Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’Perjury? McCabe too?

This is a big deal IMO. Comey can't have it both ways. Either Trump asked him to stop the Flynn investigation and he perceived it as an attempt of obstruction, or he didn't. This essentially could make his memo moot, or he did indeed commit perjury. Now if he perjured himself then Trump is not off the hook, but Comey may go down with him. Oh the intrigue!

Exact words from Comey memo..

Headline from NYT:
WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

What Comey wrote Trump said:
“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

So please explain to me how the exact words of Trump..“I hope you can let this go,” Is translated into "Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation"

"I HOPE you idiots that want Trump out can let this go"... BUT I KNOW you idiots don't understand the difference because you are letting your emotions totally drive your logic! Hey what's new with you guys?

I'm not advocating for Trump to go, I voted for him (what choice did I really have, the Bulldyke?). But Trumped expressed to Comey that he wanted the investigation stopped, Comey didn't stop it, Trump fired Comey. Those are not hard dots to connect. It doesn't mean Trumps guilty, but it does raise suspicion in an objective eye. Nixon fired a special prosecutor, attorney general and deputy attorney general during the watergate fiasco, and people got REAL suspicious.

As for my emotions, I'm not a republican, but I am a conservative, so I'm pleased if Trump goes Pence will step in and appoint conservative justices.

Well first of all the issue I'm pointing to is the extreme BIASED MSM presenting information that makes dubious regarding the validity.
I am first and foremost 100% confident in Trump's position and point of view i.e. the MSM is doing everything to cast Trump as the bad guy.
As result I believe nearly NOTHING that any of the MSM puts and you really should also. Again... how do you know that Comey is telling the truth? This
from a guy who dismissed Hillary as an incompent but without any intent! How stupid. So I'd rather believe Trump!
This is a big deal IMO. Comey can't have it both ways. Either Trump asked him to stop the Flynn investigation and he perceived it as an attempt of obstruction, or he didn't. This essentially could make his memo moot, or he did indeed commit perjury. Now if he perjured himself then Trump is not off the hook, but Comey may go down with him. Oh the intrigue!

Exact words from Comey memo..

Headline from NYT:
WASHINGTON — President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

What Comey wrote Trump said:
“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

So please explain to me how the exact words of Trump..“I hope you can let this go,” Is translated into "Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation"

"I HOPE you idiots that want Trump out can let this go"... BUT I KNOW you idiots don't understand the difference because you are letting your emotions totally drive your logic! Hey what's new with you guys?

I'm not advocating for Trump to go, I voted for him (what choice did I really have, the Bulldyke?). But Trumped expressed to Comey that he wanted the investigation stopped, Comey didn't stop it, Trump fired Comey. Those are not hard dots to connect. It doesn't mean Trumps guilty, but it does raise suspicion in an objective eye. Nixon fired a special prosecutor, attorney general and deputy attorney general during the watergate fiasco, and people got REAL suspicious.

As for my emotions, I'm not a republican, but I am a conservative, so I'm pleased if Trump goes Pence will step in and appoint conservative justices.

Well first of all the issue I'm pointing to is the extreme BIASED MSM presenting information that makes dubious regarding the validity.
I am first and foremost 100% confident in Trump's position and point of view i.e. the MSM is doing everything to cast Trump as the bad guy.
As result I believe nearly NOTHING that any of the MSM puts and you really should also. Again... how do you know that Comey is telling the truth? This
from a guy who dismissed Hillary as an incompent but without any intent! How stupid. So I'd rather believe Trump!

I rarely watch MSM, only on occasion to get an idea for what color of koolaide the far left is drinking. I watched a bit on election night just to watch Rachel Maddow cry. I love it when that dude is crying.

I suggest toggling the channels between CNN and FOX. you'll get more intelligent and balanced commentary that way.
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart

Comey lied to Congress under oath?
Nope, you are lying on a messageboard.

My question is a lie?

No, your STATEMENT that Comey lied to Congress under oath is a lie, obviously, but the Right can never resist playing dumb.

The sentence ended in a question mark.

That means it's a question. You're going to have to up your grammar skills.
DoJ answers to the POTUS, the pertinent part is the following where he states unequivocally that he has never been asked to halt an investigation without a legitimate reason or for political purposes:
Asked by the ATTORNEY GENERAL or the DOJ, you left that part out!

The AG is head of the DoJ... soooooooo....

The AG is a racist, can barely speak English, and is nothing more than a yes man for Trump.

Lying faggot.

It's my opinion and "Lying faggot" is not a rebuttal.

Of course that is no unexpected, you've proved in the short time you've been posting that you're one of the uneducated, stupid and biddable fools.

