Comey’s Confession: Dossier Not Verified Before, Or After, FISA Warrant

The Russia investigation was never started or centered around the Dossier File anyway--:auiqs.jpg: That was a FOX NEWS conspiracy.

James Comey testified that he started the Russian investigation in July, 2016 months before anyone ever heard of a Dossier file, which happened in late December 2016 or January 2017 when John McCain was given the Dossier and then handed it off to James Comey. Comey's response--yeah we know.

Even Devin Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it was released on FOX NEWS..--The very last sentence says that the Russian investigation started in July 2016, and the subject of interest was George Papalopodous who's name is not mentioned anywhere in the Dossier file.

As far as Carter Page, he was actually under investigation in 2013 for Russian contacts, and he did indeed travel to Moscow and met with Russian intelligence officials.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

So are you getting somewhat of an understanding of how much :bsflag:you get from watching FOX NEWS yet?


James Comey didn't want to testify behind closed doors to House Republicans because he knew exactly what they would do. Citing they would try and manufacture a conspiracy out of mixing his words.
Comey gives up lawsuit challenging House subpoena, will testify

What Comey stated after the 6 hour hearing was hysterical. House Republicans wanted to talk about a 2 year old already settled case--Hillary Clinton's emails--and he was laughing when he said that. Comey also stated that there was no reason this could not have been a open--public hearing.
Comey Faces Lawmaker Queries Over 2016 Campaign

FOR THE COLLUSION PART: Redirect by clicking this link. Here you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn oath over a year ago, watch a FOX NEWS video & another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.

I don't know about all that "Oreo".....had Trump aides been given immunity and allowed to crush their cellphones and hard-drives while Trump was "interviewed" in private, not under oath and with no records of the interview recorded for posterity's sake by a rightwing friendly FBI and DOJ???? Leftards would be losing their fucking minds.....but because it was the Hildebeast and her aides? Not a single word. The incriminating Wikileaks data dump PROVING criminality and utter corruption of the DNC caused the leftard clown posse to circle the wagons and scream "IT WAS THE ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating!!!! And that's CHEATING!!!!!"

The ends justifies the means.....I suppose that the ROOSKIES funded Project Veritas that substantiated the revelations of theWikileaks e-mail

Look you could dig up all of Hillary Clinton's emails, and it still wouldn't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. What's so ironic about all this is that Trump was actually considering General Petraeous to be his secretary of State at one time. He even interviewed him for the job. Here is what James Comey reflected upon in the difference in cases. I am certain this was NOT reported on FOX NEWS either.

"Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted."I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout. Trump invoked a nearly identical line Tuesday, after Comey announced his recommendation to bring no charges against Clinton. Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators."So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics


And frankly my favorite video of all times.

Spare me, you idiot.....leftards started calling for impeachment the day after the election. Leftards wanted Comey's head served up on a platter until he got canned. Leftards avoided the contents of the Wikileaks data dump showing the utter corruption and criminality of the DNC. Show me where the leftard clown posse showed ANY kind of indignation about the revelations? Oh HELL no! They were simply pissed at the fact that the cheating was revealed and exposed for all to see. So? Someone must pay and it just HAD to be the ROOSKIES!!!

You are a fucking joke, ya little commie sack of shit. Anyone with any pride would distance themselves from such a corrupt entity.....but not you and those like you that believe the ends justifies the means....some one must pay for revealing the crimes of the DNC and Seth Rich's flesh wasn't enough. You and those like yourself are the lowest form of life on the planet.

Sittin' on the sidelines here.
I get that you want the last word but for fucks sakes, just shut up when you get spanked.

Let me know when that happens, dickweed.....I know more than you. I comprehend more than you because I have made it my business to understand what we are facing. The only thing that you "spank" is that tiny piece of genitalia you choke every night.

Let me know if further explanation is's what I do. It's a thankless endeavor for sure......


Too funny. You proved my point. You want the last word at all costs. Respond please.
I don't know about all that "Oreo".....had Trump aides been given immunity and allowed to crush their cellphones and hard-drives while Trump was "interviewed" in private, not under oath and with no records of the interview recorded for posterity's sake by a rightwing friendly FBI and DOJ???? Leftards would be losing their fucking minds.....but because it was the Hildebeast and her aides? Not a single word. The incriminating Wikileaks data dump PROVING criminality and utter corruption of the DNC caused the leftard clown posse to circle the wagons and scream "IT WAS THE ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating!!!! And that's CHEATING!!!!!"

