Come Clean Here!!!!

Are they all lying? Not sure. Are some? You bet your ass. I am guessing you know it, too. You are an asshole....but you ain't stupid.

88% RENEWAL? That would be a lie.
A 69 year old? Why would a 69 year old renew a health insurance policy that isn't a Medicare supplemental? Hmmmm? 88%?

No, it wouldn't be a lie IF purchasing through the exchange allowed Westwall to "Keep his doctor'. (Remember that promise?)
Obviously Westwall can't keep his doctor if he were to purchase through the exchange, therefore he must purchase outside of the exchange in order to keep his plan and his doctor.

And before you scream liar again or bullsh!t, I'd suggest you educate yourself before making such an accusation.

If you have Medicare, you’re considered covered and don’t have to make any changes. You can’t use the Marketplace to buy a supplemental or dental plan

Sorry. You believe him. I don't. Sixty nine year old people don't buy health insurance plans. He has medicare. His doctor is not going to change. In addition, they don't RENEW plans with an 88% increase in premiums. Sme people.....none of them 69 years old.....had ther plan killed because it sucked....they MIGHT have an increase in premiums.

Why would you believe that a 69 year old, Medicare eligible man would be buying health insurance?

I am very educated on the subject. The dude is not telling us the truth.

Do you understand how a Doctor or Doctor's group signs up with Medicare?
If you do understand please provide a brief summary.
Vox....I do not believe you. Do you understand? I have already pegged you as a liar. Unless you man up and admit the lies, nothing you say will impress me.

no, you did not. you have just proved YOU are a liar.

And many others on this even particular thread pegged YOU to be a liar.
you pretend not to understand the basic rules how the insurance or Medicare works.
You can not be THAT ignorant - it is impossible. So if you pretend not to understand - you are LYING, plain and simple.

and i could not care less about you being ""impressed" or not. Leftard liars are just that - liars. as you have proved numerous times. even in your own thread :lol:
He has already refused to prove you are lying. Let the thread die it's inevitable death.
Vox....I do not believe you. Do you understand? I have already pegged you as a liar. Unless you man up and admit the lies, nothing you say will impress me.

I don't know exactly what is going on between you and vox, but you aren't smart enough to peg anyone a liar. Just saying it doesn't mean shit.
Vox....I do not believe you. Do you understand? I have already pegged you as a liar. Unless you man up and admit the lies, nothing you say will impress me.

I don't know exactly what is going on between you and vox, but you aren't smart enough to peg anyone a liar. Just saying it doesn't mean shit.

Tell us again how your fingers are too fat that it makes you screw up the words "to" and "too" or "worse" and "worst".
Not a single conservative here has been helped by the ACA, huh? Pretty hard to believe.

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about -

The positive effects of this law are benefitting Americans from coast to coast. But every USMB nutter is among the 1% of people who will end up paying more for coverage than they were before.

Simply amazing!

The link is not truthful, here is why:

All Gold plans in CoveredCa that I can find still have a co-pay when there is a zero deductible.
Even Platinum plans have co-pays.

The paragraph doesn't tell the whole story.

"Jason Noble, 44, California, found a gold plan that will cover his wife and their three children--a daughter, 9, and 5-year-old twins--for a little less than $1,300 a month. That's slightly more than they'd be paying next year for their existing Blue Shield plan, but the benefits are much greater, including pediatric dental coverage."
Wasn't Obama Care suppose to bend the cost curve down by $2500 a year (on average)?
Not a single conservative here has been helped by the ACA, huh? Pretty hard to believe.

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about -

The positive effects of this law are benefitting Americans from coast to coast. But every USMB nutter is among the 1% of people who will end up paying more for coverage than they were before.

Simply amazing!

The link is not truthful, here is why:

All Gold plans in CoveredCa that I can find still have a co-pay when there is a zero deductible.
Even Platinum plans have co-pays.

The paragraph doesn't tell the whole story.

"Jason Noble, 44, California, found a gold plan that will cover his wife and their three children--a daughter, 9, and 5-year-old twins--for a little less than $1,300 a month. That's slightly more than they'd be paying next year for their existing Blue Shield plan, but the benefits are much greater, including pediatric dental coverage."

supposed to

Talking point gibberish, idiot.