My opinion of your opinion is that you're a lying faggot. Your opinion is not worth a valid rebuttal I offer your unsubstantiated and long debunked ad homs with both a fact (you're a liar) and an opinion (you're a faggot) which is probably, also, true.
Last edited:
Both denied under oath that there had been any influence to stop the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation.


“Not in my experience,” Comey responded. “Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose.”

“I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it,” Comey said.

“But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal.

“It’s not happened in my experience,” Comey said."

And McCabe...

If the Times’s report is true, including the implication that the President obstructed justice, then the President’s critics are in a double bind: Either
  1. McCabe committed perjury when he said “there has been no effort to impede” the investigation; OR
  2. McCabe did not consider the statements of the President to constitute an “effort to impeded” the investigation, which would mean no senior FBI officials viewed the President’s statements as an attempt to obstruct justice."

Oh this is getting better by the minute. Thanks the NYT. You just screwed them over.


NYT’s Comey Memo Story Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test

Comey Under Oath: 'Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations' - Breitbart

Comey lied to Congress under oath?
Nope, you are lying on a messageboard.

My question is a lie?

No, your STATEMENT that Comey lied to Congress under oath is a lie, obviously, but the Right can never resist playing dumb.

The sentence ended in a question mark.

That means it's a question. You're going to have to up your grammar skills.
No it is a statement with the wrong punctuation mark so you could deny it is a lie.
This would be the form of a question;
DID Comey lie to Congress under oath?
You stupid little faggot, the DOJ serves at the discretion and behest of the POTUS. If the question applies to the DOJ it applies to the POTUS who is the Attorney Generals boss moron.

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.

Thnx for playing cock sucker.
Neither the AG nor DOJ is the POTUS. When one talks about the AG or DOJ, they are NOT talking about the POTUS unless he is specifically mentioned.

Who is the AGs boss? What branch of government is the DOJ? If you don't think a that a question regarding the DOJ obstructing justice didn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.
You can bet that if the AG or an officer in the DOJ had obstructed justice, you would be the first one denying that it meant Tramp obstructed justice. All we would hear from you would be is that the AG or DOJ went rogue.

This is your defense for Comey the career lawyer: "I didn't tell the committee about the obstruction of justice because the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did," something tells me he won't be taking that advice.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Comey lied to Congress under oath?
Nope, you are lying on a messageboard.

My question is a lie?

No, your STATEMENT that Comey lied to Congress under oath is a lie, obviously, but the Right can never resist playing dumb.

The sentence ended in a question mark.

That means it's a question. You're going to have to up your grammar skills.
No it is a statement with the wrong punctuation mark so you could deny it is a lie.
This would be the form of a question;
DID Comey lie to Congress under oath?

That is a question?
DoJ answers to the POTUS, the pertinent part is the following where he states unequivocally that he has never been asked to halt an investigation without a legitimate reason or for political purposes:
Asked by the ATTORNEY GENERAL or the DOJ, you left that part out!

The AG is head of the DoJ... soooooooo....
But not POTUS!

The AG works for the POTUS the DOJ is part of the Executive branch you dumb fuck.
That STILL does not make either POTUS. :asshole:

Your spin is so blatantly overt it's laughable keep running with your theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
So you're telling me that a question regarding the DOJ obstructing justice didn't extend to the POTUS? Are you fucking insane? What is your recommended defense for Comey here? "No the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did,"
Exactly, which is why Tramp told Sessions to leave the room.

Lol, so you don't think a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice extends to the POTUS? You are fucking retarded.
Of course not, whether obstruction of justice applies to POTUS is a separate question.
Even you know that, but are just too dishonest to admit it.

Who is the chief executive of the DOJ? That would be the POTUS.

Maybe a graphic will help your reptilian brain grasp the concept:

So you're telling me that a question regarding the DOJ obstructing justice didn't extend to the POTUS? Are you fucking insane? What is your recommended defense for Comey here? "No the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did,"
Exactly, which is why Tramp told Sessions to leave the room.

Lol, so you don't think a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice extends to the POTUS? You are fucking retarded.
Of course not, whether obstruction of justice applies to POTUS is a separate question.
Even you know that, but are just too dishonest to admit it.

Who is the chief executive of the DOJ? That would be the POTUS.

Maybe a graphic will help your reptilian brain grasp the concept:


That is not the liberal structure. In their chart, the judicial and the legislative branch are the same.
Neither the AG nor DOJ is the POTUS. When one talks about the AG or DOJ, they are NOT talking about the POTUS unless he is specifically mentioned.

