Comey Transcripts Drop

The fact that the FISA warrant accused Carter Page as being a spy for Russia and the fact that Page has never been charged pretty much makes the FISA warrant fraudulent.

It does NOT. Fail

Yea that's true. Just because nothing came of a warrant doesn't mean it was fraudulent. What makes it fraudulent was the intentionally misleading the FISA court and failing to disclose that the "Dossier" was paid for by a political opponent's campaign. Dimes to dollars it would have died there had they known that.

The fact that liberals are 100% ok with a surveillance court being abused and an American citizen being spied on illegally really says a lot about the party.
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Yea that's true. Just because nothing came of a warrant doesn't mean it was fraudulent. What makes it fraudulent was the intentionally misleading the FISA court and failing to disclose that the "Dossier" was paid for by a political opponent's campaign

There was no misleading and no failure to disclose. Have you forgotten the Nunes Memo fiasco already?
Change your news have a lot of catching up to are getting just a 4th of the truth on CNN and MSNBC....I'm being serious this for you....

Surrender accepted. You're lying
Yea that's true. Just because nothing came of a warrant doesn't mean it was fraudulent. What makes it fraudulent was the intentionally misleading the FISA court and failing to disclose that the "Dossier" was paid for by a political opponent's campaign

There was no misleading and no failure to disclose. Have you forgotten the Nunes Memo fiasco already?

No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.
Yet the judge was not told Steele had been let go, for a less than sterling action.
No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above
No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above

Cute. I asked you if the FISA court had been told that the dossier was paid for by an opposition political party.

So is that a "no?"
Yet the judge was not told Steele had been let go, for a less than sterling action.

Steele was never an employee so he was not "let go"
From the transcript-

Mr. Gowdy. Do you know whether the FBI was paying Christopher Steele for any of his work in the fall -- summer or
fall of 2016?
Mr. Comey. My recollection is that the FBI was not paying
him, that the FBI had reimbursed him for some travel expenses and had raised the prospect that if there was fruitful further work, he could be paid for it. But my recollection is that he was not paid. These are the things I remember learning when I was Director. Could be wrong, but I think that's what I was told.
Mr. Gowdy. I think you have answered the next question
then. Assuming that you are incorrect and the FBI was paying
him, you don't recall how much the FBI paid him?
Mr. Comey. Well, as I said, my recollection is that he was reimbursed for expenses and that he was not paid for his work in connection with the Russia subject, but that the prospect was raised. So, of course, given that I don't recall that he was paid for his work, the answer would be I don't recall how much he was paid because he wasn't paid, in my recollection.
Mr. Gowdy. When the Bureau uses sources or informants, are there agreements signed? Are there certain obligations on behalf of the source or the informant?
Mr. Comey. Yeah, I'm not expert enough to answer that.
I'm sure that there are, but I don't know the particulars.
Mr. Gowdy. Is it -- would it be unusual for the FBI to tell a source or an informant, you can't commit any other crimes while you're working for the Bureau?
Mr. Comey. I believe that's the case.
Cute. I asked you if the FISA court had been told that the dossier was paid for by an opposition political party.

So is that a "no?"

Nor is that necessary or usual

Its definitely not "usual" to present evidence to the FISA court that was bought and paid for by a political party, you got that right.

Not necessary to let a surveillance court know that some of the evidence they were using to make their decision was paid for by an opposition political party from a Russian operative? REALLY???
Not necessary to let a surveillance court know that some of the evidence they were using to make their decision was paid for by an opposition political party from a Russian operative? REALLY??

And THERE is your problem. Steele is the OPPOSITE of a "Russian operative"...which was why they accepted that CORROBORATING evidence based on HIS reputation
Don't be so stupid. Russian operatives fed the information to Steele. The guy was an ex British Spy. Which I would like to point out, NONE of this was pointed out to the FISA court.

Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
Let me refresh your memory/

A. Your idiot friends said he was a Russian operative. False

B. He was paid by Russia. False

And now you're claiming that because he used his extensive Russian sources (gained over many years of investigating Russian intel activities) that they were "feeding him" info in their interest?

Pure hogwash. When they FBI interrogates a Mafia "source" are they being used by the Mafia? Possibly ...but that would be unusual and you have no evidence to make that claim here
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No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above

IC Lesh, IC. Do you know you can NOT pass your credibility to someone else? Or maybe, you are that dumb to believe you can.

What do I mean?

Well, lets suppose that I have massive credibility with the FBI, and I proclaim-------------------> I seen Lesh rob a bank, went in with a gun, came out with a bag of the banks money. Boom, you are in deep trouble, yes!

But now, lets change it------------------> FBI says I have a sterling reputation, and I said that Lesh robbed a bank, the whole time knowing that I never seen it, and I got the information from Easy-)

In essence, they are using MY REPUTATION to secure a warrant with evidence, that they know damn well I have NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF!

