Come to Bundyfest!



Statists are such elitist scumbags...and the funny thing is, the more elitist they come across as, the more ignorant they are.
Progressives are innately criminal. Our biggest mistake politically and as a people has always been our failure to act accordingly.

They believe that all their eye can see should be provided to them, they have no problem with human rights violations, theft, murder, and flagrant violations of existing law...if it serves them. Likewise, they have no problem with the state intervening illegally to commit crimes on their behalf.
The Nevada department of wildlife disagrees with you. If you see one in a inhabited area you are supposed to call them. In May 2012 numerous species of rattlesnake across the country was put on the endangered species. That would make killing one a violation of federal law.

Very few are on the endangered list. For the most part it's open season on rattlesnakes all over the country. And the only reason they want you to call is they are afraid some dumb ass city dweller is going to get bit,or start shooting while little johnny is playing in the backyard of the house next door.
Looks like they are trying to put certain rattlesnakes on a fed protection list but it hasn't happened yet.
Maybe state laws?

But regardless of what they say. I find a rattlesnake on my property it's dead.
I've run over at least three or four over the years with the mower and didnt even know it until after the fact.

Rattlesnakes primary prey are rodents. That makes them the ranchers and farmers freind as long as they stay away from the house and barn.

Right up until they bite Elsie on the leg and you have to put down a thousand dollars worth of beef. And cows are generally not in the barn,they're out on the range/pasture.....where the rattlesnakes are.
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Progressives are innately criminal. Our biggest mistake politically and as a people has always been our failure to act accordingly.

They believe that all their eye can see should be provided to them, they have no problem with human rights violations, theft, murder, and flagrant violations of existing law...if it serves them. Likewise, they have no problem with the state intervening illegally to commit crimes on their behalf.

That's quite profound! Of course they are innately criminal. That's why the liberals always support criminals. Obama is releasing 200,000 criminals from prisons. His donors don't go to prison no matter how criminal they are. Of course liberals will support criminal conduct, and change criminal conduct to legal conduct if they can pass the laws to do so.
They can't seem to win the elections that count so they gin up these faux outrages :yawn: Progressives can see through their transparent ploys
29 of the states have Republican governors and they hold the House, that doesn't count? You pretty much nailed the progressives tactics though. Racism, sexism, homophobia, starving children, unequal pay, blah blah blah. One phony con after another. Now it's back to Reagan since you assholes have exhausted every possible outrage imaginable.
It is extremely important that Bundyfest happen as planned. Exactly as planned with full anarchy. It is set for September with 30 days of merriment. Sixty days before the November elections. Bundyfest is something the nation should see. It is something the world should see, but that's another topic. If anything at all is tied to Bundyfest, it should be Harry Reid's continued position as majority leader.

Don't dismiss this display of liberal joy as bad. It should be embraced, encouraged. This is real America. It's what liberals are really like.

Not to mention that it will be an ideal recruiting tool for al quaeda. Potential terrorists can be shown films of this along with OWS occupations and be told "This is what you fight".
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The world won't see it. It won't be covered. The press works for the feds at this point.

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