Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
the fact remains, the DNC server was never inspected for a hack, nor can anyone remotely pull files with the limitations of throughput, so, me, I ask questions, so how do they know such a thing when there is absolutely zero evidence of such a thing present.

The server, along with all the other computers on their network, had to be inspected in real time. All the processes and threads had to be checked out to see what they were doing.
and no one did. so again, I'm asking you, you believe mueller, what is it they interfered with since it really wasn't the DNC server? We know votes weren't touched. so what is the interference?

I'm wondering why folks like you that belive this crap can't offer up what that interference actually was. Mueller wouldn't, nor any congressional rep. so why should I believe they did when no one, nadda, zippola has shown evidence of it. I know there was a coup, i know it, there is evidence and a lack of it, like this, no russia evidence. yet two and a half years of investigation. And we got zip for it.

So again, explain what it is you believe the interference was.

You have your head on your shoulders straight, so you can at least be honest.

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!
Sorry, we don't put our political opponents in prison in this country. Are you from North Korea or what?

Really? You might want to research what Lincoln did to political opponents of his war.

He sent them for sun and fun out on the west coast.
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.
I never thought that, but shit dude, well done..:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.
I never thought that, but shit dude, well done..:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Its not even the FBI's job to make the decision on indicting or not indicting that's the DOJ's job. That was not just highly unusual but unheard of. In this case they had Comey do it due to Bill and Lynch getting caught colluding on the tarmac, which questioned the DOJ's objectivity and integrity. The whole mess was quite sloppy and corrupt.
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.

Well, that, and using the wrong email just ain't a big deal to normal people.
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.

Best point made in the thread so far......

When the laws only apply to an underclass, the American Dream is over.
Once the dam is breached, the flood waters are not far behind. This is going to become "normal"

"Justice For All" is no longer available in America. No one cares. We ALL should be outraged over this........but as always..........

<<<<<<<<<<<< crickets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Well, he did lay out chapter and verse all the laws she broke.

Oh, please, tell us what Comey's final conclusion was on Clinton.

His final arbitrary act with her was to invent intent to harm as a requirement for prosecution.

That is nowhere within the statute.

But you already know this, you are just a political whore who supports your criminals because they happen to be on your side.

"Intent to harm" doesn't need to be in the statute. It's a founding prinicple of law, you dolt!

Not for the laws that she broke, you moron! Were that a factor the US Navy sailor who did far, far less, wouldn't have had to spend a year in prison, you ignorant twerp!
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.

Well, that, and using the wrong email just ain't a big deal to normal people.
if you're saying that normal people should just shrug their shoulders when our government officials are violating felony laws, well, wow!! That sure is a sad place to be eh? That comey would know that normal people wouldn't care. how would he know that exactly?
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.

Well, that, and using the wrong email just ain't a big deal to normal people.

An email created for the sole purpose of bypassing FOIA laws. For a political whore, you're pretty inept.
Look, the purpose of Comey's action on the Hillary email scandal was to faux slap her hand for breaking the law, then inform the public she would not be indicted. Clearly orchestrated by Bill Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac in collusion with Obama's DOJ and FBI. Elite privilege on full display.

Well, that, and using the wrong email just ain't a big deal to normal people.
but a sailor taking a picture on a submarine all normal people want that dude locked up, right?
They let him off the hook. Why bother investigating the rest, they are just wasting more of our money...


Excuse me, but not only is Comey not off the hook, their findings were enough to book him with lawsuits by individuals for the remainder of his life. He goofed. He intentionally did things to secure his job, and they were wrongful actions that almost killed the voting system we have in place by order of granting states their wishes for entering the union. It is called a sacred trust. His actions also discouraged law-and-order men and women whose high standards would never allow them to go against their good judgment to the point of being canned for being "troublemakers."

Comey was likely the poster boy for how to keep your job when your boss the president requires preserving criminally corrupt face-saving and that elected president or person running for office was wrongfully shown to be an upright man or woman when the reverse was true.

Since the FBI is a paramilitary group, I am not surprised the IG and the AG let him off for obeying a direct order of the POTUS or former First Lady whose welfares are both protected by laws or traditions.

I'm afraid we have fallen into the same trap as the Europeans have for Royals, or even worse since they are elected from the millions of people who do not know them personally and depend upon the press to give an ear to both their good and their bad points.

The only way we can fight it is to ensure that the future presidents of this country have served the military and been discharged honorably following a minimum of 5 years service in a military leader's capacity.

This case begs for finger printing and eye scanning to validate the person at the polls, and eliminate all online voting. If a person is too sick to show up to vote on election day, he should pass the baton to the able-bodied citizens to choose their fate.

And that's exactly what I think. All else is like Master and Commander's joke about the two weevils, and that the least bad one was the lesser of two weevils.

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and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?
When "good men" refuse to stand up for their rights, evil men are more than happy to revoke them promptly.
Looks like justice is pretty much dead.

Get ready America. Like Camila Harris said, once the globalist Democrats (Gazis) get rid of trump, they are coming for his supporters
and no one did. so again, I

Well there you go, that's contrary to known reality.

How was the DNC supposed to turn over it's cloud based servers?
well then how is it the russians got it off their server it was in the cloud? then they didn't hack the DNC. right? cloud isn't a server on their property, but it is still a server and it still maintains remote access as getting into that server. so still waiting on how the files were transmitted since there is no infrastructure to do that? I explained it to you. so you just provided more material that russia didn't hack the server. I'm still right. So, for the fifth time, how did russia interfere?

and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?
and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

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