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Coming to a school district near you?

It is not "your" money unless your taxes exceed the cost of the education your child receives.

I (and many other parents in my county) just want what they contribute to the schools. Our county has the highest property tax in the state.

The private school industry in my county has been booming. Didn't mention this part in my last post, but the county is shipping kids to whereever they have room which may well be across the county.

Many parents aren't even risking it and just sending their kids to private school.
It is not "your" money unless your taxes exceed the cost of the education your child receives.

I (and many other parents in my county) just want what they contribute to the schools. Our county has the highest property tax in the state.

The private school industry in my county has been booming. Didn't mention this part in my last post, but the county is shipping kids to whereever they have room which may well be across the county.

Many parents aren't even risking it and just sending their kids to private school.

That is their right. I am sorry that is the case, but your elected officials should be held to account.

Unfortunately, you have no right to what you contribute any more than I have the right to recoup for fire services that I pay for and will never use because in the event of a fire, they could not arrive before my home burned to the ground.

We all benefit from an educated society, so your contribution is appreciated.
Great news!

Stop fucking attempting to stop people from being who they wish to be.

Grow up asshole.

You are either a male or female. If you are a man there is nothing you can do about that. If you are a male and think you are a female to the point that if you use the men's room it will cause distress then you are mentally ill.

Someone's child shouldn't be forced to be exposed to that.
Take your money ??? The arrogance of parents like they are owed somthing. You get a schools system we all pay for .

On that note. I can bring up the issue that I have with my school district. The school district I live in is one of the top districts in the state. So of course people moved here because of that reason which lead to over crowding.

What was the district's solution? Build more schools? Nope they turned the whole district into year round schools with batches of kids having a different schedules.

I took my current job which I make less a year so I will watch my daughter during the day, but summer is very busy time of year for my job which was ok because my mother in-law watches my daughter for much of the summer so I can work.

Well if my daughter goes to the public school what am I supposed to do? My daughter will go to school during the summer. My mother in-law lives 2 hours away.

What my wife and I have to do is pay for my daughter to go to private school on top of paying for public school.

How is that fair to my wife and I? We are forced to pay for a product we can't use.

I think if I am paying for a product that I am owed being able to use it.

The real arrogance comes from the government who thinks they are good enough to teach my child or any child for that matter.

You don't like it . Run for school committee . Or take your kid and pay your own way .

This is what makes the private sector better. If I don't like it I can go somewhere else with out having to pay the government first.

I don't have a kid. Why is it fair for me to pay for your kids public school AND then give you a voucher so you can go elsewhere??!
I don't have a kid. Why is it fair for me to pay for your kids public school AND then give you a voucher so you can go elsewhere??!

I don't think it is fair. Which is why I don't believe in it. We should get rid of the public schools and the Department of Education and replace it with solely private schools. For those who are too poor give those kids a small voucher.

I don't believe in welfare for those physically and mentally able to care for themselves. But I do believe it is a society's responsibility to care for those who can't care for themselves.
I don't have a kid. Why is it fair for me to pay for your kids public school AND then give you a voucher so you can go elsewhere??!

I don't think it is fair. Which is why I don't believe in it. We should get rid of the public schools and the Department of Education and replace it with solely private schools. For those who are too poor give those kids a small voucher.

I don't believe in welfare for those physically and mentally able to care for themselves. But I do believe it is a society's responsibility to care for those who can't care for themselves.

You, sir, are an idiot!
I don't have a kid. Why is it fair for me to pay for your kids public school AND then give you a voucher so you can go elsewhere??!

I don't think it is fair. Which is why I don't believe in it. We should get rid of the public schools and the Department of Education and replace it with solely private schools. For those who are too poor give those kids a small voucher.

I don't believe in welfare for those physically and mentally able to care for themselves. But I do believe it is a society's responsibility to care for those who can't care for themselves.

You, sir, are an idiot!

Why because I don't believe government should be running schools?

Yeah the government does such a great job the politicians who tell you public schools are good enough for our kids refuse to send their own kids there.
I don't have a kid. Why is it fair for me to pay for your kids public school AND then give you a voucher so you can go elsewhere??!

I don't think it is fair. Which is why I don't believe in it. We should get rid of the public schools and the Department of Education and replace it with solely private schools. For those who are too poor give those kids a small voucher.

I don't believe in welfare for those physically and mentally able to care for themselves. But I do believe it is a society's responsibility to care for those who can't care for themselves.

You, sir, are an idiot!

Why because I don't believe government should be running schools?

Yeah the government does such a great job the politicians who tell you public schools are good enough for our kids refuse to send their own kids there.

The government "running" your schools are elected representatives. Don't like it? Run for office or get someone you like to do so.

