Comey is in trouble and he knows it

You are the one who is ignorant. Trump got his hand caught in the cookie jar and you refuse to accept that.
And Comey, Clinton, Mueller and friends are the one who got caught with their pants down when their "collusion" case against Trump (politically driven investigation) fizzled out like a soggy firecracker.
James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Did you not notice when you posted such an ironically stupid post? Not even a little bit?
Such an incredible lack of self awareness is amazing!
You display the stupidity of a Trump supporter. Far right wing paranoia...
I owe it to you to be honest with you, you aren't coming across as genius right now.
... we will be looking at a landslide loss for Trump.
Have fun with that.
...Try a malicious prosecution and that is what you will be looking at.
No. We are looking at a fair and impartial prosecutor examination of Jimmy "The Fixer" Comey. And he has it coming. Not only did he White Wash Hillary, Illegally Spy On Trump, but he jailed Martha Steward for denying she committed a crime she was never charged with.

I suspect that Jim Comey was pretty diligent about covering the tracks of his felonies as he went along. But, with his continual self-righteous moralizing and sermonizing, I bet he may have slipped up here and there. I patiently await the reports from the prosecutors and investigators.
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign...
So what? You think the FBI Director out ranks the AG?
Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Which is why Comey is in hot water.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

Comey will claim that everything he did in the FBI was by the book. But after the investigations by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Huber, along with Barr’s promised examination, are completed, Comey’s mishandling of the FBI and legal processes likely will be fully exposed.
Ideally, Barr’s examination will aggregate information that addresses three primary streams.

The first will be whether the investigations into both presidential nominees and the Trump campaign were adequately, in Barr’s words, “predicated.” This means he will examine whether there was sufficient justification under existing guidelines for the FBI to have started an investigation in the first place.

The Mueller report’s conclusions make this a fair question for the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. Comey’s own pronouncement, that the Clinton email case was unprosecutable, makes it a fair question for that investigation.

The second will be whether Comey’s team obeyed long-established investigative guidelines while conducting the investigations and, specifically, if there was sufficient, truthful justification to lawfully conduct electronic surveillance of an American citizen.

The third will be an examination of whether Comey was unduly influenced by political agendas emanating from the previous White House and its director of national intelligence, CIA director and attorney general. This, above all, is what’s causing the 360-degree head spins.

There are early indicators that troubling behaviors may have occurred in all three scenarios. Barr will want to zero in on a particular area of concern: the use by the FBI of confidential human sources, whether its own or those offered up by the then-CIA director.

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it
...The fact is that the FBI was well within its rights to open up a investigation...
This the very question that Prosecutors are examining, if this is so, then I'm sure Comey welcomes the investigation that will show how lawfully he exercised the power entrusted to him by the American People.
... It was not leaked in any shape or form. ....
Comey leaked what appears to be classified information, after he was fired. Each instance may have been a felony.

There is no evidence that Comey leaked any classified information.
Confidential communications with POTUS are BORN CLASSIFIED. Comey leaked 3 such communications, through a cut out, after he was fired. Leaking through a cut out indicates advanced leaking skills honed by practice. I'm sure the presently ongoing investigations will determine if there was classified information in the memos Comey leaked. So, there most certainly IS evidence, whether it's courtroom quality, likely to lead to conviction, is what awaits the Prosecutor's report.

McCabe was busted for leaking to the media and he claims Comey was fully briefed and complicit. Comey denies this, but McCabe's claim is most certainly evidence, the upcoming prosecutors report will tell us if the evidence is courtroom quality, likely to lead to a conviction.
You display the stupidity of a Trump supporter. Far right wing paranoia. Everyone is conspiring against Trump. You have long since lost whatever brains you had. Try it and we will be looking at a landslide loss for Trump.
Don't get angry at me. You are the one who made the asinine comment.

