Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
The big take away here is that all the FBI rules and policies are meaningless and their agents can do anything they want.
Actually Trump should figure out that the attorney general is supposed to be independent. This is ridiculous.I see attorney general Barr is throwing a huge party at Trump's hotel....... Trump Administration is a disgrace people and is not helping you. Neither is the Liars over at Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh heritage etc etc
The big take away here is that all the FBI rules and policies are meaningless and their agents can do anything they want.
Actually Trump should figure out that the attorney general is supposed to be independent. This is ridiculous.I see attorney general Barr is throwing a huge party at Trump's hotel....... Trump Administration is a disgrace people and is not helping you. Neither is the Liars over at Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh heritage etc etc

The liar is comey
Guilty as sin, free as a bird.

USA RIP 1776-2016, full Orwellian State

Then again, they may have him on something else that they prefer to prosecute, and haven't mentioned yet.
There is no laws being an attention whore..
Or he'd get the death penalty.

However, there is a law against taking classified data home with you and using it to obstruct an election.

We'll see what happens in the end.

Except the IG concluded there was no "classified data", dope. did Comey "obstruct an election" after Trump was already president? :cuckoo:

He tried to change it..
He did he wrecked it and threw it to Trump with his announcement that they were starting the investigation up again. And his other announcement for that matter. But never said anything about his investigation of the Trump campaign which is much scarier and based on reality LOL, super duper.
So? I'm answering another idiots question. Comey appears to be bad at his job, there was not witch hunt against Trump, I only wished he had been more forthcoming to the public about how the FBI was looking at him.
that's the most honest thing you wrote in awhile.

I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Post it up, dope.

I did at least 50 times you dumb ass

You've posted nothing showing Comey publicly stating that Trump was under investigation in Oct of 16, dope.

It doesn't exist.
that's the most honest thing you wrote in awhile.

I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Post it up, dope.

I did at least 50 times you dumb ass

You've posted nothing showing Comey publicly stating that Trump was under investigation in Oct of 16, dope.

It doesn't exist.

You want to bet fucker?
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Post it up, dope.

I did at least 50 times you dumb ass

You've posted nothing showing Comey publicly stating that Trump was under investigation in Oct of 16, dope.

It doesn't exist.

You want to bet fucker?

Will Comey Cost Hillary The Presidency?
It’s pretty interesting that we have to have an IG report to basically say that the director was violating the policies. After what two years of morning, noon and night just bunch of opinion shows covering this. In my opinion, this has turned into something that these media outlets can spend a half hour on because it’s so damn. This has to come to an actual close or be an actual investigation that we can look at all sides of the case. Comey was violating the FBI policies when he was fleeting to use an outsider to link to the media. Face jail time? Comey and everyone who was careless during the situation should but, this is where we start to see people saying trump should blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-de-blah. This won’t go anywhere because why should it
I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
What law did the IG say he broke?

I believe you are wrong
I just read some of the report. You appear to be right. He broke FBI rules, but no mention of laws broken.

Imagine if all FBI personnel leaked information to the press for personal reasons.

He admitted to the leaking in order to prompt a special council. Absolutely disgusting, abusing his power to start a sham investigation because he knew there was no evidence to support a normal investigation.

Ken Starr who was one of the many republicans who investigated that suicide says you're a liar.

There were several republican investigations into the suicide. NONE of them said it was murder. ALL OF THEM said it was suicide.

Are you saying that all of those republicans are lying?

You need to stop lying. The issue was resolved in the 90s by republicans yet you far right radical extremists continue to repeat the lie.

A final investigation, led by special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, also concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim that Foster was murdered. Starr's report addressed several additional questions about physical and forensic evidence that had previously fueled speculation about the case. The report established that Foster owned the handgun used in the suicide, and confirmed that the body had not been moved from its position prior to its discovery by police. The report concluded "In sum, based on all of the available evidence, which is considerable, the OIC [Office of Independent Counsel] agrees with the conclusion reached by every official entity that has examined the issue: Mr. Foster committed suicide by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993."[1]

Suicide of Vince Foster - Wikipedia
and no one did. so again, I

Well there you go, that's contrary to known reality.

