Comment on Ted Cruz


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
This was forwarded to me. I've no idea who this guy is, but I like him already.

That Bill introduced 'no mask or vaccine mandates' really has y'all bothered doesn't it? The government bureaucrats who are not practicing physicians or our personal physicians have no right or place to be setting mandates for medical procedures whatsoever as most of us have personal doctors for any medical procedures that are in our best interest. Our senators on the other hand are bound by oath to protect our liberty and constitutional rights.
Be nice ... poor Sen Cruz peed his pants quivering in fear in the basement on Jan 6th ... hiding like a little girl from the rioters ... typical Texas yellow-bellied coward ... all talk while hiding behind mama's skirts ...
Be nice ... poor Sen Cruz peed his pants quivering in fear in the basement on Jan 6th ... hiding like a little girl from the rioters ... typical Texas yellow-bellied coward ... all talk while hiding behind mama's skirts ...
The ghetto guys who like to beat the shit out of people seem to quiver when someone points a rifle at them. The teenager at one of their riots they were running like track and field athletes. And the Rodney King riots when the Asian store owners were defending their businesses you could here crickets. That tells me any real pushback which is never experienced in those areas would be quick and efficient. Cruz is a bit further right then other Republicans. It is not easy since a right wing Republican today may be a moderate from a half century ago. Whoopi Goldberg speaks viciously for the left and is accepted as the norm. She has had several abortions and is an obese pig. A role model for a civilization game ending. Taxpayers gave us her.

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