Whatever you want to call it, unremarkable Repug goober boy.
So I would like to give you the opportunity yet again, Dubya Was the Last Repug Pres: if socialized medicine is sooooooo “wonderful” why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Those the can pay, do. Those that can’t, don’t. Everyone is fully covered. What is the problem? :dunno:

To answer your moronic question, this is exactly why government exists. Some social challenges are too difficult for private companies to handle solely on their own. Why don't we have a privatized military, genius? Why don't we have privatized police forces running our cities?

It has nothing to do with what Democrats believe or what they consider "wonderful", you imbecile. It's a matter of just being fucking realistic.
And I caught you in a total lie. You said earlier that the private health care industry did not support ObamaCare, now you are admitting that they did. Thank you very much.
Actually...not only did I catch you in a lie...you even admitted it in post #76.
You're a Repug liar, as always. Article from 2009 -- Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'
You said the “entire” healthcare industry in post #71. Here it is...
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
That’s simply not true. You lie in every post. I personally spoke with physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators who vehemently opposed it.

OK goober, since you want to play childish word games...why does the VAST MAJORITY of private health care companies support it?? You lose, yet again.
Right there for everyone to see. You said “the ENTIRE” healthcare industry. Then you admitted that was bullshit and changed it to “vast majority”. Now you’re lying about your lies!!! Are you too stupid to remember what you said? And if so, are you too lazy to go back and check? :eusa_doh:
Some social challenges are too difficult for private companies to handle solely on their own.
Um...stupid? Private companies have been handling health insurance from the beginning. Outside of Medicaid, anyone under the age of 65 is on a plan from a private company.

Do you ever hear yourself when you post? :lmao:
Why don't we have a privatized military, genius?
Due to conflict of interest, stupid. You can’t have one private military decide to attack China if other private militaries in the U.S. are against it - because the consequences of the war would likely effect all (unless the private military could completely prevent it from reaching U.S. shores which is highly unlikely).

It’s not a matter of “logistics”, you low IQ Dumbocrat. :lmao:
To answer your moronic question, this is exactly why government exists.
Actually, that is not true at all. You are such a stereotypical low IQ Dumbocrat that you are almost a caricature. :laugh:

It’s truly sad that you literally have no idea why government exists.

Great comeback, lightweight. That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
It has nothing to do with what Democrats believe or what they consider "wonderful", you imbecile. It's a matter of just being fucking realistic.
And being “realistic”, nearly all healthcare is currently already privatized. All you assholes have to do is enter the market with your “socialized for all” foundation. And yet none of you do it!

Boom! Game over, Dubya the Last Repug Pres. You lose (as always).
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
Please....I beg you...please keep posting this. I can’t stop laughing and it will be so much fun laughing you right off of this board. You are such a stereotypical low IQ left-winger. You are an embarrassment to the U.S., to the responsibility of a citizen, and to an educated electorate.
Some social challenges are too difficult for private companies to handle solely on their own.
Um...stupid? Private companies have been handling health insurance from the beginning. Outside of Medicaid, anyone under the age of 65 is on a plan from a private company.

Do you ever hear yourself when you post? :lmao:

Yes, private companies handle health insurance...and it completely sucks. Which is why they were losing customers 10 - 15 years ago before ObamaCare. Which is why they were excited about ObamaCare and supported ObamaCare...which even a dishonest piece of shit like you now acknowledges is the truth.

It sucks less now that ObamaCare exists. This country will eventually wise up and have full government-run health care. We just got to get rid of all the hopeless Repugs in Congress first and wait for dumb asses like you to eventually die off.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
Please....I beg you...please keep posting this. I can’t stop laughing and it will be so much fun laughing you right off of this board. You are such a stereotypical low IQ left-winger. You are an embarrassment to the U.S., to the responsibility of a citizen, and to an educated electorate.

You post the same juvenile, Repug horseshit every day. You create these Repug hate-filled goober threads every day to vent your spleen. The only stereotypical poster is your dumb Repug ass.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
There is no problem that is “too large” or “too complex” for private industry. The brightest minds in the world (Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.) did not work for government.
Why don't we have a privatized military, genius?
Due to conflict of interest, stupid. You can’t have one private military decide to attack China if other private militaries in the U.S. are against it - because the consequences of the war would likely effect all (unless the private military could completely prevent it from reaching U.S. shores which is highly unlikely).

It’s not a matter of “logistics”, you low IQ Dumbocrat. :lmao:

You are supporting my point...one national, GOVERNMENT foreign policy decides which countries we go to war with. It's too complicated of a problem for private militaries to handle individually.

Thank you, unsophisticated Repug turd...you're finally getting it.
Some social challenges are too difficult for private companies to handle solely on their own.
Um...stupid? Private companies have been handling health insurance from the beginning. Outside of Medicaid, anyone under the age of 65 is on a plan from a private company.

Do you ever hear yourself when you post? :lmao:

Yes, private companies handle health insurance...
So now you acknowledge that your comment claiming the reason you progressives haven’t created a voluntary foundation for “socialized medicine” is because the “challenge” is “too big for private companies” was an idiotic comment and completely untrue?

Good. Good. Admitting that you make shit up is the only moment of honesty you’ve had yet.
one national, GOVERNMENT foreign policy decides which countries we go to war with. It's too complicated of a problem for private militaries to handle individually.
It’s not “too complicated” at all, dimwit. It’s a matter of consequences. You cannot permit a small, privatized faction to bring a war on the entire United States.

You continue to illustrate that you are not bright enough to be engaged in this discussion. How are you not humiliated by the stupidity of your posts?
Some social challenges are too difficult for private companies to handle solely on their own.
Um...stupid? Private companies have been handling health insurance from the beginning. Outside of Medicaid, anyone under the age of 65 is on a plan from a private company.

Do you ever hear yourself when you post? :lmao:

Yes, private companies handle health insurance...
So now you acknowledge that your comment claiming the reason you progressives haven’t created a voluntary foundation for “socialized medicine” is because the “challenge” is “too big for private companies” was an idiotic comment and completely untrue?

Good. Good. Admitting that you make shit up is the only moment of honesty you’ve had yet.

Nope. We need government-run health care. As I've repeatedly explained to your unremarkable, unsophisticated Repug goober ass.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
My healthcare is still great! I love it and am so glad you don't have it. In regards to socialism, which Ibelieve is the point of your post, true socialism has never been done. Every time someone tries to be socialist they incorporate some capitalism to screw things up. Reality is an item you would not see even if it was to be use to gouge out your eyes.
That is EXACTLY why government exists. To handle problems too large and complex for private industry.
There is no problem that is “too large” or “too complex” for private industry. The brightest minds in the world (Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.) did not work for government.

No, but unlike your unsophisticated Repug ass, all these men understand/understood that government has an important role to play. You are simply too stupid to understand that and you always will be.

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