Comey’s Columbia leaker pal goes into hiding after testimony

We don't live in the tin-pot dictatorship you (and Trump) seem to wish for. Trump can't send LEOs after a private citizen just cause he's "pissed".
We do if the laws are broken and laws were broken here, and Trump's anger about it will ensure that the law is followed.
He took them in the position of a government employee so yep they are government property. Thanks for playing.Oh and his pal should have learned to keep his mouth shut BEFORE this all came out....I feel no sympathy I hope he and Comey get to share a cell together at Leavenworth.

Listen closely...I said "classified".

And the answer is they never were classified.

You lose again
Doesn't matter if they were classified or not. They were government property. Comey nor his pal had ANY right to release them.

If they aren't classified there is no leak and no crime. Gotcha!
Wrong cupcake. He released GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS aka they weren't his to release. They were the US Governments.

So what? The worst that could happen because of that is that he'd get fired.

Comey's buddy has tenure.
He could shit on the American flag, which metaphorically he just did and the LIBs would cheer for him.

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