Comments from Biden remind America about decency

So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

The white house needs a senile petrified piece of shit for an occupant.

Who knew.

And if he can't hold his piss, his whore second in command takes over.

Talk about dumbshit at the controls.

You bet this is far from over.

If Biden wins he's gonna feel it for four years.

And after you've had your payback, we'll talk.

If you cocksuckers cant' take it, then maybe it is time to pull out the guns.
Another thinly-veiled threat.

Threatening to shoot people if you don't get your way is the act of a person with profound maturity and self-esteem issues.

Yes, your commentary carries no value.

But you knew that.

You're not going to get any cooperation for four years.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Pretty words in a speech, but ugly conduct in his personal life. But pretty words is all that matters to Liberals.
They like platitudes and bumper sticker slogan’s. It’s all their pea brains can handle.
Yeah! MAGA! Dittos Rush! Drain the Swamp! Lock her up!

Hope this is making you feel better.

Of course, you don't look any less stupid.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Pretty words in a speech, but ugly conduct in his personal life. But pretty words is all that matters to Liberals.
They like platitudes and bumper sticker slogan’s. It’s all their pea brains can handle.
Yeah! MAGA! Dittos Rush! Drain the Swamp! Lock her up!

Hope this is making you feel better.

Of course, you don't look any less stupid.
My great grandfather was 100 percent Caddo, ya fat fuck.

Is that a tribe in Siberia?

BTW, why do you really believe that those like myself should give a flying fuck about your welfare and healthcare and should willing (and gladly) contribute to it via taxes? I wouldn't give even so much as my pocket change towards alleviating your suffering from obesity, ya fat fuck. I will offer some advice...put down the fork every know and then.

My health is pretty good for my age, actually. The reality is, health care is socialized now. Either you are paying more into an insurance policy than you are getting out, or you are getting more out than you put in. We spend more per capita on health care than any other nation.. and we get the worst results. People don't engage in self-care, and they are unhealthier as a result. They don't get regular checkups, they only go to the doctor when they are feeling sick.

The cool part is that I don't contribute to the care of fat sacks of shit like yourself .Trust Fund #62 can come after me and they still won't get diddlysquat..... so I guess you are still shit out of luck.

Guy, this is why no one takes you seriously. No one who makes any kind of good money can really avoid taxes.

You are a fat sack of shit. No one that weighs 250 pounds and is under 6 tall is "healthy" by any stretch. I bet you haven't seen that small growth you call a penis since you got discharged from shuffling papers for USA.INC.

BTW, I pay all constitutional taxes and by keep guessing, fatboy.
.not exactly how the founding fathers saw this republic to be.

Okay. These would be the same Founding Fathers who lived in mansions while they profited off the labor of slaves, who hoped that the master wouldn't take a liking to their daughter.

I help and do so willingly. It's not "da gubermint's" job to hold me at gunpoint and declare that I must turn over FRNs (that thy take a portion off) to help a sorry piece of shit like your ilk....I will light them on fire before I ever permit that to happen.

Only someone who doesn't have money would say something that stupid.

Do you understand now that I don't give a shit about your well being nor would I ever make a contribution towards it? Here is another caveat.....if I had the choice of living because of a donation of someone of your ilk (very unlikely but work with me here) I would GLADLY choose death.

Again, sounds like you have issues... It's not a matter of my well-being, it's the most efficient way to run a society. Every man for himself is a society where no one sleeps.

You really have no idea of how badly those of your ilk disgust me and what is so sad for pathetic fat fucks like you is that you NEED those like myself to make your commie/socialist utopia work....while I am self reliant and have too much pride to beg and grovel.

Guy, frankly, you sound like a lifetime loser with severe mental issues... Clearly, you have no one who cares about you enough to make you take your medications.

Yes, we realize you have no appreciation for what the founders did for us.

We get that gratitude is not a characteristic the left values.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

Well Mac just know Biden is one term and maybe not even that seeing Harris will finish his first term...

2024 you will be telling the board how it is racism that caused Harris failure to win and how the next GOP President will be a failure...

You deserve all the trolling you get...
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

Well Mac just know Biden is one term and maybe not even that seeing Harris will finish his first term...

2024 you will be telling the board how it is racism that caused Harris failure to win and how the next GOP President will be a failure...

You deserve all the trolling you get...
Create whatever fantasies you'd like. Enjoy.
.not exactly how the founding fathers saw this republic to be.

Okay. These would be the same Founding Fathers who lived in mansions while they profited off the labor of slaves, who hoped that the master wouldn't take a liking to their daughter.

I help and do so willingly. It's not "da gubermint's" job to hold me at gunpoint and declare that I must turn over FRNs (that thy take a portion off) to help a sorry piece of shit like your ilk....I will light them on fire before I ever permit that to happen.

Only someone who doesn't have money would say something that stupid.