That is exactly why your whole synopsis is off the rails, Steele had no direct knowledge of anything.

And where did he get his information?

From RUSSIANS, lol.

LESH, listen to what it is your are actually saying for just a minute------------> Steele's evidence was used to prove cause for a FISA warrant, and the evidence used came from the Russians.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?
No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above

IC Lesh, IC. Do you know you can NOT pass your credibility to someone else? Or maybe, you are that dumb to believe you can.

What do I mean?

Well, lets suppose that I have massive credibility with the FBI, and I proclaim-------------------> I seen Lesh rob a bank, went in with a gun, came out with a bag of the banks money. Boom, you are in deep trouble, yes!

But now, lets change it------------------> FBI says I have a sterling reputation, and I said that Lesh robbed a bank, the whole time knowing that I never seen it, and I got the information from Easy-)

In essence, they are using MY REPUTATION to secure a warrant with evidence, that they know damn well I have NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF!

That is exactly why your whole synopsis is off the rails, Steele had no direct knowledge of anything.

And where did he get his information?

From RUSSIANS, lol.

LESH, listen to what it is your are actually saying for just a minute------------> Steele's evidence was used to prove cause for a FISA warrant, and the evidence used came from the Russians.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

The Stupidity of that idiotic post is almost beyond compare. I guess you had to say "something" no matter how retarded.

Steele had a REPUTATION as THE British expert on matters Russia.

That is enough to give a report by him credence...and claiming that using Russian sources he has cultivated over decades AS that British expert somehow compromises him is beyond stupid.

And again...the Dossier was NOT the main source of intel that supported that FISA application. It this slowly now...CORROBORATING evidence
No, they did not disclose that the dossier was paid for by Clinton. If they did, please show me proof.

What You Need To Know About The Much-Discussed Carter Page FISA Document

A. The FISA warrant was no dependent on the Steele Dossier. The Dossier was merely corroborative evidence.

B. The Judge relied on Steele's sterling reputation and past dealings in such matters

C. Is not unusual at all to accept "Individual 1" as a source given the above

IC Lesh, IC. Do you know you can NOT pass your credibility to someone else? Or maybe, you are that dumb to believe you can.

What do I mean?

Well, lets suppose that I have massive credibility with the FBI, and I proclaim-------------------> I seen Lesh rob a bank, went in with a gun, came out with a bag of the banks money. Boom, you are in deep trouble, yes!

But now, lets change it------------------> FBI says I have a sterling reputation, and I said that Lesh robbed a bank, the whole time knowing that I never seen it, and I got the information from Easy-)

In essence, they are using MY REPUTATION to secure a warrant with evidence, that they know damn well I have NO DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF!

That is exactly why your whole synopsis is off the rails, Steele had no direct knowledge of anything.

And where did he get his information?

From RUSSIANS, lol.

LESH, listen to what it is your are actually saying for just a minute------------> Steele's evidence was used to prove cause for a FISA warrant, and the evidence used came from the Russians.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

The Stupidity of that idiotic post is almost beyond compare. I guess you had to say "something" no matter how retarded.

Steele had a REPUTATION as THE British expert on matters Russia.

That is enough to give a report by him credence...and claiming that using Russian sources he has cultivated over decades AS that British expert somehow compromises him is beyond stupid.

And again...the Dossier was NOT the main source of intel that supported that FISA application. It this slowly now...CORROBORATING evidence


The dossier, though mostly unverified, was then used by the FBI as the main evidence seeking a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign in the final days of the campaign.

Game. Set. Match. Dumbass.

Trey Gowdy: 'We'll never know' if the FBI had enough to spy on Carter Page without the Trump dossier

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant



The god damn FBI HAS TO CERTIFY THAT THE EVIDENCE IT PROVIDES THE FISA COURT IS RELIABLE. It did NOT do this.The FBI email chain shows that they had issues with the reliability of the information in the dossier, yet didn't say ANYTHING to FISA about it.

The email exchanges show the FBI was aware — before it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet
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Not necessary to let a surveillance court know that some of the evidence they were using to make their decision was paid for by an opposition political party from a Russian operative? REALLY??

And THERE is your problem. Steele is the OPPOSITE of a "Russian operative"...which was why they accepted that CORROBORATING evidence based on HIS reputation
The FBI 302 STATES Steele had extreme 'animosity' towards Trump...

This foreign spy with 'extreme animosity' towards the President was working for the FBI...

This foreign spy with 'extreme animosity' towards the President who was working for the FBI worked with the Russians in authoring and delivering a Russian-authored report even Steele said he did not believe was accurate...

And Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI illegally used this Russian-authored document by passing it off as actual legitimate US-collected Intel...

Yet you traitors are trying to convince others that doing so was legal and that Steele was / is a stand-up guy, a ftiggin' hero....


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