President Obama's, President Bush's, President Clinton's and President Carter's children all attended public schools before they moved to DC or graduated. The Washington DC schools are simply not safe for anyone, but that is not your problem nor mine, is it?

I would just like you to consider how poor children would attend school under your ridiculous and unworkable plan.
It's better than the flip side out in Texas . They want people to be forced to use the bathroom of the gender on their birth certificate!?

How would you know ? Who carries their birth certificate around ?

There should be no bathroom laws for private businesses nor really for public building because you are right about "How would you know?"

But we are talking about forcing parents (and taxpayers) to fund "accommodations" for transgender students and forcing you to expose your child to this.

If I don't want my child exposed to this I should be able to get my money back for my child and take it to another school.

Your money ? It's the rest of us paying for your kids school. You get tax breaks instead .

Funny. It's the kids who are cool with it .

Let me ask you. Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room or ladies room?
No liar, homeowners pay for the schools.
I would just like you to consider how poor children would attend school under your ridiculous and unworkable plan.

I said vouchers. If you got rid of it public schools the private sector would open schools. So churches would expand or open up schools and private companies would open up schools. Those private schools would have an incentive to make sure kids got educated because parents could take their kids else where.

No they wouldn't all be outrageously expensive. There will be some expensive schools, but not all.
I would just like you to consider how poor children would attend school under your ridiculous and unworkable plan.

I said vouchers. If you got rid of it public schools the private sector would open schools. So churches would expand or open up schools and private companies would open up schools. Those private schools would have an incentive to make sure kids got educated because parents could take their kids else where.

No they wouldn't all be outrageously expensive. There will be some expensive schools, but not all.

There are places that have vouchers now and in the past. The private schools did not open as you claim.

Parents are always free to move their kids to where they want the to attend schools. I did it when my kids were in school while I was in the military. It is called "choosing where you live"! Research the schools and then decide where you want to live. I did it in Alabama, Florida, Rhode Island, and Virginia.
It's better than the flip side out in Texas . They want people to be forced to use the bathroom of the gender on their birth certificate!?

How would you know ? Who carries their birth certificate around ?

There should be no bathroom laws for private businesses nor really for public building because you are right about "How would you know?"

But we are talking about forcing parents (and taxpayers) to fund "accommodations" for transgender students and forcing you to expose your child to this.

If I don't want my child exposed to this I should be able to get my money back for my child and take it to another school.

Your money ? It's the rest of us paying for your kids school. You get tax breaks instead .

Funny. It's the kids who are cool with it .

Let me ask you. Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room or ladies room?
No liar, homeowners pay for the schools.

So no owners of rental property or commercial properties pay taxes where you live? They do here!
There are places that have vouchers now and in the past. The private schools did not open as you claim.

I am sure there was a public school option. I am saying have the state totally eliminate the public schools and go strictly to volunteers.

Parents are always free to move their kids to where they want the to attend schools. I did it when my kids were in school while I was in the military. It is called "choosing where you live"! Research the schools and then decide where you want to live. I did it in Alabama, Florida, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

So did my wife and I and then they changed it. Our lives are in this county now we would have to totally uproot our lives to "choose where we live".
This comes from my home state I am embarrassed to say:

The legislation ( S3067 / A4652 ) -- which takes effect immediately -- requires the state education commissioner to draft specific guidelines to help schools address "the needs" of transgender students and establish policies that "ensure a supportive and nondiscriminatory environment" for those students.

Schools will be expressly told that they cannot force transgender students to use bathrooms or locker rooms that conflict with their gender identity.

Instead, schools would be be mandated to provide "reasonable alternative arrangements if needed to ensure a student's safety and comfort."

Schools will also be required to make sure transgender students are addressed by the name and pronoun they prefer, regardless of whether a legal name change has occurred.

In addition, the law tells schools they must allow students to dress according to their gender identity, create confidentiality plans to make sure employees do not disclose a student's transgender or transition status, issues school documents and identification cards to make the student's gender identity, and let students take part in gym class with the gender that matches their identity.

Christie signs bill to create bathroom, other rights for transgender students

If I were a parent paying for this I would be pissed that my tax dollars were going towards this.

We need to end the public schools so if you don't want your child exposed to this you don't have to.

If your child is under 18 and you are trying to help your child "transition" that should be child abuse

First off all: badass thumbnail. Leprosy is my favorite Death album.

Secondly, what do you propose to solve the issue rather than what was suggested? At my school students can use the restroom of the gender that they identify with...as long as they ALWAYS identify as that gender (so you can't say "oh today I feel like a girl...tomorrow I might feel like a boy").

