I've already blown your ass
G-String talking about his homosexual again. Shocking.
And you should probably see someone about your obsession with gay sex.
Only one of us is talking about “already blown your ass” of men and it sure as hell isn't me.
So you took my sentence out of context, truncated it, then turned it into some kind of weird gay thing.

All to cover the fact you lied about my beliefs.

You are showing us more and more of your true character. Awesome.
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.

By whom? The people who live there or the people who want to?

Oh snowflake...you can’t make a lie into reality simply by repeating the lie. Obamacare is still 100% law and still 100% failing miserably (which we all know upsets you so deeply because of your support for mooching off of other citizens).

Goebbels told him he could.
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.

Norway is SOCIALIST???? Living high on oil revenues but socialist?
I've already blown your ass
G-String talking about his homosexual again. Shocking.

You don't have the integrity to admit you lied.

That's all anyone needs to know about your character. Anything you say is just so much bullshit.

And you should probably see someone about your obsession with gay sex.

You lost.

You lack the ability to engage in a debate. Sad; VERY sad!!!

It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why

If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it? Why did Mitt Romney support it in Massachusetts? Why did the conservative Heritage Foundation propose it in the first place?

Shit, I wish ObamaCare was government health care like Medicare. The country would be much better off.

You're an unsophisticated, uneducated Repug goober who just constantly talks out of his ass.
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
They didn’t. Literally the “entire” private healthcare industry did not support it. Lie #1 by you.

Those that did, did so for the same reason that you progressives support it. Ignorance. They see “free” government dollars and their eyes light up.
Why did Mitt Romney support it in Massachusetts?
Because that’s what his very progressive state wanted. A good representative delivers what his constituents want so long as it is constitutional. And that is all Mitt Romey did. See, you idiot progressives view a representative as a dictator who controls the people. Mitt Romney recognized that he was merely a servant of the people.
Why did the conservative Heritage Foundation propose it in the first place?
You mean in 1978 when - as a think tank - they were looking for solutions? And after they saw how it failed so profoundly in other nations they retracted and denounced that proposal?

Why are you such a disingenuous asshat who can’t be honest about anything?
So I answered all of your questions in post #72 above, Trump The Mad King. Now you can answer one.

If the socialized medicine that you constantly call for is sooooo wonderful, why don’t you progressives just build it yourselves? Create a foundation/co-op/etc. and allow people to voluntarily join it. You are free to do that any time you want. And yet none of you progressive dill-holes have ever done that. Why? It’s a simple question - why are you incapable of answering it?
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
They didn’t. Literally the “entire” private healthcare industry did not support it. Lie #1 by you.

Those that did, did so for the same reason that you progressives support it. Ignorance. They see “free” government dollars and their eyes light up.
Why did Mitt Romney support it in Massachusetts?
Because that’s what his very progressive state wanted. A good representative delivers what his constituents want so long as it is constitutional. And that is all Mitt Romey did. See, you idiot progressives view a representative as a dictator who controls the people. Mitt Romney recognized that he was merely a servant of the people.
Why did the conservative Heritage Foundation propose it in the first place?
You mean in 1978 when - as a think tank - they were looking for solutions? And after they saw how it failed so profoundly in other nations they retracted and denounced that proposal?

Why are you such a disingenuous asshat who can’t be honest about anything?

You're a Repug liar, as always. Article from 2009 -- Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

Some may find it hard to believe that the U.S. health insurance industry supports making major changes to the nation's healthcare system.

The industry, after all, scuttled President Clinton's healthcare overhaul bid with ads featuring "Harry and Louise" fretting about change.

But this time, it turns out, the health insurance industry has good reason to support at least some change: It needs it.

Private health insurance faces a bleak future if the proposal they champion most vigorously -- a requirement that everyone buy medical coverage -- is not adopted.

The customer base for private insurance has slipped since 2000, when soaring premiums began driving people out. The recession has accelerated the problem. But even after the economy recovers, the downward spiral is expected to continue for years as baby boomers become eligible for Medicare -- and stop buying private insurance.
So I answered all of your questions in post #72 above, Trump The Mad King. Now you can answer one.

If the socialized medicine that you constantly call for is sooooo wonderful, why don’t you progressives just build it yourselves? Create a foundation/co-op/etc. and allow people to voluntarily join it. You are free to do that any time you want. And yet none of you progressive dill-holes have ever done that. Why? It’s a simple question - why are you incapable of answering it?

We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.

Bernie Sanders is 100% right -- the only way to fix health care in this country is Medicare for all. ObamaCare was a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go nearly far enough.
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We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.
You're a Repug liar, as always. Article from 2009 -- Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'
You said the “entire” healthcare industry in post #71. Here it is...
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
That’s simply not true. You lie in every post. I personally spoke with physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators who vehemently opposed it.
We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
You're a Repug liar, as always. Article from 2009 -- Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'
You said the “entire” healthcare industry in post #71. Here it is...
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
That’s simply not true. You lie in every post. I personally spoke with physicians, nurses, and hospital administrators who vehemently opposed it.

OK goober, since you want to play childish word games...why does the VAST MAJORITY of private health care companies support it?? You lose, yet again.

I could care less who your worthless Repug goober ass talked to. Your simple-minded anecdotes ain't evidence, goober.
We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Whoa!!! Then I guess you win, unsophisticated lightweight Repug goober!!! Congratulations!!
We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Liberal policies and ideas are so popular, they have to force people to accept them. Oh wait :eusa_think:
We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare.
Well first of all...who is this “we” shit? You’re 19 years old (and immature). Medicare was passed in 1967 before you were even born. So you didn’t do shit. You didn’t even vote for it.
Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass??
This one simple question here illustrates just how astoundingly ignorant you really are. Why does it matter if it’s mandatory? Because, stupid, it proves that it’s an awful idea that nobody wants. It also proves that you nitwits are facists and parasites looking to control and mooch off of others.

See...if socialized medicine was a good idea...you wouldn’t have to mandate it. Did the government have to mandate the creation of the iPad or the purchase of the iPad? Nope. And if socialized medicine was worth a damn, you would create a foundation and everyone would join it voluntarily.

My God you are a very special sort of stupid. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. And now wonder you’re a parasite. There is no way you could ever make it on your own.

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