You are the one who makes asinine remarks. You are the one who makes crazy charges. It always involves a conspiracy.
And yet you posted this: "You display the stupidity of a Trump supporter. Far right wing paranoia. Everyone is conspiring against Trump. You have long since lost whatever brains you had. Try it and we will be looking at a landslide loss for Trump."
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it
And when nothing happens to Comey would only prove that he is really really really more nervous than ever!!!
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
No, the big question is why Comey announced the investigation into Clinton while keeping the tRump investigation under wraps.

I agree, his announcement and timing of the announcement puzzled me.
Because Clinton and Obama forced him to announce the re-opening of Clinton's investigation while keeping quiet about Trump --- because Comey and Clinton were both conspiring with Russia to stop Trump...its so obvious...

That is why Putin told the media that wanted Trump to win -- just as Obama and Clinton ordered him to say....
'James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barrr's emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on twitter standing amid tall trees and in the middle of empty country roads, acting all metaphysical, is no longer a sufficient strategy.

No, Comey has realized, probably too late, that he has to try to counter, more directly, the narrative being set by the unsparing attorney general whose words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week landed in the Trump-opposition world like holy water on Linda Blair. Shrieking heads haven’t stopped spinning since.'

James Comey is in trouble and he knows it

James Comey is in no trouble. The current FBI Director has disputed Barr's notion of spying on Trump's campaign. Politically driven investigations will not be accepted in this country.
Wray is one of them....You don't think he's going to roll over on his buddies just like that, do ya?
Trump appointed Wray.....are you saying Trump continues to be stupid when it comes to who he appoints?
Steve Hilton previews 'The Trial of James Comey'
'The Next Revolution' host examines the former FBI director ahead of the release of his new tell-all book.

Democrats and Republicans agree that James Comey is guilty of politicizing the FBI and meddling in the 2016 election. Everyone can now see that he is guilty of self-righteousness, self-regard and inappropriately producing a petty cash-for-gossip revenge attack on President Trump.

But the serious question, and one that goes to the heart of our confidence in law enforcement in this country, is whether James Comey is guilty of federal crimes.

If there is evidence to that effect, and if a case is not brought against him, that would be a shattering blow to democratic norms. It would send a message that the most senior law enforcement officials in the land can behave exactly as they wish, carry out whatever personal and political vendettas they want - and get away with it. It would send a message that America’s law enforcement officials are, in fact, above the law.

That is a dangerous and frightening scenario - one you would more normally associate with a banana republic or authoritarian dictatorship than the world’s oldest democracy.

So it’s important we examine this matter carefully. There are many accusations about Comey’s behavior swirling around. The very fact that his tenure at the FBI has brought so much controversy in its wake - even before President Trump was elected, let’s remember - point to a level of professional incompetence that deserves censure.

Steve Hilton: Will Comey be held accountable for his behavior? Law enforcement cannot be above the law
The fact that Republicans and Democrats are mad at him is proof that he has not politicized the FBI...
No it isn't.
...He is not guilty of anything but protecting the integrity of the FBI...
We'll see.
...He refused to allow Trump to influence a ongoing election...
Other than legally campaign, Trump did nothing to "influence an ongoing election."
... There is no evidence that he has done anything ...
There most certainly is.
...the current FBI Director says he has seen no evidence of spying on the Trump campaign.
Nobody cares about his silly word games.

It very much is true. If Comey wanted Clinton to win then why would he re-open the investigation the last weekend before the election. Republicans are mad at Comey because he did not prosecute Clinton. It says you are doing something right when both sides are mad at you.

The fact is that Trump did ask the FBI to lay off of Flynn.

Trump was aware of the fact the Russians wanted him to win and he made it easier for the Russians to do it. Manafort gave the Russians polling data and gave them the campaign's strategy.

There is NO evidence. Your crazy ramblings do not make a case except for the fact you are crazy. Barr is the one playing word games. Barr showed his willful ignorance when he testified to Congress and used the word spying.,
Steve Hilton previews 'The Trial of James Comey'
'The Next Revolution' host examines the former FBI director ahead of the release of his new tell-all book.