Who is the AGs boss? What branch of government is the DOJ? If you don't think a that a question regarding the DOJ obstructing justice didn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.
You can bet that if the AG or an officer in the DOJ had obstructed justice, you would be the first one denying that it meant Tramp obstructed justice. All we would hear from you would be is that the AG or DOJ went rogue.

This is your defense for Comey the career lawyer: "I didn't tell the committee about the obstruction of justice because the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did," something tells me he won't be taking that advice.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.
Who is the AGs boss? What branch of government is the DOJ? If you don't think a that a question regarding the DOJ obstructing justice didn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.
You can bet that if the AG or an officer in the DOJ had obstructed justice, you would be the first one denying that it meant Tramp obstructed justice. All we would hear from you would be is that the AG or DOJ went rogue.

This is your defense for Comey the career lawyer: "I didn't tell the committee about the obstruction of justice because the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did," something tells me he won't be taking that advice.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

Aww that's a cute graphic, I have my own:


The AG serves at the pleasure of the President, the Department of Justice is a "department" of the Executive branch which is headed by the POTUS you ignorant fuckwit.

But again keep running with the theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.

Comey stated flatly in the hearings that he was never asked to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political purpose and stated what he thought would be an appropriate reason as well. Are you telling me with a straight face that former Assistant Attorney General, former FBI director, and career lawyer James Comey doesn't know what obstruction of justice is when he sees it? Ya let's see if he goes with that argument with Mueller.
Asked by the ATTORNEY GENERAL or the DOJ, you left that part out!

The AG is head of the DoJ... soooooooo....
But not POTUS!

The AG works for the POTUS the DOJ is part of the Executive branch you dumb fuck.
That STILL does not make either POTUS. :asshole:

Your spin is so blatantly overt it's laughable keep running with your theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
So why wasn't St Ronnie punished for what Traitor North did???? North served out of the NSC office in the White House at the pleasure of the POTUS. In his book, Traitor North writes that "Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both."
You can bet that if the AG or an officer in the DOJ had obstructed justice, you would be the first one denying that it meant Tramp obstructed justice. All we would hear from you would be is that the AG or DOJ went rogue.

This is your defense for Comey the career lawyer: "I didn't tell the committee about the obstruction of justice because the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did," something tells me he won't be taking that advice.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

Aww that's a cute graphic, I have my own:

That chart works for me too..... Notice ... Trump is in the Red box, not the blue one...


The AG serves at the pleasure of the President, the Department of Justice is a "department" of the Executive branch which is headed by the POTUS you ignorant fuckwit.

You're such a dumbfuck conservative. The Department of Justice says the Attorney General, not the president, is the head of the Department of Justice....

But again keep running with the theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
Well if you're right, then Comey will be charged with perjury and we both know that ain't gonna happen.

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.

Comey stated flatly in the hearings that he was never asked to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political purpose and stated what he thought would be an appropriate reason as well. Are you telling me with a straight face that former Assistant Attorney General, former FBI director, and career lawyer James Comey doesn't know what obstruction of justice is when he sees it? Ya let's see if he goes with that argument with Mueller.
He said he was never told that by anyone at the Department of Justice.

*** POOF ***

Your whole bizarre theory goes up in smoke.

Last edited:
This is your defense for Comey the career lawyer: "I didn't tell the committee about the obstruction of justice because the AG didn't attempt to obstruct justice but his boss did," something tells me he won't be taking that advice.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

Aww that's a cute graphic, I have my own:

That chart works for me too..... Notice ... Trump is in the Red box, not the blue one...


The AG serves at the pleasure of the President, the Department of Justice is a "department" of the Executive branch which is headed by the POTUS you ignorant fuckwit.

You're such a dumbfuck conservative. The Department of Justice says the Attorney General, not the president, is the head of the Department of Justice....

But again keep running with the theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
Well if you're right, then Comey will be charged with perjury and we both know that ain't gonna happen.

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.

Comey stated flatly in the hearings that he was never asked to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political purpose and stated what he thought would be an appropriate reason as well. Are you telling me with a straight face that former Assistant Attorney General, former FBI director, and career lawyer James Comey doesn't know what obstruction of justice is when he sees it? Ya let's see if he goes with that argument with Mueller.
He said he was never told that by anyone at the Department of Justice.

*** POOF ***

Your whole bizarre theory goes up in smoke.


How about we post the complete quote:

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.
Comey, an experienced lawyer as YOU say, answered only what was asked, nothing more, as all good lawyers advise their clients before they give testimony.

Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

Aww that's a cute graphic, I have my own:

That chart works for me too..... Notice ... Trump is in the Red box, not the blue one...


The AG serves at the pleasure of the President, the Department of Justice is a "department" of the Executive branch which is headed by the POTUS you ignorant fuckwit.

