Comey warns about Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.

That piece of vermin was smart enough to get out early but deserves some slow public death .

Obviously no sane person would take anything he says seriously given his reptilean background.
Shouldn't former heads of federal police agencies quietly retire and refrain from making money post-career?

If you want to create a level of distrust in a system, this is definitely one way to do so, unless he is willing to take questions from citizens each time he interacts with media. Be a true public servant and engage the public, not the 5th Arm.
Comey kissed Trump's ass when Trump let him think he was in the running for the director of the FBI. When Trump booted him, he changed because he was nervous that all of his lawlessness would be exposed. He's still nervous about Trump's ability to expose his departments lawlessness-treason. Comey is a POS who proves that the degradation of our DOJ has been going on for a long time. Vivek Ramaswami for AG. MAGA

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.

The CIA used to be the most corrupt agency in the country.
Comey said - hold my beer.
Comey kissed Trump's ass when Trump let him think he was in the running for the director of the FBI. When Trump booted him, he changed because he was nervous that all of his lawlessness would be exposed. He's still nervous about Trump's ability to expose his departments lawlessness-treason. Comey is a POS who proves that the degradation of our DOJ has been going on for a long time. Vivek Ramaswami for AG. MAGA

I'd rather see Vivek as "agency gutting czar"....He has a plan to do just that too. ;)
The problem with Comey continuing to take such a prominent public role is that he is a FORMER FBI head, he is no longer active. So, former FBI may not appreciate nor agree with his opinions. Worse, people will believe he is projecting opinions from the current leadership, a manner to circumvent the rules.

It's difficult for me to compare Comey to those former FBI leaders who not only stayed mum on current events but who were very effective against some of the most competent and ruthless adversaries.

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.
This is nothing but more GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT.
These Stalinist tactics do NOT belong in the United States of America.
That mf'er, and the rest of the Swamp creatures need to be HANGED and made an example of the TREASONOUS CRIMINALS that they ARE.

James Comey warned that former President Donald Trump's conduct throughout his recent trial and in the wake of his conviction could land him in even more serious legal trouble.

Speaking to WAMC, Comey said: "I've never seen a defendant beg for it more than this defendant. One of the things a sentencing judge takes into account is what is your level of contrition, acceptance of responsibility, or even if you don't admit you're guilty, how have you conducted yourself.

He added that Trump was "taking a flamethrower to the system" and it was "almost like he's begging to be put into a jail cell."

Intelligent people understand that Trump's indictment and conviction were 100% political motivated and an act of election interference.
Maybe we should indict and convict Comey for refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes and see how he likes it.
Slither back under your rock Comey.

Using the wrong email isn't a crime.

Bad judgment, maybe, but not a crime.
Comey kissed Trump's ass when Trump let him think he was in the running for the director of the FBI. When Trump booted him, he changed because he was nervous that all of his lawlessness would be exposed. He's still nervous about Trump's ability to expose his departments lawlessness-treason. Comey is a POS who proves that the degradation of our DOJ has been going on for a long time. Vivek Ramaswami for AG. MAGA
Agreed your post but look at Vivek carefully .

Several possible red flags in his CV :-
Pharma player /owner .
Investment partner in a Hedge fund
Education --- Catholic --Jesuit -- Harvard

Perfect CV for WEF and Deep State .
Clearly outstandingly talented .

One to be watched carefully .
Agreed your post but look at Vivek carefully .

Several possible red flags in his CV :-
Pharma player /owner .
Investment partner in a Hedge fund
Education --- Catholic --Jesuit -- Harvard

Perfect CV for WEF and Deep State .
Clearly outstandingly talented .

One to be watched carefully .
I think he recognizes our countries qualities and promises. I think he can spot a slacker or a phony from his management experience. I think he has the balls to get rid of bad apples. And most of all, I think he loves and respects our country as it was constructed and buys into our exceptionalism. I think he would be a great President one day. MAGA
I think he recognizes our countries qualities and promises. I think he can spot a slacker or a phony from his management experience. I think he has the balls to get rid of bad apples. And most of all, I think he loves and respects our country as it was constructed and buys into our exceptionalism. I think he would be a great President one day. MAGA
He was an awful president his first go around, why do you think the second will be any better?

Most Presidents get worse in their second terms.
Trump met with Comey (alone) for dinner to get Comey to promise loyalty. Comey made it clear that his loyalty was to the Constitution, and not to Trump, and the clock began ticking on his job. He'd be fired five months later.

Trump does business like a mob leader, and that's exactly the feeling Comey got.

Assuming Trump wins, that approach will used on every single government employee, per Project 2025.
Assuming Trump wins, that approach will (be) used on every single government employee, per Project 2025.

Hope so.

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