How was the DNC supposed to turn over it's cloud based servers?
well then how is it the russians got it off their server it was in the cloud? then they didn't hack the DNC. right? cloud isn't a server on their property, but it is still a server and it still maintains remote access as getting into that server. so still waiting on how the files were transmitted since there is no infrastructure to do that? I explained it to you. so you just provided more material that russia didn't hack the server. I'm still right. So, for the fifth time, how did russia interfere?

well then how is it the russians got it off their server it was in the cloud?

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threw shade at Comey in a series of tweets following the release of the DOJ IG report.

The DOJ Inspector General released a report on James Comey Thursday morning on his mishandling of memos he drafted stemming from nine conversations he had with President Trump.

Although it was determined that Comey violated FBI policies pertaining to retention, handling and dissemination of FBI records and information, Barr declined prosecution.

The IG report concluded that Comey “set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees.”

Without mentioning Comey’s name, Rosenstein criticized the former FBI Director on Twitter.

“It is important .. to follow established policies and procedures, especially when the stakes are high…. We should be most on guard when we believe that our own uncomfortable .. circumstances justify ignoring .. principles respected by our predecessors.” Rosenstein said.


““It is important .. to follow established policies and procedures, especially when the stakes are high…. “

Says the man who reportedly signed one of the bogus FISA requests...... just wait folks you will be seeing them pass the hot potato and the one caught with it when the music stops will give everyone up to save his ass!
No one has figured out that the classification of data that Comey leaked was changed from classified to unclassified before the IG investigation.
Whose in charge of this?
Well, goddamn it's the FBI itself!

The only way you can break the law is if you are the law; especially at this level.
Trust the FBI at your own peril.
Why stop it? What was the risk to America, considering we were in the final years of a two decades long trade deal with Russia where we purchased 550 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from Russia's decommissioned nuclear warheads for our nuclear reactors?

Do you thinks those mines were producing the material we use for our nuclear weapons or that Russia was going to ship ore form those mine to Russia to replace the highly enriched uranium they just sold us?
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
I get it you feel bad, no link. I hate that too.
That information has been publicly available for years, dope. WTF are you arguing about if you don't even understand such basic information like that?

Ken Starr who was one of the many republicans who investigated that suicide says you're a liar.

There were several republican investigations into the suicide. NONE of them said it was murder. ALL OF THEM said it was suicide.

Are you saying that all of those republicans are lying?

You need to stop lying. The issue was resolved in the 90s by republicans yet you far right radical extremists continue to repeat the lie.

A final investigation, led by special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, also concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim that Foster was murdered. Starr's report addressed several additional questions about physical and forensic evidence that had previously fueled speculation about the case. The report established that Foster owned the handgun used in the suicide, and confirmed that the body had not been moved from its position prior to its discovery by police. The report concluded "In sum, based on all of the available evidence, which is considerable, the OIC [Office of Independent Counsel] agrees with the conclusion reached by every official entity that has examined the issue: Mr. Foster committed suicide by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993."[1]

Suicide of Vince Foster - Wikipedia

That's your proof???

Hell look up me. ..

It says I am a babe magnet for some reason.

Remember when President Trump fired this shmuck? Dems went crazy calling it “obstruction”. Turns out our President was 100% correct about Comey, he was an unprofessional partisan hack that abused his power to try and hurt the President while forgiving any Dem of all their wrongdoing.

Same goes for Mueller, turns out he was a pathetic moron who didn’t know what was going on in his own investigation team. Our President would had been fully justified in firing that useless idiot.

President Trump 100% vindicated now.
so why was it so important for russia then? I mean I'll flip your same argument back at you for why they'd want it then?

They didn't. The Canadian company that owned the mining rights wanted to get rid of them . They held other mines in Turbeckistanley, or somewhere on the other side of the world that Russia really wanted. To buy the mines they wanted they had to take those US mines off Canada's hands. So where was the risk to America then? How much of our ore has Russia exported to itself?

Hahahaha why bother, you guys'll just ignore it keep and bring up Uranium One as a scandal on another day in another thread. But that was the right question.
I get it you feel bad, no link. I hate that too.
That information has been publicly available for years, dope. WTF are you arguing about if you don't even understand such basic information like that?
This coming from you?

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