Colorado Valedictorian DID Get To Come Out In Her Speech – And The Crowd LOVED It

You don't know what you were trying to say, do you? What are our scholastic benchmarks for homosexuality? Explain, ya dumb fuck, ya.

What part don't you understand?
It seems obvious that you don't know what I was trying to say ... And what I mean doesn't depend on your understanding.

So say something ... Put in your two cents ... Or shut the fuck up.


Come on dummy....explain it to the class. What are you talking about? What are scholastic benchmarks for homosexuality? That's three chances you have had to make your point. What gives?

There are no scholastic benchmarks for homosexuality dipshit ... That was the point.
While we spend our time fretting over who is gay ... And who is offended by what ... The rest of the world is leaving us in the dust academically.


That's ridiculous. The poor state of our education system has nothing to do with our tolerance of gay people. You might be a retard.

I didn't say the two were directly matters of cause and effect ... I said it is amusing that we are more concerned with (or fretting over) one and not the other ... You are a retard.


We? It's you. Think for a minute.
I think the poor guy has been misdirected.
Perhaps he thinks it important that he is gay and that he tells the world (or at least his graduating class).

As an employer ... I don't give a shit whether or not he is gay ... Wouldn't have anything to do with the job I would require.
I may have hired him because he is either smart enough to do the job I need from him ... Or at least has the capacity to learn what on the job skills he may need.

If he walked in the front door of my business and for one second thought his job was to make sure everyone knew he was gay ... He would be fired the first day.

Don't think that is the point.

Doesn't matter whether he/she says 'Hail Hitler', 'F*** Islam', 'I'm gay', 'White Power', 'Yankees Go Home', 'God Bless America', 'God Damn America', 'F***k the troops', as that is all free speech - no matter how controversial that speech might be.

Though out of all things to be said, 'I'm gay' is not something that should be an issue at a publicly owned community college.
I think the poor guy has been misdirected.
Perhaps he thinks it important that he is gay and that he tells the world (or at least his graduating class).

As an employer ... I don't give a shit whether or not he is gay ... Wouldn't have anything to do with the job I would require.
I may have hired him because he is either smart enough to do the job I need from him ... Or at least has the capacity to learn what on the job skills he may need.

If he walked in the front door of my business and for one second thought his job was to make sure everyone knew he was gay ... He would be fired the first day.

Don't think that is the point.

Doesn't matter whether he/she says 'Hail Hitler', 'F*** Islam', 'I'm gay', 'White Power', 'Yankees Go Home', 'God Bless America', 'God Damn America', 'F***k the troops', as that is all free speech - no matter how controversial that speech might be.

Though out of all things to be said, 'I'm gay' is not something that should be an issue at a publicly owned community college.

I am not against free speech by any means ... And there was a different point to be made.
What I meant by misdirected is the idea this young man thinks his being gay is noteworthy at all ... Much less the ideal subject for his valedictorian speech.

He is going to have a lot of obstacles to overcome in his future ... We all do.
There are a million ways to inspire others to achieve their goals ... Goals we all have to one degree or another (albeit not that same goals necessarily).

What benefit does a commencement speech by a valedictorian centered on the fact he is gay give to anyone as far as educational excellence and preparation for the world and what lies ahead?

Who knows what he will do with his life?
Who knows what his classmates listening took away from his comments?

If the only thing that is gained is the stupid idea that he brought awareness to a subject no one is unaware of nowadays ... Oh well, what a waste.
If he thinks anyone other than his close friends and family really give a shit that he is gay ... That would be an over-inflated sense of self importance.
If he thinks he is going to have an easier time overcoming the obstacles we all have to overcome because he told everyone he is gay ... Guess he isn't that smart after all.

Not because he has been oppressed or bullied (or whatever) because he is gay ... But because no one gives a shit he is gay.
It is against the law to discriminate against gay people ... And he better get his gay head out of his gay ass if he ever expects to get anywhere in the real world.

He was the valedictorian. He earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wanted.
Has to be appropriate and approved. Can't let some 18 year old go up there and shoot their mouth off...don't know any idiot that would allow did right thing in letting his parents know...lets hope they can get him some mental health help.

Fuck that bullshit.

I wouldn't accept any censorship of my speech if I were a valedictorian.

Once you're on stage, what can they do to you?
That's the schools right. They are there to protect ALL students rights not pander to one faggot who decides to ruin the entire thing for everything by making it a me me me speech.
If he had "come out as Christian conservative" he would have been arrested. Such is the social balance in the pot capital of the Country where, by the way, more shooting atrocities have happened in the last couple of years. Can you imagine the the hurt and the embarrassment this selfish kid intentionally put on his parents for no other reason than hatred after they spent their savings to put him through college? That's the agenda of the sodomite left these days.
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Speaking of Japan, they have an ancient tradition of LGBT that continues to be in general "accepted" to this day. Same sex relationships have been officially legalized since the 1800's. Something like a decade ago they specifically made a law that allowed trans-gender's who had undergone surgery to legally change their gender. Toyko at least has laws that protect from discrimination against "sexual identity." They have also elected in quite a few openly LGBT representatives. I believe their only specific "LGBT" legal restriction is that one has to be over age 13 (their heterosexual age of consent) to [consensually] participate in homosexuality, I think they made it like 18 but I don't recall. I know a lot of their pop stars are LGBT, and are in fact famous because of their sexual identity.

Marriage in their system isn't quite the same as here in the US - quite a few of their marriages are still traditional and wholly arranged by parents so it's a little hard to compare. However, Japan has a law that recognizes same sex marriages performed in other countries which allow it, and they even legally allow their citizen's LGBT going to foreign countries to marry and then return home with an officially recognized SSM. Disney Toyko actually had a highly publicized "unofficial" SSM some years back, that brought to light specific SSM issues in their existing law structure, and I believe they are either in the process of, or already have, resolved those SSM issues since then - they were passing what equates to SSM via the civil partnership direction last I heard - aka it's not called (what they refer to as) "marriage" (of which they apparently have three legally recognized "types" with distinct terms - the formal/traditional arranged type, a formal/traditional "by choice" type, and a third "civil" non-formal/traditional type.) They were working to pass/enact that SSM would fall under either the third "civil" non-formal/traditional type, or making a fourth "type" that would have all the same legal rights, hospital visitation, etc., as the other legally recognized types of "marriage" that existed.

That said, LGBT has not really been a "political" issue in Japan so any laws and such related to SSM and other LGBT issues are more trying to clarify stuff, rather than implying any support or opposition for LGBT as a whole. There is no religious shunning of LGBT, nor does it fit into their religious teachings to do so. Socially the Japanese strive to work together so shunning their LGBT's would actually be a bit counter-productive to that overall goal.
Is a valedictorian speech really the appropriate forum for you to be announcing who you fuck?
In my opinion, no. A person's education and what they do during their personal time, to me, should be two separate things. What does their preference have to do with their education really? And yes, they were the one who got to make the big speech, but that didn't give them the right to make the ceremony all about them when they weren't the only one who is graduating. One graduate should never mean more compared to the others no matter what it is that sets that one graduate apart from the rest.

God bless you and the other graduates always!!! :) :) :)


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