So you are calling Obama an idiot? They are his gibberish talking points!


Let me just inform you now. I don't find you to be an interesting opponent. You are not challenging in the least. You are barely literate. I don't think you have an original thought in your head. My dealings with you will be limited to me mocking you for being a dolt.

Now that you know that, please decide whether or not you wish to continue engaging me in the future.

Not a single conservative here has been helped by the ACA, huh? Pretty hard to believe.

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about -

The positive effects of this law are benefitting Americans from coast to coast. But every USMB nutter is among the 1% of people who will end up paying more for coverage than they were before.

Simply amazing!

I have a catastrophic plan of my choice, that I pay $238.00 a month for that is due to be canceled because it doesn't meet the mandates of Obamacare. I have a working Colorado state Obamacare exchange that is working just fine.

My next choice is a premium of $495.00 dollars a month--with a $6000.00 dollar deductible. I am 60 years old--healthy and don't need a lot of coverage. Under Obamacare I am paying for pre-natal--mental and drug abuse coverage along with a lot of other stuff I will never use nor want. Yet I am being forced into this plan, as everyone else is regardless of age or gender.

Feel free to browze my state Obamacare exchange--and if you see anything at all that looks cough-cough affordable to you let me know.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the unisured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

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supposed to

Talking point gibberish, idiot.

So you are calling Obama an idiot? They are his gibberish talking points!


Let me just inform you now. I don't find you to be an interesting opponent. You are not challenging in the least. You are barely literate. I don't think you have an original thought in your head. My dealings with you will be limited to me mocking you for being a dolt.

Now that you know that, please decide whether or not you wish to continue engaging me in the future.


Check and mate!
Not a single conservative here has been helped by the ACA, huh? Pretty hard to believe.

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about -

The positive effects of this law are benefitting Americans from coast to coast. But every USMB nutter is among the 1% of people who will end up paying more for coverage than they were before.

Simply amazing!

I have a catastrophic plan of my choice, that I pay $238.00 a month for that is due to be canceled because it doesn't meet the mandates of Obamacare. I have a working Colorado state Obamacare exchange that is working just fine.

My next choice is a premium of $495.00 dollars a month--with a $6000.00 dollar deductible. I am 60 years old--healthy and don't need a lot of coverage. Under Obamacare I am paying for pre-natal--mental and drug abuse coverage along with a lot of other stuff I will never use nor want. Yet I am being forced into this plan.

Feel free to browze my state Obamacare exchange--and if you see anything at all that looks cough-cough affordable to you let me know.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace


If you bitch about your insurance plan covering pre-natal care and other things that YOU PERSONALLY do not need, you do not understand the concept of insurance. You are not worth the time it took for me to write this reply.
Not a single conservative here has been helped by the ACA, huh? Pretty hard to believe.

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about -

The positive effects of this law are benefitting Americans from coast to coast. But every USMB nutter is among the 1% of people who will end up paying more for coverage than they were before.

Simply amazing!

I have a catastrophic plan of my choice, that I pay $238.00 a month for that is due to be canceled because it doesn't meet the mandates of Obamacare. I have a working Colorado state Obamacare exchange that is working just fine.

My next choice is a premium of $495.00 dollars a month--with a $6000.00 dollar deductible. I am 60 years old--healthy and don't need a lot of coverage. Under Obamacare I am paying for pre-natal--mental and drug abuse coverage along with a lot of other stuff I will never use nor want. Yet I am being forced into this plan.

Feel free to browze my state Obamacare exchange--and if you see anything at all that looks cough-cough affordable to you let me know.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace


If you bitch about your insurance plan covering pre-natal care and other things that YOU PERSONALLY do not need, you do not understand the concept of insurance. You are not worth the time it took for me to write this reply.

I already had my kids--in which I had pre-natal coverage to have them. So I would suggest to you that if you are planning on having kids--and cannot afford to carry pre-natal on yourself--and expect me to pay for it--you can't afford kids in the first place. There are millions of Americans that have already had their kids and didn't expect everyone else to pay for their coverage to have them. Once they were done having kids they dropped the pre-natal coverage to save on their monthly premiums. This is going to come back on the Democrats and bite them right in the ass.
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health is wealth as they say u need to be healthy inorder to be on a job it takes quite a time to make people understand to stop their ill practices

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