Poor little unsophisticated Repug goober....can't face the fact that the vast majority of the PRIVATE health care industry wanted health care reform and supported ObamaCare. Let me remind his dishonest goober ass again...

Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

Insurers do not embrace all of the healthcare restructuring proposals. But they are fighting hard for a purchase requirement, sweetened with taxpayer-funded subsidies for customers who can't afford it, and enforced with fines.

Poor little dishonest Repug is going to cry. He can't face the fact that the PRIVATE health care insurance industry wanted a purchase requirement.
Oh...and not for nothing you low IQ dimwit...but the insurance industry is not the healthcare industry. They are the insurance industry.

The healthcare industry are the private hospitals, private physician practices, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, etc.

It is astounding how uninformed you are about this subject matter.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
There is no problem that is “too large” or “too complex” for private industry. The brightest minds in the world (Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.) did not work for government.

No, but unlike your unsophisticated Repug ass, all these men understand/understood that government has an important role to play. You are simply too stupid to understand that and you always will be.
Actually...I understand that the government has a critical role to play. In fact, the single most important role. The tragic part is, you literally have no clue what that is. How sad.
Poor little unsophisticated Repug goober....can't face the fact that the vast majority of the PRIVATE health care industry wanted health care reform and supported ObamaCare. Let me remind his dishonest goober ass again...

Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

Insurers do not embrace all of the healthcare restructuring proposals. But they are fighting hard for a purchase requirement, sweetened with taxpayer-funded subsidies for customers who can't afford it, and enforced with fines.

Poor little dishonest Repug is going to cry. He can't face the fact that the PRIVATE health care insurance industry wanted a purchase requirement.
Oh...and not for nothing you low IQ dimwit...but the insurance industry is not the healthcare industry. They are the insurance industry.

The healthcare industry are the private hospitals, private physician practices, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, etc.

It is astounding how uninformed you are about this subject matter.
Critical thought is not your forte is it?
one national, GOVERNMENT foreign policy decides which countries we go to war with. It's too complicated of a problem for private militaries to handle individually.
It’s not “too complicated” at all, dimwit. It’s a matter of consequences. You cannot permit a small, privatized faction to bring a war on the entire United States.

You continue to illustrate that you are not bright enough to be engaged in this discussion. How are you not humiliated by the stupidity of your posts?

Yep, goober. Hence, why we have a GOVERNMENT foreign policy. It creates efficiency.

Just like having one government health care system would create efficiency, save thousands of American lives, and save Americans billions of dollars.

Are you going to turn down Medicare when you get old? Since you think government can't do anything well, you should stand by your principles and not use it, hypocrite.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
Pay attention here, sparky. Straight from the Declaration of Independence - which Trump The Mad King (aka ”Dubya the Last Repug Pres”) clearly never read:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
Government exists for one reason and one reason only: to secure your rights. Not to provide your rights. Not to do what you THINK private industry can’t do. Not to give you stuff. The founders implemented government to ensure your rights were secured.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
There is no problem that is “too large” or “too complex” for private industry. The brightest minds in the world (Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.) did not work for government.

No, but unlike your unsophisticated Repug ass, all these men understand/understood that government has an important role to play. You are simply too stupid to understand that and you always will be.
Actually...I understand that the government has a critical role to play. In fact, the single most important role. The tragic part is, you literally have no clue what that is. How sad.

What's sad is that you are too intellectually dishonest to admit that the private health care industry supported ObamaCare and the individual mandate. Because then you will have to admit that you were WRONG.

And we can't have that, can we? A proud Repug like you admitting that you were wrong....nope, simply out of the question. Especially if a despicable liberal such as myself shows you that you were wrong.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
Pay attention here, sparky. Straight from the Declaration of Independence - which Trump The Mad King (aka ”Dubya the Last Repug Pres”) clearly never read:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
Government exists for one reason and one reason only: to secure your rights. Not to provide your rights. Not to do what you THINK private industry can’t do. Not to give you stuff. The founders implemented government to ensure your rights were secured.

Part of securing your rights is solving massive problems that private industry can't solve, goober. Like World War II. Like slavery. Like health care.
Are you going to turn down Medicare when you get old? Since you think government can't do anything well, you should stand by your principles and not use it, hypocrite.
If the U.S. government will reimburse all of the money they stole from me and give me the option, I will absolutely opt out.

That was a really dumb question, sparky. I’d like nothing better than to opt out of Medicare (and Social Security). Actually, if given the choice of only one, I would opt out of the Ponzi Scheme known as “Social Security” over Medicare.

