Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
he could be facing serious jail time as this is one of many charges he will have to face.

DOJ inspector general says Comey violated policies with memos documenting private conversations with Trump

Nope. He walks, just like McCabe will walk. They will all walk. Jail is for us, not them.
Violating policies is a criminal act? Isn't that a personnel problem?

How many black dudes went to jail for lying to the FBI? Martha Stewart went to prison for lying to the FBI. Comey lies to the FBI and nothing happens.
What I saw said that he violated policies, not lied to the FBI.
So no problem if the FBI leaks Hillary's recovered emails, right?

No, that would be a death penalty case. Just ask Jeff Epstine.
Comey should have been fired for what he did to Hillary - but not before he finished his investigation of Trump.

What did he “do” to Hillary?

She had an illegal private server for her official email. She also wiped it and destroyed evidence, aka obstructed justice.

The only thing he did to her was let her off the hook because he claimed she was too dumb to understand she broke the law. Funny thing is that has never been an excuse for dropping charges before.

He released the email evidence a week before the election.
Actually got a link where the server was illegal?

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

I’ve worked in IT for the Federal government for 20 years. It’s 100% illegal. But she is a Clinton, and the rules don’t apply.
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
Here is James Comey's "Sweeping and Dramatic Fashion. A Gross Hyperbolic Over Exaggeration as he was nothing but a treasonous political hack

Nice reading material.
Studying them for your PhD?
Liberal Arts Degree
If a Republican had done what Comey did

Idiot, Comey was a Republican.

Schmuck, So was Mueller. So was McCain. Means nothing.

Schmuck, unlike your claim a Republican did exactly what Comey did...because this Republican's name was Comey.


Another twit who comes to the defense of any RINO he likes when they are in the servitude of the Left. McCain asskisser.

Nope, just refuting crazy counterfactual conspiratorial bullshit.
well then again, trump is a democrat.

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!
Sorry, we don't put our political opponents in prison in this country. Are you from North Korea or what?

Really? You might want to research what Lincoln did to political opponents of his war.
It's official. James Comey was a Criminal. Lied, Stole, Leaked Classified Information, Violated all kinds of policies and procedures and The Deep State will not prosecute him as I said, they never would.

83 Pages of Violations, and not even a slap on the wrist.

Everyone knew this would be the outcome.
Some people are obviously above the laws
At worst he broke rules dimwits
It's official. James Comey was a Criminal. Lied, Stole, Leaked Classified Information, Violated all kinds of policies and procedures and The Deep State will not prosecute him as I said, they never would.

83 Pages of Violations, and not even a slap on the wrist.

Everyone knew this would be the outcome.
Some people are obviously above the laws
At worst he broke rules dimwits

So the FBI can dump Hillary's recovered emails? No problem-o?
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
except, no federal agency looked at the DNC server. no one. so that is a pure lie.

Got it. So if you accept the Trumpublican propaganda what Mueller reported
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion
." really means there was no "Russian interference".

Not surprising since you guys believe left is right, up is down, black is white. Sweeping and systematic interference is no interference.......makes perfect sense.
It amazes me how corrupt officials like to Obfuscate The Truth.

Why didn't Comey just come out and say, Some People Did Something, and they posted memes on the Internet that Hillary and Obama did not like?

Because this is all that happened and they never even could confirm if any Russians did it.

Here is one of them.

Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
How much did the Russians give the Clinton Crime Family Foundation For ACCESS?
Omg, you don't believe the uranium guff do you?
Why don't you factcheck it and list?
Whose foundation was fined and shut down again.?
Man, talk about a zero college blank mind
#1 fact check is a liberal leaning organization and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America....and being NY DemonRAT AG has said she is after Trump and has a complicit liberal court in NY to go along with her, Trumps foundation was closed down....but of course you lied again and expect weak minded independents to believe you...Pathetic liar!
It's official. James Comey was a Criminal. Lied, Stole, Leaked Classified Information, Violated all kinds of policies and procedures and The Deep State will not prosecute him as I said, they never would.

83 Pages of Violations, and not even a slap on the wrist.

Everyone knew this would be the outcome.
Some people are obviously above the laws
At worst he broke rules dimwits
He did more than broke the rules. He did far more than what Flynn did which was simply get tripped up on statements he already made and disclosed.

James Comey knew The Law, and Knew The Rules, and He Willfully broke them.
What are you babbling about?

Stick to the subject...and the subject is that Comey did not leak any classified info and broke no laws.
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
How much did the Russians give the Clinton Crime Family Foundation For ACCESS?
Omg, you don't believe the uranium guff do you?
Why don't you factcheck it and list?
Whose foundation was fined and shut down again.?
Man, talk about a zero college blank mind
#1 fact check is a liberal leaning organization and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America....and being NY DemonRAT AG has said she is after Trump and has a complicit liberal court in NY to go along with her, Trumps foundation was closed down....but of course you lied again and expect weak minded independents to believe you...Pathetic liar!
How interesting was that, that Obama and Hillary Closed down a Real Charity because it was competition with a Fake Charity (The Clinton Foundation)
It's official. James Comey was a Criminal. Lied, Stole, Leaked Classified Information, Violated all kinds of policies and procedures and The Deep State will not prosecute him as I said, they never would.

83 Pages of Violations, and not even a slap on the wrist.

Everyone knew this would be the outcome.
Some people are obviously above the laws
At worst he broke rules dimwits
He did more than broke the rules. He did far more than what Flynn did which was simply get tripped up on statements he already made and disclosed.

James Comey knew The Law, and Knew The Rules, and He Willfully broke them.
Looks like the IG disagrees with you.

What a surprise
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
How much did the Russians give the Clinton Crime Family Foundation For ACCESS?
Omg, you don't believe the uranium guff do you?
Why don't you factcheck it and list?
Whose foundation was fined and shut down again.?
Man, talk about a zero college blank mind
#1 fact check is a liberal leaning organization and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America....and being NY DemonRAT AG has said she is after Trump and has a complicit liberal court in NY to go along with her, Trumps foundation was closed down....but of course you lied again and expect weak minded independents to believe you...Pathetic liar!
How interesting was that, that Obama and Hillary Closed down a Real Charity because it was competition with a Fake Charity (The Clinton Foundation)
Again off topic.
What are you babbling about?

Stick to the subject...and the subject is that Comey did not leak any classified info and broke no laws.
when one has nothing to say, the pull out the you're off subject ploy!!!
Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
How much did the Russians give the Clinton Crime Family Foundation For ACCESS?
Omg, you don't believe the uranium guff do you?
Why don't you factcheck it and list?
Whose foundation was fined and shut down again.?
Man, talk about a zero college blank mind
#1 fact check is a liberal leaning organization and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America....and being NY DemonRAT AG has said she is after Trump and has a complicit liberal court in NY to go along with her, Trumps foundation was closed down....but of course you lied again and expect weak minded independents to believe you...Pathetic liar!
How interesting was that, that Obama and Hillary Closed down a Real Charity because it was competition with a Fake Charity (The Clinton Foundation)
Again off topic.
still nothing ploy.

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