Democrats and Republicans agree that James Comey is guilty of politicizing the FBI and meddling in the 2016 election. Everyone can now see that he is guilty of self-righteousness, self-regard and inappropriately producing a petty cash-for-gossip revenge attack on President Trump.

But the serious question, and one that goes to the heart of our confidence in law enforcement in this country, is whether James Comey is guilty of federal crimes.

If there is evidence to that effect, and if a case is not brought against him, that would be a shattering blow to democratic norms. It would send a message that the most senior law enforcement officials in the land can behave exactly as they wish, carry out whatever personal and political vendettas they want - and get away with it. It would send a message that America’s law enforcement officials are, in fact, above the law.

That is a dangerous and frightening scenario - one you would more normally associate with a banana republic or authoritarian dictatorship than the world’s oldest democracy.

So it’s important we examine this matter carefully. There are many accusations about Comey’s behavior swirling around. The very fact that his tenure at the FBI has brought so much controversy in its wake - even before President Trump was elected, let’s remember - point to a level of professional incompetence that deserves censure.

Steve Hilton: Will Comey be held accountable for his behavior? Law enforcement cannot be above the law
The fact that Republicans and Democrats are mad at him is proof that he has not politicized the FBI...
No it isn't.
...He is not guilty of anything but protecting the integrity of the FBI...
We'll see.
...He refused to allow Trump to influence a ongoing election...
Other than legally campaign, Trump did nothing to "influence an ongoing election."
... There is no evidence that he has done anything ...
There most certainly is.
...the current FBI Director says he has seen no evidence of spying on the Trump campaign.
Nobody cares about his silly word games.

It very much is true. If Comey wanted Clinton to win then why would he re-open the investigation the last weekend before the election. Republicans are mad at Comey because he did not prosecute Clinton. It says you are doing something right when both sides are mad at you.

The fact is that Trump did ask the FBI to lay off of Flynn.

Trump was aware of the fact the Russians wanted him to win and he made it easier for the Russians to do it. Manafort gave the Russians polling data and gave them the campaign's strategy.

There is NO evidence. Your crazy ramblings do not make a case except for the fact you are crazy. Barr is the one playing word games. Barr showed his willful ignorance when he testified to Congress and used the word spying.,
Obama did spy, he should go to jail. But send him to a woman's jail. That way he would be in hell.
Steve Hilton previews 'The Trial of James Comey'
'The Next Revolution' host examines the former FBI director ahead of the release of his new tell-all book.

Democrats and Republicans agree that James Comey is guilty of politicizing the FBI and meddling in the 2016 election. Everyone can now see that he is guilty of self-righteousness, self-regard and inappropriately producing a petty cash-for-gossip revenge attack on President Trump.

But the serious question, and one that goes to the heart of our confidence in law enforcement in this country, is whether James Comey is guilty of federal crimes.

If there is evidence to that effect, and if a case is not brought against him, that would be a shattering blow to democratic norms. It would send a message that the most senior law enforcement officials in the land can behave exactly as they wish, carry out whatever personal and political vendettas they want - and get away with it. It would send a message that America’s law enforcement officials are, in fact, above the law.

That is a dangerous and frightening scenario - one you would more normally associate with a banana republic or authoritarian dictatorship than the world’s oldest democracy.

So it’s important we examine this matter carefully. There are many accusations about Comey’s behavior swirling around. The very fact that his tenure at the FBI has brought so much controversy in its wake - even before President Trump was elected, let’s remember - point to a level of professional incompetence that deserves censure.