You're such a dumbfuck conservative. The Department of Justice says the Attorney General, not the president, is the head of the Department of Justice....

But again keep running with the theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
Well if you're right, then Comey will be charged with perjury and we both know that ain't gonna happen.

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.

Comey stated flatly in the hearings that he was never asked to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political purpose and stated what he thought would be an appropriate reason as well. Are you telling me with a straight face that former Assistant Attorney General, former FBI director, and career lawyer James Comey doesn't know what obstruction of justice is when he sees it? Ya let's see if he goes with that argument with Mueller.
He said he was never told that by anyone at the Department of Justice.

*** POOF ***

Your whole bizarre theory goes up in smoke.


How about we post the complete quote:

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.
So? He was still talking about the Department of Justice.
Once again the POTUS is the boss of the AG and the DOJ is part of the executive by your spin logic if a CEO goes to a quality control agent and ask them to ignore that a batch of their product left the distribution center containing lethal amounts of cyanide in it, and then the quality control agent answers in sworn testimony in court that their manager did not tell them to ignore it but leaves out the part about the CEO telling them to, that the quality control agent is not guilty of lying under oath.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Trump does not work for the Department of Justice, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are. The highest ranking official in that department is the Attorney General, not Trump...

Aww that's a cute graphic, I have my own:

That chart works for me too..... Notice ... Trump is in the Red box, not the blue one...


The AG serves at the pleasure of the President, the Department of Justice is a "department" of the Executive branch which is headed by the POTUS you ignorant fuckwit.

You're such a dumbfuck conservative. The Department of Justice says the Attorney General, not the president, is the head of the Department of Justice....

But again keep running with the theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
Well if you're right, then Comey will be charged with perjury and we both know that ain't gonna happen.

And your whole bizarre line of reasoning is moot anyway since you can't prove Comey thought Trump's request amounted to obstruction at that time.

Comey stated flatly in the hearings that he was never asked to drop an investigation for an inappropriate or political purpose and stated what he thought would be an appropriate reason as well. Are you telling me with a straight face that former Assistant Attorney General, former FBI director, and career lawyer James Comey doesn't know what obstruction of justice is when he sees it? Ya let's see if he goes with that argument with Mueller.
He said he was never told that by anyone at the Department of Justice.

*** POOF ***

Your whole bizarre theory goes up in smoke.


How about we post the complete quote:

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.
So? He was still talking about the Department of Justice.

So he wasn't under oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Aren't you regressives claiming Sessions committed perjury because he answered a question in the context in which it was asked? Hypocrite much?

How about we post the complete quote:

Comey: “Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there, and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.
How about you post the quote with the question that puts the answer in context.

HIRONO: Yes. And so speaking of the independence of not just the judiciary but I'd like you to clarify the FBI's independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independent from the department of Justice. Or does the FBI have to disclose all it's investigations to the DOJ? And does it have to get the Attorney General's consent?

COMEY: Well we work with the Department of Justice, whether that's main justice or U.S. attorney's offices on all of our investigations.

And so we work with them and so in a legal sense we're not independent of the department of justice. We are spiritually, culturally pretty independent group and that's the way you would want tit. But yes, we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.
That chart works for me too..... Notice ... Trump is in the Red box, not the blue one...


Aww you don't know how to read graphs, notice those littlen lines indicating attaching the POTUS to the DOJ indicating that it is a department within the Executive branch. The AG is an employee of the POTUS he serves at the pleasure and discretion of the POTUS you stupid ccunt. .
Oh so you're saying that the DOJ is not a department within the Executive branch and that the AG doesn't serve at the pleasure and discretion of the POTUS. Thanks for your input and your source which does not show that the AG is not employee of the POTUS in any way, shape, or form, I'll be sure to take that under advisement you stupid bitch.

Well if you're right, then Comey will be charged with perjury and we both know that ain't gonna happen.

Ah so you're one of those people who believes an anonymous Comey associate who supposedly saw this alleged memo and didn't even provide the memo itself to WaPo or NBC, over Comeys sworn testimony. Brilliant!

He said he was never told that by anyone at the Department of Justice.

*** POOF ***

Your whole bizarre theory goes up in smoke.

Again by all means, keep running with your laughably absurd theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
The AG is head of the DoJ... soooooooo....
But not POTUS!

The AG works for the POTUS the DOJ is part of the Executive branch you dumb fuck.
That STILL does not make either POTUS. :asshole:

Your spin is so blatantly overt it's laughable keep running with your theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, see how that works out for you.
So why wasn't St Ronnie punished for what Traitor North did???? North served out of the NSC office in the White House at the pleasure of the POTUS. In his book, Traitor North writes that "Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both."

North had immunity you dumb fuck.

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