Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
if you're saying that normal people should just shrug their shoulders when our government officials are violating felony laws,

You mean like Individual One noted in the Cohen Indictment who didn't get prosecuted along with Cohen because he was President?
no one got that.
Let me make it plainer for you.

Trump has been cited as an unindicted co-conspirator with Cohen in crimes that Cohen went to jail for.

Now you were saying something about officials getting away with violating felony laws?
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Democrats have been saying he broke protocols and rules within the FBI ever since he started going on about Hillary and emails that meant nothing but Fox and CNN and MSNBC blabbed about for a year and wrecked the election. especially when he said 10 days before the election that they were starting investigating Hillary again but never mentioned that he had been investigating the Trump campaign since June. With actual evidence for a change. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
I'm sure the fact that the AG is the Trump swine hasn't occurred to any of you brainwashed functional morons. I see he's having a big party held at Trump's hotel. Trump Administration is the swamp and the GOP is the swamp and the GOP propaganda machine is the swamp and you are the swamp dumbass.
We learned today that the FBIs rules and policies are meaningless and we have an agency full of agents doing whatever they feel like with no consequences.

Abolish the FBI

Replace the Executive with two Executives. One for foreign policy and one for domestic affairs.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.

Sounds like he was following a handbook of some kind. Long established procedures, protocols, and rules no longer need be followed if you are part of the Chosen People (if they ever did). All you other schmucks, watch yer backs.

Next, or Batter up....Play Ball!
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Democrats have been saying he broke protocols and rules within the FBI ever since he started going on about Hillary and emails that meant nothing but Fox and CNN and MSNBC blabbed about for a year and wrecked the election. especially when he said 10 days before the election that they were starting investigating Hillary again but never mentioned that he had been investigating the Trump campaign since June. With actual evidence for a change. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

Why wouldn’t he announce he was investigating Hillary? He was, for actual crimes committed.

There was no investigation on Donald Trump, even later on Mueller said the President wasn’t under investigation. During the campaign the Hussein administration was SPYING on the Donald, there was no official investigation. Do try to keep up with the FACTS, you idiot.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Democrats have been saying he broke protocols and rules within the FBI ever since he started going on about Hillary and emails that meant nothing but Fox and CNN and MSNBC blabbed about for a year and wrecked the election. especially when he said 10 days before the election that they were starting investigating Hillary again but never mentioned that he had been investigating the Trump campaign since June. With actual evidence for a change. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

Why wouldn’t he announce he was investigating Hillary? He was, for actual crimes committed.

There was no investigation on Donald Trump, even later on Mueller said the President wasn’t under investigation. During the campaign the Hussein administration was SPYING on the Donald, there was no official investigation. Do try to keep up with the FACTS, you idiot.
But emails? All a bunch of crap super duper. She was guilty of not paying any attention to her emails, she had security for that. She was busy being Secretary of State and there is no crime to cover up or anything else, just garbage propaganda so that you are totally full of s***. Mueller was not investigating Trump you idiot, James Comey and the FBI was, since June 2016 about all their meetings with Russians and never taking notes. That should bother you considering everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC and wrecked the election with all those emails that actually meant nothing. Just a tidal wave of propaganda. Poor America. This punditocracy is a disgrace and I include CNN and MSNBC. They should have news on half the time with actual reporters and actual foreign offices so people know what is going on in the world, instead of just divisive garbage propaganda from you and cowardly pussification from the Democrats most of the time. This is ridiculous
the fact remains, the DNC server was never inspected for a hack, nor can anyone remotely pull files with the limitations of throughput, so, me, I ask questions, so how do they know such a thing when there is absolutely zero evidence of such a thing present.

The server, along with all the other computers on their network, had to be inspected in real time. All the processes and threads had to be checked out to see what they were doing.
and no one did. so again, I'm asking you, you believe mueller, what is it they interfered with since it really wasn't the DNC server? We know votes weren't touched. so what is the interference?

I'm wondering why folks like you that belive this crap can't offer up what that interference actually was. Mueller wouldn't, nor any congressional rep. so why should I believe they did when no one, nadda, zippola has shown evidence of it. I know there was a coup, i know it, there is evidence and a lack of it, like this, no russia evidence. yet two and a half years of investigation. And we got zip for it.

So again, explain what it is you believe the interference was.

You have your head on your shoulders straight, so you can at least be honest.

Read the Mueller Report. Part 1. It’s all there. It can’t be summarized in a paragraph of two.
Comey should not be exonerated for what he did to Hillary Clinton right before the 2016 election. Comey also failed to mention that Trump was also under investigation. Comey finally told us on March 20, 2017 that the FBI had been investigating Trump since July 2016. By that time - Trump had already been president for two months. Shame on Comey. What Comey did to Hillary was unconscionable. Comey is a pompous ass.