The ends justifies the means.....I suppose that the ROOSKIES funded Project Veritas that substantiated the revelations of theWikileaks e-mail

Look you could dig up all of Hillary Clinton's emails, and it still wouldn't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. What's so ironic about all this is that Trump was actually considering General Petraeous to be his secretary of State at one time. He even interviewed him for the job. Here is what James Comey reflected upon in the difference in cases. I am certain this was NOT reported on FOX NEWS either.

"Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted."I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout. Trump invoked a nearly identical line Tuesday, after Comey announced his recommendation to bring no charges against Clinton. Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators."So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics


And frankly my favorite video of all times.

Spare me, you idiot.....leftards started calling for impeachment the day after the election. Leftards wanted Comey's head served up on a platter until he got canned. Leftards avoided the contents of the Wikileaks data dump showing the utter corruption and criminality of the DNC. Show me where the leftard clown posse showed ANY kind of indignation about the revelations? Oh HELL no! They were simply pissed at the fact that the cheating was revealed and exposed for all to see. So? Someone must pay and it just HAD to be the ROOSKIES!!!

You are a fucking joke, ya little commie sack of shit. Anyone with any pride would distance themselves from such a corrupt entity.....but not you and those like you that believe the ends justifies the means....some one must pay for revealing the crimes of the DNC and Seth Rich's flesh wasn't enough. You and those like yourself are the lowest form of life on the planet.

Sittin' on the sidelines here.
I get that you want the last word but for fucks sakes, just shut up when you get spanked.

Let me know when that happens, dickweed.....I know more than you. I comprehend more than you because I have made it my business to understand what we are facing. The only thing that you "spank" is that tiny piece of genitalia you choke every night.

Let me know if further explanation is's what I do. It's a thankless endeavor for sure......


Too funny. You proved my point. You want the last word at all costs. Respond please.

Did you ever learn what "forte" means??????

Comey... Um, I don't know.... Um, I can't remember..... Um, I can't recall

What a shit stain traitor

Comey... Um, I don't know.... Um, I can't remember..... Um, I can't recall

What a shit stain traitor

Well he is a veteran at not getting caught in a perjury trap..........those answers constantly are signs that they know how to avoid getting caught in a lie.......Kinda like Pleading the 5th without actually doing it.....................Hillary was an expert at it as well................

Those caught in the Traps like Flynn should have learned to testify that way or should have just taken the 5th...........Then Clap Trap Mueller wouldn't have jack squat but small tax evasion crimes to try and squeeze them with.

Comey is a swamp creature............he gave Hillary a get out of jail free card and should be put under the jail............being the abusive bought off traitor that he is............
Those are all made up by you. It was admitted in this testimony that yes, Hillary lied under oath, yet not one thing was done. It was proven she mishandled classified material, yet not one thing was done.
Geez Louis! What does it take with you guys.
Oh, I know, ‘do as we say, not as we do’. It is infuriating. You are as guilty as she is.

And Carter Page? Who has never been indicted for anything? From Comey interview-

Mr. Ratcliffe: So I want to relate to you some of the testimony that we've already received. FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe testified before Congress that the FBI could provide no points of verification to verify the Steele information other than the fact that Carter Page had traveled to Russia in July of 2016. Were you aware of that when you signed the application on October 21st of 2016?

The Russia investigation was never started or centered around the Dossier File anyway--:auiqs.jpg: That was a FOX NEWS conspiracy.

James Comey testified that he started the Russian investigation in July, 2016 months before anyone ever heard of a Dossier file, which happened in late December 2016 or January 2017 when John McCain was given the Dossier and then handed it off to James Comey. Comey's response--yeah we know.

Even Devin Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it was released on FOX NEWS..--The very last sentence says that the Russian investigation started in July 2016, and the subject of interest was George Papalopodous who's name is not mentioned anywhere in the Dossier file.

As far as Carter Page, he was actually under investigation in 2013 for Russian contacts, and he did indeed travel to Moscow and met with Russian intelligence officials.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

So are you getting somewhat of an understanding of how much :bsflag:you get from watching FOX NEWS yet?


James Comey didn't want to testify behind closed doors to House Republicans because he knew exactly what they would do. Citing they would try and manufacture a conspiracy out of mixing his words.
Comey gives up lawsuit challenging House subpoena, will testify

What Comey stated after the 6 hour hearing was hysterical. House Republicans wanted to talk about a 2 year old already settled case--Hillary Clinton's emails--and he was laughing when he said that. Comey also stated that there was no reason this could not have been a open--public hearing.
Comey Faces Lawmaker Queries Over 2016 Campaign

FOR THE COLLUSION PART: Redirect by clicking this link. Here you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn oath over a year ago, watch a FOX NEWS video & another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.

