Comey is in trouble and he knows it


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
No, the big question is why Comey announced the investigation into Clinton while keeping the tRump investigation under wraps.
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it
If he really knows it, why is he still out there running his big mouth?
Comey Clapper and Brennan all thought Hillary would win so they had nothing to worry about.....:oops8:
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

“There is a sense that Comey’s team was not checking the boxes, did not have adequate predication, and may have tasked sources before an investigation was even officially opened. Barr should pull case files and dig in on this. In addition, the cast of characters leveraged by the FBI against the Trump campaign all appear to have their genesis as CIA sources (‘assets,’ in agency vernacular) shared at times with the FBI. . . . James Comey is right to be apprehensive. He himself ate away at the soul of the FBI, not in small bites but in dangerously large ones. It was a dinner for one, though: His actions are not indicative of the real FBI. The attorney general’s comprehensive examination is welcome and, if done honestly and dispassionately, it will protect future presidential candidates of both parties and redeem the valuable soul of the FBI.”​

Comey didn’t act alone. He had a lot of help within the FBI and the DoJ. It’s bad news for him that the FBI folks are trying to pretend that he was on his own.
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
No, the big question is why Comey announced the investigation into Clinton while keeping the tRump investigation under wraps.
That's an additional question.

The answer is probably that Comey is mostly concerned about Comey.

Weasels will be weasels.
No question there was spying on Trump campaign, but how much?

"Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant and a FISA warrant," Barr said. "I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it is being represented."

There has been a lot of discussion on the Right about the FBI's use of a confidential informant, an England-based college professor named Stefan Halper, to spy on some Trump campaign figures, including the sometime foreign policy volunteer advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page. There has also been talk about the FBI's use of a FISA warrant, a court-approved permission to wiretap, against Page.

There was also speculation about other possible FBI surveillance, but the Halper operation and Page FISA case were the only ones definitely known. So Barr was saying: If the FBI really took the Trump-Russia matter seriously, if they thought it was a threat to the republic, would that be all they would do? No other wiretaps or other surveillance? No other confidential informants? Nothing?

Barr was already looking into the question:

Just days later the New York Times reported that in the summer of 2016 the FBI sent an undercover agent, a woman who went by the alias Azra Turk, to London to pose as Halper's research assistant and tease information out of Papadopoulos. (The Times was so reluctant to call Turk a spy that it referred to her, in a headline, as a "cloaked investigator.")

So now there are Halper, Turk, and the Page FISA warrant. If they represent the totality of the FBI's surveillance, that would still be a pretty anemic response to what some in the bureau viewed as a full-scale Russian attack on American democracy.

So, is there more?

The answer is not publicly known. But consider this: The Mueller report noted that on Aug. 2, 2017, the Justice Department authorized the special counsel to investigate specific allegations against four Trump campaign officials: Page and Papadopoulos, plus former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former security adviser Michael Flynn. Is it reasonable to believe that the FBI pulled out the big investigative guns, the spies and the wiretap warrant, against the two smaller figures, Page and Papadopoulos, and not against the far more important figures of Manafort and Flynn? Or if not against them, perhaps against others?

Barr was correct that the Trump Campaign was spied on. He was careful to add that the unknown factor about the spying was "whether it was adequately predicated" — that is, whether the FBI had a legitimate reason to do it. But there was no doubt spying happened.

Now, the question is whether there was more than is now publicly known. Congressional investigators are anxiously awaiting the results of an investigation into at least some of the surveillance by Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz. That report is thought to be coming in the next couple of months. They are also watching to see what Barr will investigate on his own.

Both are deeply important efforts. Just as the public needed to know what is in the Mueller report, it needs to know about the FBI's secret political operations in the 2016 campaign.
No question there was spying on Trump campaign, but how much?

"Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant and a FISA warrant," Barr said. "I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it is being represented."

There has been a lot of discussion on the Right about the FBI's use of a confidential informant, an England-based college professor named Stefan Halper, to spy on some Trump campaign figures, including the sometime foreign policy volunteer advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page. There has also been talk about the FBI's use of a FISA warrant, a court-approved permission to wiretap, against Page.

There was also speculation about other possible FBI surveillance, but the Halper operation and Page FISA case were the only ones definitely known. So Barr was saying: If the FBI really took the Trump-Russia matter seriously, if they thought it was a threat to the republic, would that be all they would do? No other wiretaps or other surveillance? No other confidential informants? Nothing?

Barr was already looking into the question:

Just days later the New York Times reported that in the summer of 2016 the FBI sent an undercover agent, a woman who went by the alias Azra Turk, to London to pose as Halper's research assistant and tease information out of Papadopoulos. (The Times was so reluctant to call Turk a spy that it referred to her, in a headline, as a "cloaked investigator.")

So now there are Halper, Turk, and the Page FISA warrant. If they represent the totality of the FBI's surveillance, that would still be a pretty anemic response to what some in the bureau viewed as a full-scale Russian attack on American democracy.

So, is there more?

The answer is not publicly known. But consider this: The Mueller report noted that on Aug. 2, 2017, the Justice Department authorized the special counsel to investigate specific allegations against four Trump campaign officials: Page and Papadopoulos, plus former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former security adviser Michael Flynn. Is it reasonable to believe that the FBI pulled out the big investigative guns, the spies and the wiretap warrant, against the two smaller figures, Page and Papadopoulos, and not against the far more important figures of Manafort and Flynn? Or if not against them, perhaps against others?

Barr was correct that the Trump Campaign was spied on. He was careful to add that the unknown factor about the spying was "whether it was adequately predicated" — that is, whether the FBI had a legitimate reason to do it. But there was no doubt spying happened.

Now, the question is whether there was more than is now publicly known. Congressional investigators are anxiously awaiting the results of an investigation into at least some of the surveillance by Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz. That report is thought to be coming in the next couple of months. They are also watching to see what Barr will investigate on his own.

Both are deeply important efforts. Just as the public needed to know what is in the Mueller report, it needs to know about the FBI's secret political operations in the 2016 campaign.
Americans that are paying attention know what's on the Mueller report.

No collusion

No conspiracy

No obstruction.
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Wray is one of them....You don't think he's going to roll over on his buddies just like that, do ya?
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.


Last edited:
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Wray is one of them....You don't think he's going to roll over on his buddies just like that, do ya?

You are cuckoo.,
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.


You are funny.
James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Did you not notice when you posted such an ironically stupid post? Not even a little bit?
Such an incredible lack of self awareness is amazing!
James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Did you not notice when you posted such an ironically stupid post? Not even a little bit?
Such an incredible lack of self awareness is amazing!

We all need a good laugh occasionally.

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