Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.
The report said no such thing, and nobody knows that better than you since you didn't cite the exact words of the report, which said only "CONFIDENTIAL" info, the lowest level of info, was released
Read the damn report... Comey IDENTIFIED Four countries exposing national security, classified information.

You are a Damn LIAR! You should get your glasses checked as your reading comprehension problems are real bad..

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!

I wanted to see tramp indicted as well but Mueller thought he could not indict a sitting potus.

For what crime?
OBSTRUCTION, as if you didn't know!
Mueller himself stated, under oath, and in the report that "NO CRIMES WERE COMMITTED"... How in the hell do you idiots spin that into Obstruction?
If a Republican had done what Comey did

Idiot, Comey was a Republican.

Schmuck, So was Mueller. So was McCain. Means nothing.

Schmuck, unlike your claim a Republican did exactly what Comey did...because this Republican's name was Comey.


Another twit who comes to the defense of any RINO he likes when they are in the servitude of the Left. McCain asskisser.

Nope, just refuting crazy counterfactual conspiratorial bullshit.

The problem for you nutters is that reality never matches any of your outlandinsh claims, but instead of dealing with that relaity by rexamining the basis of your claims you fools simply make up yet another, even grander conspiracy theory as an explantion.


NAME the crazy, counterfactual conspiratorial outlandish bullshit. You can't even spell the word "reality" must less show any mastery of it, DUMMASS.
and no one did. so again, I

Well there you go, that's contrary to known reality.

How was the DNC supposed to turn over it's cloud based servers?
well then how is it the russians got it off their server it was in the cloud? then they didn't hack the DNC. right? cloud isn't a server on their property, but it is still a server and it still maintains remote access as getting into that server. so still waiting on how the files were transmitted since there is no infrastructure to do that? I explained it to you. so you just provided more material that russia didn't hack the server. I'm still right. So, for the fifth time, how did russia interfere?


With an admin account to a cloud service like AWS or Azure, you could spin up a new machine, added it to the network, transfer the data to the new computer using their high speed infrastructure, take it off the network and using a different remote connection to that new machine get the mega-data at slower speeds. Then kill the new machine. Depends on permissions.

They had 140 servers. Crowdstrike made forensic copies of all their hard drives and turn them over to the FBI.
and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
and yes the Beasty could have stopped the Uranium 1 deal as all it took was 1 NO VOTE, from DEEP STATER none would risk their position in Gov't to protect America.

Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
I get it you feel bad, no link. I hate that too.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....
good thing he didn't ask you for any explanations then.
if you're saying that normal people should just shrug their shoulders when our government officials are violating felony laws,

You mean like Individual One noted in the Cohen Indictment who didn't get prosecuted along with Cohen because he was President?
Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
I get it you feel bad, no link. I hate that too.
another of your hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals that have no evidence or intelligence behind them once you start to look into them. But go crazy over O'Donnell why don't you, brainwashed functional more on? I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence. You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
I get it you feel bad, no link. I hate that too.

I didn't link the the Megaton to Megawatts program either. Don't feel too bad about that either. It's not on the talking points list.
They let him off the hook. Why bother investigating the rest, they are just wasting more of our money...


Excuse me, but not only is Comey not off the hook, their findings were enough to book him with lawsuits by individuals for the remainder of his life. He goofed. He intentionally did things to secure his job, and they were wrongful actions that almost killed the voting system we have in place by order of granting states their wishes for entering the union. It is called a sacred trust. His actions also discouraged law-and-order men and women whose high standards would never allow them to go against their good judgment to the point of being canned for being "troublemakers."

Comey was likely the poster boy for how to keep your job when your boss the president requires preserving criminally corrupt face-saving and that elected president or person running for office was wrongfully shown to be an upright man or woman when the reverse was true.

Since the FBI is a paramilitary group, I am not surprised the IG and the AG let him off for obeying a direct order of the POTUS or former First Lady whose welfares are both protected by laws or traditions.

I'm afraid we have fallen into the same trap as the Europeans have for Royals, or even worse since they are elected from the millions of people who do not know them personally and depend upon the press to give an ear to both their good and their bad points.

The only way we can fight it is to ensure that the future presidents of this country have served the military and been discharged honorably following a minimum of 5 years service in a military leader's capacity.

This case begs for finger printing and eye scanning to validate the person at the polls, and eliminate all online voting. If a person is too sick to show up to vote on election day, he should pass the baton to the able-bodied citizens to choose their fate.

And that's exactly what I think. All else is like Master and Commander's joke about the two weevils, and that the least bad one was the lesser of two weevils.

Good points and agreed on most, but I doubt military service results in an honest politician. We have had many pols with military backgrounds, they still sucked.

Think John McCain.
We learned today that the FBIs rules and policies are meaningless and we have an agency full of agents doing whatever they feel like with no consequences.

Abolish the FBI
if you're saying that normal people should just shrug their shoulders when our government officials are violating felony laws,

You mean like Individual One noted in the Cohen Indictment who didn't get prosecuted along with Cohen because he was President?
no one got that.
Certainly none of you idiots who get there news and opinion from the GOP propaganda machine, brain-washed functional moron troll... Why don't you try journalism around the world for change and listen to law enforcement 4 crying out loud....
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
We learned today that the FBIs rules and policies are meaningless and we have an agency full of agents doing whatever they feel like with no consequences.

Abolish the FBI
No we learned that James Comey is just another GOP idiot scumbag...
And of course that the GOP propaganda machine in Toto is totally full of s*** as always all your conspiracies are garbage including the deep state and the fisa warrants and the coup. Absolutely ridiculous.

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