But..you facists don’t allow people to opt out, do you? Every left-wing “idea” starts and ends with forcing people into their “idea”. What does that tell you about how good their ideas are?
Are you going to turn down Medicare when you get old? Since you think government can't do anything well, you should stand by your principles and not use it, hypocrite.
If the U.S. government will reimburse all of the money they stole from me and give me the option, I will absolutely opt out.

That was a really dumb question, sparky. I’d like nothing better than to opt out of Medicare (and Social Security). Actually, if given the choice of only one, I would opt out of the Ponzi Scheme known as “Social Security” over Medicare.

But..you facists don’t allow people to opt out, do you? Every left-wing “idea” starts and ends with forcing people into their “idea”. What does that tell you about how good their ideas are?

Yep, sure you would, goober. Go pay Blue Cross or Kaiser Permanente $1,800 per month instead when you're in your 70s. What a lying retard.
Part of securing your rights is solving massive problems that private industry can't solve, goober. Like World War II. Like slavery. Like health care.
No snowflake, it’s not. You didn’t even know why government existed until 3 minutes ago. Don’t sit there now making shit up trying to pretend like you’re an expert in this stuff.

Government is not in the business of “solving massive problems” and everyone in government would be the first to tell you that the private sector can do that exponentially better than they can.
Never met a Canadian who wants to abandon their healthcare system in return for ours
I met a Brit who did. He was here on a work visa and told me first-hand what a horror story England’s national healthcare system was. Said he LOVED the U.S. healthcare system because he would call for an appointment and get in the same day. Said that in England, his appointment would be scheduled for two months later (by which time his sore throat, fever, or flu would be gone).

So...let’s be honest here wrongwinger...you’ve never actually met a Canadian.
Are you going to turn down Medicare when you get old? Since you think government can't do anything well, you should stand by your principles and not use it, hypocrite.
If the U.S. government will reimburse all of the money they stole from me and give me the option, I will absolutely opt out.

That was a really dumb question, sparky. I’d like nothing better than to opt out of Medicare (and Social Security). Actually, if given the choice of only one, I would opt out of the Ponzi Scheme known as “Social Security” over Medicare.

But..you facists don’t allow people to opt out, do you? Every left-wing “idea” starts and ends with forcing people into their “idea”. What does that tell you about how good their ideas are?

But..you facists don’t allow people to opt out, do you? Every left-wing “idea” starts and ends with forcing people into their “idea”. What does that tell you about how good their ideas are?

That's part of the social contract that you agree to as an American citizen, Repug goober. If you don't like these social welfare programs, then get a whole bunch of Repugs such as yourself to vote for candidates who agree with your perverse vision for society and put an end to them all.

It ain't all about you. As Americans, we are all in this together and we all make the same financial sacrifices to try to make this a better country for everyone.

If you don't like this social contract, then you are more than welcome to leave the country. I doubt many people will miss you, I know I won't.
Part of securing your rights is solving massive problems that private industry can't solve, goober. Like World War II. Like slavery. Like health care.
No snowflake, it’s not. You didn’t even know why government existed until 3 minutes ago. Don’t sit there now making shit up trying to pretend like you’re an expert in this stuff.

Government is not in the business of “solving massive problems” and everyone in government would be the first to tell you that the private sector can do that exponentially better than they can.

Not making anything up. I'm explaining to you what secure your rights means. You're obviously not a deep thinker. You don't know how to interpret what you read. You don't understand context. Which is why you are a simpleton Repug in the first place.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

Another generation of useful idiots thinking that their brand of socialism is different than those in the past. There is only one type of socialism, which always leads to communism. Never worked. Never will. But the dumbed down "educated" young people and the lazy ass idiots have been conditioned to believe that they are entitled to things and that government's sole job is to provide free shit and control everyone's lives. They are taught that anything less than submission to the left is greedy and racist. Like the 30s in Germany, people have been conditioned to go along rather than face ridicule.

All of this has happened before. Only those who have been taught an accurate account of history understand that.
Part of securing your rights is solving massive problems that private industry can't solve, goober. Like World War II. Like slavery. Like health care.
No snowflake, it’s not. You didn’t even know why government existed until 3 minutes ago. Don’t sit there now making shit up trying to pretend like you’re an expert in this stuff.

Government is not in the business of “solving massive problems” and everyone in government would be the first to tell you that the private sector can do that exponentially better than they can.

Not making anything up. I'm explaining to you what secure your rights means. You're obviously not a deep thinker. You don't know how to interpret what you read. You don't understand context. Which is why you are a simpleton Repug in the first place.

Piss off, sock puppet.

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