Comey is in trouble and he knows it

The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
No, the big question is why Comey announced the investigation into Clinton while keeping the tRump investigation under wraps.
That's an additional question.

The answer is probably that Comey is mostly concerned about Comey.

Weasels will be weasels.

I read somewhere... can't remember where just now... that Comey had a score to settle with Bill and Hillary over something.
Even though he was a never Trumper he also had a bone to pick with them. Mr. Call me has made some very powerful enemies all around. Perhaps the worst choice he could have made is to make an enemy out of the Clintons. No he really has no opposing camp to run to but I think he's about to have his ass hung on a hook.


The big question of the moment is will he be allowed to live long enough to reveal what he knows?

He is the weak link in the chain.

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