I don't know about all that "Oreo".....had Trump aides been given immunity and allowed to crush their cellphones and hard-drives while Trump was "interviewed" in private, not under oath and with no records of the interview recorded for posterity's sake by a rightwing friendly FBI and DOJ???? Leftards would be losing their fucking minds.....but because it was the Hildebeast and her aides? Not a single word. The incriminating Wikileaks data dump PROVING criminality and utter corruption of the DNC caused the leftard clown posse to circle the wagons and scream "IT WAS THE ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating!!!! And that's CHEATING!!!!!"

The ends justifies the means.....I suppose that the ROOSKIES funded Project Veritas that substantiated the revelations of theWikileaks e-mail

Look you could dig up all of Hillary Clinton's emails, and it still wouldn't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. What's so ironic about all this is that Trump was actually considering General Petraeous to be his secretary of State at one time. He even interviewed him for the job. Here is what James Comey reflected upon in the difference in cases. I am certain this was NOT reported on FOX NEWS either.

"Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted."I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout. Trump invoked a nearly identical line Tuesday, after Comey announced his recommendation to bring no charges against Clinton. Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators."So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics


And frankly my favorite video of all times.
The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.

And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

The key words there are "much of the Steele dossier"...not all of the Steele dossier was used in obtaining those warrants nor was the Dossier the key to obtaining those warrants
The FBI's 302s show Comey and the FBI KNEW Steele - a foreign spy working with Russians and on their payroll - HATED Trump and was determined to take him down ... a perfect ally for the Trump-hating traitors in the DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI...

Again..Steele did not work WITH the Russians. He was a British ex intel officer who specialized in FIGHTING the Russians

"on their payroll" your lying ass
I'm wondering what the swamp was planning. They were convinced Trump would lose so after the election were they planning to make an example of Trump to scare off any future outsiders from running for president?
I'm wondering what the swamp was planning. They were convinced Trump would lose so after the election were they planning to make an example of Trump to scare off any future outsiders from running for president? was all Bigfoot
And it was spoken of before, if he were to win-

Professor predicted Donald Trump win, says he will be impeached - CNNPolitics

The Russia investigation was never started or centered around the Dossier File anyway--:auiqs.jpg: That was a FOX NEWS conspiracy.

James Comey testified that he started the Russian investigation in July, 2016 months before anyone ever heard of a Dossier file, which happened in late December 2016 or January 2017 when John McCain was given the Dossier and then handed it off to James Comey. Comey's response--yeah we know.

Even Devin Nunes memo debunked itself as soon as it was released on FOX NEWS..--The very last sentence says that the Russian investigation started in July 2016, and the subject of interest was George Papalopodous who's name is not mentioned anywhere in the Dossier file.

As far as Carter Page, he was actually under investigation in 2013 for Russian contacts, and he did indeed travel to Moscow and met with Russian intelligence officials.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

So are you getting somewhat of an understanding of how much :bsflag:you get from watching FOX NEWS yet?


James Comey didn't want to testify behind closed doors to House Republicans because he knew exactly what they would do. Citing they would try and manufacture a conspiracy out of mixing his words.
Comey gives up lawsuit challenging House subpoena, will testify

What Comey stated after the 6 hour hearing was hysterical. House Republicans wanted to talk about a 2 year old already settled case--Hillary Clinton's emails--and he was laughing when he said that. Comey also stated that there was no reason this could not have been a open--public hearing.
Comey Faces Lawmaker Queries Over 2016 Campaign

FOR THE COLLUSION PART: Redirect by clicking this link. Here you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn oath over a year ago, watch a FOX NEWS video & another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on National T.V.
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.

I don't know about all that "Oreo".....had Trump aides been given immunity and allowed to crush their cellphones and hard-drives while Trump was "interviewed" in private, not under oath and with no records of the interview recorded for posterity's sake by a rightwing friendly FBI and DOJ???? Leftards would be losing their fucking minds.....but because it was the Hildebeast and her aides? Not a single word. The incriminating Wikileaks data dump PROVING criminality and utter corruption of the DNC caused the leftard clown posse to circle the wagons and scream "IT WAS THE ROOSKIES that revealed the cheating!!!! And that's CHEATING!!!!!"