Amazing that she didn’t have him bumped off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
Now who is the AG, dumbass. The GOP has always been the swamp especially under Trump oh my God LOL wake up and smell the coffee super duper. all this is just a huge distraction from the fact that they are ruining the country and the middle class with their giveaway to the rich and strange foreign policy that I hope works but going by history of trump oh, he is a total screw-up and con man.
You drooling Dims need to remember the entire report isnt out yet. There may be bigger things coming that the DOJ will hammer Comey and company for. Certainly some higher up people know this. Comey better start keeping his big mouth shut. He's still in for a lot of trouble.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
I'm sure the fact that the AG is the Trump swine hasn't occurred to any of you brainwashed functional morons. I see he's having a big party held at Trump's hotel. Trump Administration is the swamp and the GOP is the swamp and the GOP propaganda machine is the swamp and you are the swamp dumbass.
With every post you go deeper and deeper into what appears to be a psychiatric illness.
Comey should have been fired for what he did to Hillary - but not before he finished his investigation of Trump.

What did he “do” to Hillary?

She had an illegal private server for her official email. She also wiped it and destroyed evidence, aka obstructed justice.

The only thing he did to her was let her off the hook because he claimed she was too dumb to understand she broke the law. Funny thing is that has never been an excuse for dropping charges before.

Maybe she should sue him. Look whats happened to her since. And Bill should sue for having to look at her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It seems like the FBI has rules and policies just for looks. I wonder how many other agents just ignore the rules and policies like Comey?

Shouldn't law enforcement be held to a higher standard?
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
Now who is the AG, dumbass. The GOP has always been the swamp especially under Trump oh my God LOL wake up and smell the coffee super duper. all this is just a huge distraction from the fact that they are ruining the country and the middle class with their giveaway to the rich and strange foreign policy that I hope works but going by history of trump oh, he is a total screw-up and con man.
Your inability to comprehend the written word is noted. Do not address me again until you have attain an IQ from at least 1.
We learned today that the FBIs rules and policies are meaningless and we have an agency full of agents doing whatever they feel like with no consequences.

Abolish the FBI

Replace the Executive with two Executives. One for foreign policy and one for domestic affairs.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.

Sounds like he was following a handbook of some kind. Long established procedures, protocols, and rules no longer need be followed if you are part of the Chosen People (if they ever did). All you other schmucks, watch yer backs.

Next, or Batter up....Play Ball!
he wrecked the election talking about Hillary's emails investigation but never mentioning the Russia investigation of trump LOL. Scumbag GOP as always.... My
I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
Now who is the AG, dumbass. The GOP has always been the swamp especially under Trump oh my God LOL wake up and smell the coffee super duper. all this is just a huge distraction from the fact that they are ruining the country and the middle class with their giveaway to the rich and strange foreign policy that I hope works but going by history of trump oh, he is a total screw-up and con man.
Your inability to comprehend the written word is noted. Do not address me again until you have attain an IQ from at least 1.
Who is the AG stupid? It's Trump's idiot. the GOP swamp doesn't want any investigations about that stuff. It's how they won the election. And another GOP dupe turns into a troll immediately....
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
Now who is the AG, dumbass. The GOP has always been the swamp especially under Trump oh my God LOL wake up and smell the coffee super duper. all this is just a huge distraction from the fact that they are ruining the country and the middle class with their giveaway to the rich and strange foreign policy that I hope works but going by history of trump oh, he is a total screw-up and con man.
Your inability to comprehend the written word is noted. Do not address me again until you have attain an IQ from at least 1.
Who is the AG stupid? It's Trump's idiot. the GOP swamp doesn't want any investigations about that stuff. It's how they won the election. And another GOP dupe turns into a troll immediately....
Clearly you aren’t getting it. Get back to the mental hospital.
President Trump, has repeatedly accused Comey of illegally leaking classified information to the media.

A lie that he will continue to claim until the end even as he believe Comey was disgraced yet his Trump own lies were exposed

IG "found no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the Memos to members of the media."

The IG said that his notes were property of the FBI but I believe that Comey was right to keep them as it would be his only defense against the accusation that Trump tried to get him to go easy on Trumps buddies. Even as head of the FBI he has no defense from a corrupt President other than is words.

The memos the IG has said they were classified but what we see is that discussion with the president are classified

So if the president did things that was inappropriate then they would be classified and kept by the FBI and probably never released until 60 years later

My god, to be a fly in the FBI

Still the IG report contains the memos with redaction available for all to see

Trump looses

No prosecution of Comey

and in the end the memos are released

If Trump did not pressure him to go easy on Flynn then none of this would have happen

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