition the way they behave on a forum isn’t necessarily reflective of their real life views. I’ve talked some folks here including rightists, privately via PM, and they’ve told me their views are not as extreme as they post here, they are just having fun.
I don't know why you think any of us feel a need to defend Che. None of us voted for him.

Otoh, you did vote for someone, then watched him kill over 500,000 Americans through gaslighting.
Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Che is a leftist icon. Your denials are meaningless. Nor did Trump kill anyone.

Leftists are nothing more than premenstrual 14-year-old girls. Even the alleged males.
And I think you are being dishonest as always, can't stand anybody calling you on your bull shit, and so respond in an underhanded fashion, again, as always.
And I think you ate going to spend 90% of your posts talking about her instead of the topic or making points.

Your knowledge of "leftists" is a complete joke and appears to have been pulled from page 947 of
LOL I saw the first news reports labeling him as an “extremist”.

The guy owned a tattoo parlor and that’s where he shot people up.

I wasn’t aware that tattoo parlor owners were a great representation of conservatives or “the right”.

Seems to me like you lefties are just so desperate to see a “right wing” shooter, since most shooters are leftwing degenerates.
Terrible deflection attempt, weasel. You know this magaturd shared your retarded ideology. You know it. I know it. Pretending you aren't a dirt bag just like the deceased ain't fooling no one.

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