Steve Hilton: Will Comey be held accountable for his behavior? Law enforcement cannot be above the law
The fact that Republicans and Democrats are mad at him is proof that he has not politicized the FBI...
No it isn't.
...He is not guilty of anything but protecting the integrity of the FBI...
We'll see.
...He refused to allow Trump to influence a ongoing election...
Other than legally campaign, Trump did nothing to "influence an ongoing election."
... There is no evidence that he has done anything ...
There most certainly is.
...the current FBI Director says he has seen no evidence of spying on the Trump campaign.
Nobody cares about his silly word games.
...It says you are doing something right when both sides are mad at you...
Pissing everyone of is dispositive lawful conduct, that will be determined by investigation.
...The fact is that Trump did ask the FBI to lay off of Flynn...
He requested Comey lay off after he was informed that both interviewing agents reported that Flynn had testified to them truthfully. Further, as Comey's boss, he had every right to discuss Comey's workload with him.
... Barr showed his willful ignorance when he testified to Congress and used the word spying.,
Barr's right. And it's a very good word. The Left was very comfortable with it while Bush was President.
Bush says spying leak causes great harm - US news - Security | NBC ...

Jan 1, 2006 - President Bush on Sunday strongly defended his domestic spying program, saying it's a limited program that tracks only incoming calls to the ...
Damning Steele Memo Finally Unearthed, FBI’s Response Is Just Plain Crooked

The J.Edgar Hoover Building in Washington is home to the FBI. It could also to home to secrets surrounding the 2016 presidential election.

Share Tweet EmailThe Hill’s John Solomon, a State Department memo regarding former British spy Christopher Steeleand his work for an unnamed client leading up to the 2016 election makes it crystal clear that FBI officials had to know Steele was working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign when they received a copy of the infamous “Steele dossier” from the State Department in October 2016, before Americans even went to the polls.

Damning Steele Memo Finally Unearthed, FBI's Response Is Just Plain Crooked
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
Former FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence: Comey Should Be Worried

The pencil-neck incel sasquatch should start communing with lawyers instead of redwoods.

AG Barr understands well that the FBI is dead as an agency -- undeserving of the nation's trust -- if it is commonly perceived to be a weapon for political vagaries rather than an impartial, objective enforcer of the rule of law so vital to the survival of democratic governance.
These three initiatives will either validate Comey's claim that everything he and his team did was "by the book" or they will expose grievous abuses that will invite reforms to ensure this never happens again.​

Comey's claim that he and his team did everything "by the book" also should invite scrutiny. He is controversial precisely because so many of his actions were not by the book.​

Conducting any investigation -- as Comey did -- out of FBI headquarters, let alone the Director's Office, is not by the book. It is so outside "the book" that current FBI Director Christopher Wray is implementing policy, according to reliable internal sources, that restores investigations exclusively to the field offices and prohibits headquarters -- where the FBI most closely intersects with the flame of political D.C. -- from ever conducting investigations again. Prudent, and good news for the country.​

Comey said that running confidential human sources and undercover operatives is normal activity. It is, but under tight restrictions. Targeting U.S. citizens working for a presidential campaign with confidential sources, non-FBI undercover investigators, and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) electronic surveillance, is not normal. It's never been done before. There is no "book" for it.​

In addition, experienced counterintelligence investigators will tell you that when there is an intersection of Russian intelligence operatives and a U.S. citizen, the normal "book" calls for the FBI to warn the American about Russian intelligence "tricks" and then obtain cooperation, to help learn even more about Russian objectives.​

This traditional book was not followed by Comey's team, nor were those courtesies extended to the Trump campaign. Instead, campaign members were immediately targeted for investigation. In light of Comey's recent [virulently anti-Trump, clearly partisan] comments, we may now know why.​
The plea bargain rollovers could easily reach 4-5 figures. The biggest question is whether Comey rolls over on Mueller or vice versa.
No, the big question is why Comey announced the investigation into Clinton while keeping the tRump investigation under wraps.
That's an additional question.

The answer is probably that Comey is mostly concerned about Comey.

Weasels will be weasels.

I read somewhere... can't remember where just now... that Comey had a score to settle with Bill and Hillary over something.
Even though he was a never Trumper he also had a bone to pick with them. Mr. Call me has made some very powerful enemies all around. Perhaps the worst choice he could have made is to make an enemy out of the Clintons. No he really has no opposing camp to run to but I think he's about to have his ass hung on a hook.


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