That's part of the social contract that you agree to as an American citizen.
Except that no such “social contract” exists. Never has. Hopefully never will.
If you don't like these social welfare programs, then get a whole bunch of Repugs such as yourself to vote for candidates who agree with your perverse vision for society and put an end to them all.
Except that that is not the way it works, sparky. We have a U.S. Constitution which explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and welfare, healthcare, etc. are not one of them. So if you want these things, then the onus is on you to get the votes necessary to amend the U.S. Constitution makes these the responsibility of the federal government. Otherwise, you have to do it at the state level (like Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts).
It ain't all about you.
You’re right! It’s all about the U.S. Constitution and liberty. Both of which you are selfishly pissing all over like an ungrateful little parasite.
As Americans, we are all in this together we’re not. The U.S. was built in the individual and individual liberty (not the collective).
The left wants to feel good. Socialism is presented as a caring government. The politicians feed their egos by redistributing money, all the while maintaining their own wealth and refusing to abide by the strict rules they impose on others.. The recipients of their "help" don't see any improvement in their lives, in fact most become so hopelessly ignorant and dependent that success in life becomes an unrealistic goal. The idiots don't understand history, or the present, and don't question how it can possibly work. It makes them feel better so they don't want to hear the truth about it. The libs are like pied pipers leading them happily off a cliff.

Part of securing your rights is solving massive problems that private industry can't solve, goober. Like World War II. Like slavery. Like health care.
No snowflake, it’s not. You didn’t even know why government existed until 3 minutes ago. Don’t sit there now making shit up trying to pretend like you’re an expert in this stuff.

Government is not in the business of “solving massive problems” and everyone in government would be the first to tell you that the private sector can do that exponentially better than they can.

Government is not in the business of “solving massive problems” and everyone in government would be the first to tell you that the private sector can do that exponentially better than they can.

Really? Our government didn't defeat Germany and Japan during WWII? Our government didn't put an end to slavery? Our government didn't give African Americans and women the right to vote? Private industry did all of this?

You know what....I think this is what the founding fathers meant by securing our rights, slow-learner.
Not making anything up. I'm explaining to you what secure your rights means. You're obviously not a deep thinker. You don't know how to interpret what you read.
That’s comical coming from the juvenile who doesn’t read. :lmao:

You have no idea what any of that means. Hell, I had to explain to you why your ow government exists. You thought they were there to “solve big problem”. You speak and think like a small child.
That's part of the social contract that you agree to as an American citizen.
Except that no such “social contract” exists. Never has. Hopefully never will.
If you don't like these social welfare programs, then get a whole bunch of Repugs such as yourself to vote for candidates who agree with your perverse vision for society and put an end to them all.
Except that that is not the way it works, sparky. We have a U.S. Constitution which explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and welfare, healthcare, etc. are not one of them. So if you want these things, then the onus is on you to get the votes necessary to amend the U.S. Constitution makes these the responsibility of the federal government. Otherwise, you have to do it at the state level (like Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts).
It ain't all about you.
You’re right! It’s all about the U.S. Constitution and liberty. Both of which you are selfishly pissing all over like an ungrateful little parasite.
As Americans, we are all in this together we’re not. The U.S. was built in the individual and individual liberty (not the collective).

The Constitution is the social contract, goober. It's the very definition of a social contract. If you won't acknowledge that fundamental fact, then you are truly lost.

The Constitution states "promote the general welfare". A healthcare system absolutely fulfills this. And your Repug Supreme Court disagreed with you a few years ago about the constitutionality of ObamaCare.
Never met a Canadian who wants to abandon their healthcare system in return for ours
I met a Brit who did. He was here on a work visa and told me first-hand what a horror story England’s national healthcare system was. Said he LOVED the U.S. healthcare system because he would call for an appointment and get in the same day. Said that in England, his appointment would be scheduled for two months later (by which time his sore throat, fever, or flu would be gone).

So...let’s be honest here’ve never actually met a Canadian.

Met a Brit one time at a National Park

Told me he had heart surgery and never even got a bill
Never met a Canadian who wants to abandon their healthcare system in return for ours
I met a Brit who did. He was here on a work visa and told me first-hand what a horror story England’s national healthcare system was. Said he LOVED the U.S. healthcare system because he would call for an appointment and get in the same day. Said that in England, his appointment would be scheduled for two months later (by which time his sore throat, fever, or flu would be gone).

So...let’s be honest here’ve never actually met a Canadian.

Met a Brit one time at a National Park

Told me he had heart surgery and never even got a bill

That sounds pretty fucking awesome to me. But what does a liberal like me know.

