Columbia Students Walk Out On Hillary Clinton Lecture


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Pretty bad. You pay to go to Columbia University and a former presidential candidate, Sect of State and Senator as well as First Lady Comes to give a talk and the students walk out?


First of all, who could possibly sit through a two hour lecture from her? Especially without asking her about the stolen WH furniture, the 100+ former associates of hers dead, the gay rumors, the carpetbagging, the deal to let Obumma run in her place, the Russian Reset selling them our uranium, the loss to Trump, and the 30,000 missing government emails, server in her closet, computer spy trying to flee the country, and the Loral Aerospace missile secrets given to the chinese just to name a few?

But instead, they chose to walk out on her because others were identifying students there who were antisemites supporting Hamas who had been identified by name and face as Hamas supporters and the university had not yet bust a nut to stop the identification!

Sucks to be Clinton. The twice failed never to be president lezbo traitor gets no respect:

Maybe they should not sign letters they're ashamed to be associated with. If the photos were publicly available from social media they have no reason to gripe. The Israel supporters didn't unveil their names, addresses and so on.
Funny how similar the two ends of the political spectrum can be in their behaviors.

College is the most valuable time of a young person's life in many ways, and being exposed to the thoughts, life experiences, perspectives and opinions of those who disagree with them is at the top of the list of reasons why.

Instead, we have people on the ends of the spectrum who don't want that to happen. They want these young people NOT to be exposed to contrary thinking.

What a goddamn shame. We should be better than this, but we clearly aren't.
Did they have any specific beef with her or were they just trying to embarrass her as a way to piss off the administration?
These are ultra liberal Ivy League snowflakes

They dont think but rather just emote

This week its palestine

Next week it may be the environment or chicks with dicks
Funny how similar the two ends of the political spectrum can be in their behaviors.

College is the most valuable time of a young person's life in many ways, and being exposed to the thoughts, life experiences, perspectives and opinions of those who disagree with them is at the top of the list of reasons why.

Instead, we have people on the ends of the spectrum who don't want that to happen. They want these young people NOT to be exposed to contrary thinking.

What a goddamn shame. We should be better than this, but we clearly aren't.
Mack1958 and his lib buddies are the ones who fear ideas different from their own

That goes all the way back to Obama’s IRS and persecution of the Tea Party

Its the left that refuses to debate
Maybe they should not sign letters they're ashamed to be associated with. If the photos were publicly available from social media they have no reason to gripe. The Israel supporters didn't unveil their names, addresses and so on.

The walkout had nothing to do with Hillary

They protested Columbia making their names public for opposing Israel
Funny how similar the two ends of the political spectrum can be in their behaviors.
College is the most valuable time of a young person's life in many ways, and being exposed to the thoughts, life experiences, perspectives and opinions of those who disagree with them is at the top of the list of reasons why.
Instead, we have people on the ends of the spectrum who don't want that to happen. They want these young people NOT to be exposed to contrary thinking.
What a goddamn shame. We should be better than this, but we clearly aren't.

No, Dr. Cyclops, YOU clearly aren't better than that. First of all:
  1. It isn't "both sides," it is clearly the far left like you who are intolerent of contrary thought. Conservatives routinely listen to and consider arguments by the other side.
  2. All you do is attack and criticize others whom you disagree with, or fail to understand, like Trump supporters.
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No, Dr. Cyclops, YOU clearly aren't better than that. First of all:
  1. It isn't "both sides," it is clearly the far left like you who are intolerent of contrary thought. Conservatives routinely listen to and consider arguments by the other side.
  2. All you do is attack and criticize others whom you disagree with, or fail to understand, like Trump supporters.
Of course it's both sides, and you remain absolutely ignorant about my politics.

I had MANY squabbles with the lefties here over this, back when conservative speakers were being shut down on campus by the left.

But you don't know that because, again, you are ignorant. It's just what you are.
Of course it's both sides, and you remain absolutely ignorant about my politics.
An amazing feat as you keep trying to shove them at everyone with your fake link to your views.

I had MANY squabbles with the lefties here over this
Too bad no one ever sees them.

, back when conservative speakers were being shut down on campus by the left.
NEWS FLASH: They still are.

But you don't know that because, again, you are ignorant.
Some things in this world sane people are better off not knowing about.
An amazing feat as you keep trying to shove them at everyone with your fake link to your views.
So when I prove my point with examples of my actual positions on the issues, you think they're fake.

You are hopeless. A cultist through and through. This is why I no longer bother with you rubes.
A retired politician of either party can impart valuable information and insights - something which can benefit college students both in the short term and future. But HRC is such an inveterate liar and narcissist that there is nothing worthwhile that will ever come out of her mouth. Extending an invitation to her was an assault on political integrity.
A retired politician of either party can impart valuable information and insights - something which can benefit college students both in the short term and future. But HRC is such an inveterate liar and narcissist that there is nothing worthwhile that will ever come out of her mouth. Extending an invitation to her was an assault on political integrity.
Like it or not, Hillary was an important part of eight years of the Clinton administration and four years in the Obama administration
She has important insight from her time in the Senate and as Secretary of State.

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