Do you understand now that I don't give a shit about your well being nor would I ever make a contribution towards it? Here is another caveat.....if I had the choice of living because of a donation of someone of your ilk (very unlikely but work with me here) I would GLADLY choose death.

Again, sounds like you have issues... It's not a matter of my well-being, it's the most efficient way to run a society. Every man for himself is a society where no one sleeps.

You really have no idea of how badly those of your ilk disgust me and what is so sad for pathetic fat fucks like you is that you NEED those like myself to make your commie/socialist utopia work....while I am self reliant and have too much pride to beg and grovel.

Guy, frankly, you sound like a lifetime loser with severe mental issues... Clearly, you have no one who cares about you enough to make you take your medications.

Yes, we realize you have no appreciation for what the founders did for us.

We get that gratitude is not a characteristic the left values.
Gratitude for what? Putting us under minority rule? Keeping women from voting for 150 years? I heard that some of them owned and fucked slaves.
.not exactly how the founding fathers saw this republic to be.

Okay. These would be the same Founding Fathers who lived in mansions while they profited off the labor of slaves, who hoped that the master wouldn't take a liking to their daughter.

I help and do so willingly. It's not "da gubermint's" job to hold me at gunpoint and declare that I must turn over FRNs (that thy take a portion off) to help a sorry piece of shit like your ilk....I will light them on fire before I ever permit that to happen.

Only someone who doesn't have money would say something that stupid.

Do you understand now that I don't give a shit about your well being nor would I ever make a contribution towards it? Here is another caveat.....if I had the choice of living because of a donation of someone of your ilk (very unlikely but work with me here) I would GLADLY choose death.

Again, sounds like you have issues... It's not a matter of my well-being, it's the most efficient way to run a society. Every man for himself is a society where no one sleeps.

You really have no idea of how badly those of your ilk disgust me and what is so sad for pathetic fat fucks like you is that you NEED those like myself to make your commie/socialist utopia work....while I am self reliant and have too much pride to beg and grovel.

Guy, frankly, you sound like a lifetime loser with severe mental issues... Clearly, you have no one who cares about you enough to make you take your medications.

Yes, we realize you have no appreciation for what the founders did for us.

We get that gratitude is not a characteristic the left values.
Gratitude for what? Putting us under minority rule? Keeping women from voting for 150 years? I heard that some of them owned and fucked slaves.

Oh, all means....they were evil.

They only scaraficed fortunes for their country and would have died had we lost.

But then...I guess you expect your kids (god help them if you have any) to be perfect when they are born.

And if they ever just drop them off at the orphanage.

Or you would prefer this was Russia.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

So you actually buy his bullshit about being president for "all americans"

This, coming from an obedient Trumpster.

Oh, the irony.


I voted for him because his positions match my positions far more than the Dem positions, and more than then nevertrumpers positions.

Libs insist on defining any opposition to their agenda as illegitimate for some reason.

That way they don't have to address your concerns seriously, or even defend their policies based on their actual merits.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

The white house needs a senile petrified piece of shit for an occupant.

Who knew.

And if he can't hold his piss, his whore second in command takes over.

Talk about dumbshit at the controls.

You bet this is far from over.

If Biden wins he's gonna feel it for four years.

And after you've had your payback, we'll talk.

If you cocksuckers cant' take it, then maybe it is time to pull out the guns.
Another thinly-veiled threat.

Threatening to shoot people if you don't get your way is the act of a person with profound maturity and self-esteem issues.

No, it's not. That is just you dismissing voices you don't like again.
Mac1958: "I am non partisan!... unlike everyone here I am different! So now.... let's talk about how Republicans suck... "

To be fair, he spends just as much time whining about Democrats and liberals.

Mac thinks that we would be awesome if we had a party that had REpublican economic policy and Democratic Social/Cultural Policy.

The reality- left to their own devices, Americans would rather have Democratic Economic Policy (even if they don't admit it when they cash in their entitlement checks) and Republican Social Policy (Because we are right with Jesus and we think angels are real.)
We're gonna Impeach the senile mother fucker

Now thats democrat classy

How can you impeach Biden when the democrats control the House?

What drugs are you on? Or is it that you haven't taken your prescribed drugs yet today?

Either one, you have no grasp of reality.
What happens if the Deplorable side becomes as active as Progs in subterfuge, cheating and violence?

Because the republicans are the minority.

The minority has no power to do much of anything in both the house and senate.

For an article of impeachment to be able to happen it has to be able to go to the proper committee then to the floor of the House.

Now this is the tricky part for you. Pay attention. Take that tin foil off your head and put your thinking cap on.

The party that decides what bills go to committee and makes it to the floor for a vote is the is the democrats.

If you believe that any democrat is going to allow any article or bill of impeachment to make it to committee much less the floor for a vote, I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

Seriously, you can't be this stupid and ignorant of how our congress works. Can you?

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