I think Repugs would rather have the "freedom" to die a miserable and painful death instead.
Our government didn't defeat Germany and Japan during WWII?
You mean did our government handle defense exactly as required in the U.S. Constitution? Why, yes. Yes they did.
Our government didn't put an end to slavery?
Yeah...not a “massive problem”, sparky. There were two choices - slavery or not slavery. And everyone knew slavery was wrong. That was a “problem” the private sector could have “solved” in about 4 seconds. But guess what? It’s the government’s job to secure the right of liberty, so they handled it as they were requried. But again, nothing “massive” about that. It was a no-brainer (which means even you were qualified!).
Our government didn't give African Americans and women the right to vote? Private industry did all of this?
Yeah...not a “massive problem”, sparky. There were two choices - allow citizens the right to vote as the U.S. Constitution dictates or not allow it. And everyone knew not allowing them to vote was wrong. That was a “problem” the private sector could have “solved” in about 4 seconds. But guess what? It’s the government’s job to secure the right of liberty, so they handled it as they were requried. But again, nothing “massive” about that. It was a no-brainer (which means even you were qualified!).
You know what....I think this is what the founding fathers meant by securing our rights, slow-learner.
Yes. Exactly. That is what they meant. They did not mean “here is ‘free’ healthcare” or “here is ‘free’ housing”. Dumb ass. You literally supported me and defeated your own position.
Met a Brit one time at a National Park Told me he had heart surgery and never even got a bill
What a shame that you find that “awesome”. There was a time in this nation where people felt a deep shame for accepting handouts. Now, you think it’s great to mooch off of society like a fuck’n parasite.
Our government didn't defeat Germany and Japan during WWII?
You mean did our government handle defense exactly as required in the U.S. Constitution? Why, yes. Yes they did.
Our government didn't put an end to slavery?
Yeah...not a “massive problem”, sparky. There were two choices - slavery or not slavery. And everyone knew slavery was wrong. That was a “problem” the private sector could have “solved” in about 4 seconds. But guess what? It’s the government’s job to secure the right of liberty, so they handled it as they were requried. But again, nothing “massive” about that. It was a no-brainer (which means even you were qualified!).
Our government didn't give African Americans and women the right to vote? Private industry did all of this?
Yeah...not a “massive problem”, sparky. There were two choices - allow citizens the right to vote as the U.S. Constitution dictates or not allow it. And everyone knew not allowing them to vote was wrong. That was a “problem” the private sector could have “solved” in about 4 seconds. But guess what? It’s the government’s job to secure the right of liberty, so they handled it as they were requried. But again, nothing “massive” about that. It was a no-brainer (which means even you were qualified!).
You know what....I think this is what the founding fathers meant by securing our rights, slow-learner.
Yes. Exactly. That is what they meant. They did not mean “here is ‘free’ healthcare” or “here is ‘free’ housing”. Dumb ass. You literally supported me and defeated your own position.

Still no admission that you were wrong about the private health care industry supporting ObamaCare and the individual mandate.

What a dishonest piece of shit you are.
Met a Brit one time at a National Park Told me he had heart surgery and never even got a bill
That sounds pretty fucking awesome to me. But what does a liberal like me know.
What a shame that you find that “awesome”. There was a time in this nation where people felt a deep shame for accepting handouts. Now, you think it’s great to mooch off of society like a fuck’n parasite.
Met a Brit one time at a National Park Told me he had heart surgery and never even got a bill
What a shame that you find that “awesome”. There was a time in this nation where people felt a deep shame for accepting handouts. Now, you think it’s great to mooch off of society like a fuck’n parasite.

Your definition of a handout is fucked-up, just like you are. Your fucking hero Trump has gotten more "handouts" than 99.9999% of the people on planet Earth.

You couldn't possibly be anymore stupid.
Still no admission that you were wrong about the private health care industry supporting ObamaCare and the individual mandate. What a dishonest piece of shit you are.
Snowflake...I never said that certain industries with a vested interest didn’t support Obamacare.

You said (and I quote) “the ENTIRE industry”. I called you out on that. And, as always, I was 100%. The problem is, you’re such a low IQ Dumbocrat with such a severe reading comprehension issue that you can’t follow along with the discussion.
Still no admission that you were wrong about the private health care industry supporting ObamaCare and the individual mandate. What a dishonest piece of shit you are.
Snowflake...I never said that certain industries with a vested interest didn’t support Obamacare.

You said (and I quote) “the ENTIRE industry”. I called you out on that. And, as always, I was 100%. The problem is, you’re such a low IQ Dumbocrat with such a severe reading comprehension issue that you can’t follow along with the discussion.

Nope, you said they didn't. Period. Like I said, you're full of shit.
I'm absolutely in the military. Have been for 18 years.
A. Thank you for your service. That is very honorable and appreciated.

B. How in the hell can you be so ignorant of government and the U.S. Constitution if you’ve spent 18 years in the military? How can you take an oath to defend and uphold something you’ve never read? :eusa_doh:
Your fucking hero Trump has gotten more "handouts" than 99.9999% of the people on planet Earth.
And every single one of them were wrong. And they were only made possible because of low IQ idiots such as yourself.

Well, if you can enthusiastically vote for a moocher like Trump, then you should have absolutely no problem with socialism.

It doesn't make any sense for you to constantly whine about socialism and then vote for a corporate welfare queen like Trump who hasn't paid taxes in decades, if ever. Your hatred for liberals has made you blind and hopelessly stupid.
Nope, you said they didn't. Period. Like I said, you're full of shit. #69 is still out there for everyone to see. In fact, here it is:
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
They didn’t. Literally the “entire” private healthcare industry did not support it. Lie #1 by you.
I called you out on your idiotic claim that the “entire” healthcare industry supported it.
I'm absolutely in the military. Have been for 18 years.
A. Thank you for your service. That is very honorable and appreciated.

B. How in the hell can you be so ignorant of government and the U.S. Constitution if you’ve spent 18 years in the military? How can you take an oath to defend and uphold something you’ve never read? :eusa_doh:

Reading it and understanding it are two different things. You don't even understand that the Constitution is a social contract. That's about as bad as it gets.
Well, if you can enthusiastically vote for a moocher like Trump, then you should have absolutely no problem with socialism.
Yeah...uh...I never voted for President Trump. Not in the primary. Not in the election. Never.

I don’t understand why you revel in being ignorant. :dunno:

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