Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
It's official. James Comey was a Criminal. Lied, Stole, Leaked Classified Information, Violated all kinds of policies and procedures and The Deep State will not prosecute him as I said, they never would.

83 Pages of Violations, and not even a slap on the wrist.

Everyone knew this would be the outcome.
Some people are obviously above the laws
At worst he broke rules dimwits
He did more than broke the rules. He did far more than what Flynn did which was simply get tripped up on statements he already made and disclosed.

James Comey knew The Law, and Knew The Rules, and He Willfully broke them.
Looks like the IG disagrees with you.

What a surprise
Comey kept copies of four memos (out of the total seven he drafted) in a personal safe at home after his removal as director -- and in doing so "violated FBI policies and his FBI Employment Agreement by failing to notify the FBI that he had retained them." The IG said Comey again violated the rules "by providing copies ... of the four memos he had kept in his home to his three private attorneys without FBI authorization," and by failing to alert the FBI once he learned one of the memos contained sections later deemed classified at the confidential level.

Although Comey said he wrote the memos so that they would not contain classified information, two of his memos--memos "1" and "3"--contained information later classified at the "SECRET" level. Memos "2" and "7" contained small amounts of information classified at the "CONFIDENTIAL" level. The FBI designated memos "4, 5, and 6" remained unclassified--"For Official Use Only."

so wait, so now all laws are just rules? violate a rule and stand in the corner for an hour? wow, so now we can kill people and not get charged? when did that all take place exactly?
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
except, no federal agency looked at the DNC server. no one. so that is a pure lie.

Got it. So if you accept the Trumpublican propaganda what Mueller reported
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion
." really means there was no "Russian interference".

Not surprising since you guys believe left is right, up is down, black is white. Sweeping and systematic interference is no interference.......makes perfect sense.
no, I accept what Jeh Johnson said under oath. Do you know who he was? I will double check, but I believe Comey said the same thing under oath. Yep,..

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

All fking fact, you can apologize anytime you like for being a liar.
BlindBoo where'd you go? you asked, I provided, now gonna apologize?
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
BTW, there is no way to dump the size files over remote access. Just tooo large, and the transmission lines too small to allow it. It's why they have sharepoints and FTP sites. you need programs that link to that to share material of files that large. So genius, how did Russia get anything off of the server remotely?

Those files could have been downloaded by someone on the East coast from Maine to Miami.
They let him off the hook. Why bother investigating the rest, they are just wasting more of our money...
They knew that if they investigated Comey, it would all lead back to trump. And trump is in enough shit he doesn’t need more.
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
BTW, there is no way to dump the size files over remote access. Just tooo large, and the transmission lines too small to allow it. It's why they have sharepoints and FTP sites. you need programs that link to that to share material of files that large. So genius, how did Russia get anything off of the server remotely?

Those files could have been downloaded by someone on the East coast from Maine to Miami.
over what infrastructure? there isn't one that can download those size files. sorry bubba, but technology has spoken, there are limitations of throughput. Ain't fking possible. One would have to be on site to transfer such files. ooops.
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
except, no federal agency looked at the DNC server. no one. so that is a pure lie.

Got it. So if you accept the Trumpublican propaganda what Mueller reported
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion
." really means there was no "Russian interference".

Not surprising since you guys believe left is right, up is down, black is white. Sweeping and systematic interference is no interference.......makes perfect sense.
no, I accept what Jeh Johnson said under oath. Do you know who he was? I will double check, but I believe Comey said the same thing under oath. Yep,..

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

All fking fact, you can apologize anytime you like for being a liar.
BlindBoo where'd you go? you asked, I provided, now gonna apologize?

I didn't ask you for anything. I responded to Frankies "Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference" With what was actually in Mueller's report. And you came along with the accusation that because the Feds didn't have access to DNC Server, that somehow changed Muellers opening statement on Russia widespread and sweeping interference to "none".

I'm sorry you think that matters, if that helps.
Yeah that's right, well except for the stuff he said in his report like:

"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion

But other than that.......
except, no federal agency looked at the DNC server. no one. so that is a pure lie.

Got it. So if you accept the Trumpublican propaganda what Mueller reported
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion
." really means there was no "Russian interference".

Not surprising since you guys believe left is right, up is down, black is white. Sweeping and systematic interference is no interference.......makes perfect sense.
no, I accept what Jeh Johnson said under oath. Do you know who he was? I will double check, but I believe Comey said the same thing under oath. Yep,..

Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

All fking fact, you can apologize anytime you like for being a liar.
BlindBoo where'd you go? you asked, I provided, now gonna apologize?

I didn't ask you for anything. I responded to Frankies "Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference" With what was actually in Mueller's report. And you came along with the accusation that because the Feds didn't have access to DNC Server, that somehow changed Muellers opening statement on Russia widespread and sweeping interference to "none".

I'm sorry you think that matters, if that helps.
while true, the fact remains, the DNC server was never inspected for a hack, nor can anyone remotely pull files with the limitations of throughput, so, me, I ask questions, so how do they know such a thing when there is absolutely zero evidence of such a thing present. You asked me where I heard that, I gave you that. Jeh Johnson and james comey. So now the question is, what is it did russia interfere with? not votes, they all say no to that, so please explain the interference they did. ready, go!
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What are you babbling about?

Stick to the subject...and the subject is that Comey did not leak any classified info and broke no laws.
That's a lie. The IG Report said he broke multiple rules and laws.
RULES dimwit...not laws
Leaking Classified Information is a Felony,
Please cite that law and explain why the IG recommended no prosecution
They did not recommend "No Prosectution". Comey committed crimes that they refused to prosecute him for. Same favor he did for Hillary Clinton.
Other: Memo's to them self is something all of us do, at least those of us who are competent and organized.

If you see or hear something which is disturbing, an organized person will make a note to themselves; if the disturbance is of serious concern (such as obstructing justice) such notice would be given to one's attorney or colleague.

Clearly this is a witch hunt, the AG and Trump are functioning as every corrupt leader in a banana republic would act.
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Because Comey didn't cave to political pressure and did what he thought was the right thing to do.

Comey did screw Hillary, but thats just him being wrong, not him being a corrupt politico.


The "Right thing to do" was take over the AG's job and tell everyone all of the crimes Hillary committed but invent a "Stupid Defense" for her?
He assisted an organized crime operation run by Hillary and Obama in destroying evidence of treason and other high crimes, as anybody with any real sense already knows. He should have been in prison two years ago, as should Hillary and Obama.
They let him off the hook. Why bother investigating the rest, they are just wasting more of our money...

Maybe, or maybe he cut a deal we don't know about yet. But true, it's not an encouraging sign they let the treasonous little weasel off so far.
the fact remains, the DNC server was never inspected for a hack, nor can anyone remotely pull files with the limitations of throughput, so, me, I ask questions, so how do they know such a thing when there is absolutely zero evidence of such a thing present.

The server, along with all the other computers on their network, had to be inspected in real time. All the processes and threads had to be checked out to see what they were doing.

Well, he did lay out chapter and verse all the laws she broke.

Oh, please, tell us what Comey's final conclusion was on Clinton.

His final arbitrary act with her was to invent intent to harm as a requirement for prosecution.

That is nowhere within the statute.

But you already know this, you are just a political whore who supports your criminals because they happen to be on your side.

"Intent to harm" doesn't need to be in the statute. It's a founding prinicple of law, you dolt!

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