Honestly in my experience it's a non-issue in the schools since it's such a small amount of students that are trans, and the rest of the student body doesn't really give a shit where what restroom they use.

Honest question: what exactly would students be exposed to?
There are places that have vouchers now and in the past. The private schools did not open as you claim.

I am sure there was a public school option. I am saying have the state totally eliminate the public schools and go strictly to volunteers.

Parents are always free to move their kids to where they want the to attend schools. I did it when my kids were in school while I was in the military. It is called "choosing where you live"! Research the schools and then decide where you want to live. I did it in Alabama, Florida, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

So did my wife and I and then they changed it. Our lives are in this county now we would have to totally uproot our lives to "choose where we live".

Totally eliminate public schools? You cannot be serious! There are over 98,000 public schools in the US.

"They changed it?" What does that mean? If you want your kids to have a good education, either live where your taxes will pay for the best schools or you pay out of pocket for private school. Those are your choices.
Secondly, what do you propose to solve the issue rather than what was suggested?

My solution would be to get rid of the department of Education and give the education completely back to the states. Let them figure it out.

Honestly in my experience it's a non-issue in the schools since it's such a small amount of students that are trans, and the rest of the student body doesn't really give a shit where what restroom they use.

Honest question: what exactly would students be exposed to?

My main concern (and many parents I know) don't want (teens especially) to be in a bathroom or locker room together because of the risk of assault or them having sex.

I am glad that at your school their is no issues. I am not saying that assault or sex would be common just that many parents would feel uncomfortable with the unnecessary risk.

"They changed it?" What does that mean? If you want your kids to have a good education, either live where your taxes will pay for the best schools or you pay out of pocket for private school. Those are your choices.

I am paying for private education because I can't use the public schools. My county is surrounded by by school districts so there isn't much of an option for me unless I want interrupt my whole life.

We should go to a voucher program instead of forcing parents into bad schools or one that they can't use. If you don't want your child to go to the public education the school gives the money to a school of your choice
Secondly, what do you propose to solve the issue rather than what was suggested?

My solution would be to get rid of the department of Education and give the education completely back to the states. Let them figure it out.

Honestly in my experience it's a non-issue in the schools since it's such a small amount of students that are trans, and the rest of the student body doesn't really give a shit where what restroom they use.

Honest question: what exactly would students be exposed to?

My main concern (and many parents I know) don't want (teens especially) to be in a bathroom or locker room together because of the risk of assault or them having sex.

I am glad that at your school their is no issues. I am not saying that assault or sex would be common just that many parents would feel uncomfortable with the unnecessary risk.

"They changed it?" What does that mean? If you want your kids to have a good education, either live where your taxes will pay for the best schools or you pay out of pocket for private school. Those are your choices.

I am paying for private education because I can't use the public schools. My county is surrounded by by school districts so there isn't much of an option for me unless I want interrupt my whole life.

We should go to a voucher program instead of forcing parents into bad schools or one that they can't use. If you don't want your child to go to the public education the school gives the money to a school of your choice

The only way to prevent sex and/or sexual assault from happening in restrooms at schools is to have workers guarding the restrooms 24/7.

I understand the want to protect children from engaging in sexual activity (as a father myself I assure you that I get it)...however the truth is if teenagers really want to have sex with each other-they're going to. You can't protect your children forever and I promise you that if your child is in high school they have either had sex before, or want to have sex.

This doesn't mean that schools shouldn't attempt to prevent it-of course they should. But honestly the restroom isn't where kids go to do that...they go to their cars (restrooms are frequented by other students, faculty members, and are usually very close if not next to classrooms...parking lots have much less traffic).
Secondly, what do you propose to solve the issue rather than what was suggested?

My solution would be to get rid of the department of Education and give the education completely back to the states. Let them figure it out.

Honestly in my experience it's a non-issue in the schools since it's such a small amount of students that are trans, and the rest of the student body doesn't really give a shit where what restroom they use.

Honest question: what exactly would students be exposed to?

My main concern (and many parents I know) don't want (teens especially) to be in a bathroom or locker room together because of the risk of assault or them having sex.

I am glad that at your school their is no issues. I am not saying that assault or sex would be common just that many parents would feel uncomfortable with the unnecessary risk.

"They changed it?" What does that mean? If you want your kids to have a good education, either live where your taxes will pay for the best schools or you pay out of pocket for private school. Those are your choices.

I am paying for private education because I can't use the public schools. My county is surrounded by by school districts so there isn't much of an option for me unless I want interrupt my whole life.

We should go to a voucher program instead of forcing parents into bad schools or one that they can't use. If you don't want your child to go to the public education the school gives the money to a school of your choice

Let me translate your last paragraph into terms we can all understand:


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