The ends justifies the means.....I suppose that the ROOSKIES funded Project Veritas that substantiated the revelations of theWikileaks e-mail

Look you could dig up all of Hillary Clinton's emails, and it still wouldn't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. What's so ironic about all this is that Trump was actually considering General Petraeous to be his secretary of State at one time. He even interviewed him for the job. Here is what James Comey reflected upon in the difference in cases. I am certain this was NOT reported on FOX NEWS either.

"Republicans have argued that Petraeus' malfeasance was petty, especially relative to Clinton's use of a private email servers.Trump has made that point repeatedly. In April, he predicted that Clinton would not be indicted."I know for a fact that what Gen. Petraeus and others have done was much less," Trump said at the time, adding that Democrats were protecting Clinton from legal fallout. Trump invoked a nearly identical line Tuesday, after Comey announced his recommendation to bring no charges against Clinton. Comey pointed out that Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators."So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted."He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics


And frankly my favorite video of all times.

Spare me, you idiot.....leftards started calling for impeachment the day after the election. Leftards wanted Comey's head served up on a platter until he got canned. Leftards avoided the contents of the Wikileaks data dump showing the utter corruption and criminality of the DNC. Show me where the leftard clown posse showed ANY kind of indignation about the revelations? Oh HELL no! They were simply pissed at the fact that the cheating was revealed and exposed for all to see. So? Someone must pay and it just HAD to be the ROOSKIES!!!

You are a fucking joke, ya little commie sack of shit. Anyone with any pride would distance themselves from such a corrupt entity.....but not you and those like you that believe the ends justifies the means....some one must pay for revealing the crimes of the DNC and Seth Rich's flesh wasn't enough. You and those like yourself are the lowest form of life on the planet.
Again..Steele did not work WITH the Russians. He was a British ex intel officer who specialized in FIGHTING the Russians

"on their payroll" your lying ass

Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.
Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

Where's you link showing Steele was paid by Russians?

THAT was a lie

And interviewing Russian sources does NOT make the Dossier a "Russian authored" anything
Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

Where's you link showing Steele was paid by Russians?

THAT was a lie

And interviewing Russian sources does NOT make the Dossier a "Russian authored" anything
Info wars garbage.
The first guy to pay was a don rival
Wow, you really are out of the loop, there. Lol
From the transcript-

Mr. Gowdy: Well, how about do that for me. For the
meantime, we'll just refer to that person as FBI Agent 1.
Director Comey, after the Clinton interview on July 2nd,
if memory serves, 2016, FBI Agent 1 wrote: "I'm done
interviewing the President," dash, and then typed 302.
Another FBI employee responded: You interviewed the
President, question mark.
And FBI Agent 1 wrote back: You know, HRC.

Yeah, really wanting to help Trump. No.

And who paid for dossier?

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Clinton Campaign And DNC Funded Trump Dossier

The republican only funded domestic research, and it was over by the time the DNC and Clinton hired fusion gps and Steele.

I thought comey helped Don and did no Hillary.
Don should be grateful.
And the dreaded dossier?
What does a lifetime Brit Russian mi6 guy know.?
I thought it had all been proven.
But then I must read the above , infowars?
And the dossier, originally paid for by a don rival happened way after FISA
Again..Steele did not work WITH the Russians. He was a British ex intel officer who specialized in FIGHTING the Russians

"on their payroll" your lying ass

Steele worked with interviewing Russians and delivered the Russian-authored Dossier.

Steele WAS working for the FBI. Steele stated it during an I get ure, and Oher confirmed it.


When you lie, don't lie about things so easily proven, snowflake.

No Steele a retired M1-6 agent was working for GPS Fushion.

Steele continued to work for Fusion GPS on the dossier without a client to pay him.[29] After the election, Steele's dossier "became one of Washington's worst-kept secrets, and journalists worked to verify the allegations.[29] On 18 November 2016, Sir Andrew Wood, British ambassador to Moscow from 1995 to 2000, met with U.S. Senator John McCain at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, and told McCain about the existence of the collected materials about Trump.[30] Wood vouched for Steele's professionalism and integrity.[31] In early December, McCain obtained a copy of the dossier from David J. Kramer, a former U.S. State Department official working at Arizona State University.[29] On 9 December 2016, McCain met personally with FBI Director James Comey to pass on the information.[3
Christopher Steele - Wikipedia

A great book to read that will go into Christpher Steele


In fact this book will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that will begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as house majority leaders.

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