Commie Loving Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA) Destroyed by American Patriot, Marco Rubio (R-FL)


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Oct 28, 2013
Commie Loving Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA) Destroyed by American Patriot, Marco Rubio (R-FL)

By: John Hayward

2/26/2014 09:52 AM

A new low in the disgrace of the American political class was reached when Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) took the floor this week to extol the virtues of Cuban communism. A new high immediately followed, as Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) rose to annihilate Harkin, and all the other miserable apologists for left-wing tyranny.

[ame=]Rubio Delivers Floor Speech On Crisis In Venezuela - YouTube[/ame]

It is best to watch and listen to Rubio’s speech, rather than reading his words, but let me give you his closing statement, and urge you to watch him build up to it:

I don’t think we should stand by here with our arms crossed, watching these things happen in our hemisphere and say nothing about them. I can close by saying this: Over the last week, I have tweeted about these issues. I get thousands of retweets from students and young people, until they shut them out, in Venezuela who are encouraged by the fact that we are on their side. What they want is what we have, the freedom and the liberty. That’s what all people want.

And if America and its policy-makers are not going to be firmly on the side of freedom and liberty, who in the world is? Who on this planet will? If this nation is not firmly on the side of human rights and freedom and the dignity of all people, what nation on the Earth will? And if we’re prepared to walk away from that, then I submit to you that this century is going to be a dangerous and dark one. But I don’t believe that’s what the American people want from us. Nor the majority of my colleagues.
Marco Rubio destroys apologists for Cuban and Venezuelan oppression | Human Events

If I could I would censure Harkin's offensively effusive praise of the Cuban Communistic health care system for his obvious failure to appreciate it's shortcomings.

Personally, I'd support drumming his ass out of Washington and letting him go back to Iowa to defend his comments directly to his constituents.

I can't believe they would 'follow' his "leadership" to this extreme degree.
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There was a time when the "American" Left had to hide and deny their love and support of Communism.
There was a time when the "American" Left had to hide and deny their love and support of Communism.


What happened to THAT paradigm???

It's like there was a Communist revolution in the USA without our knowledge or permission!
Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

You have to recognize Communism is like weeds. It is a never ending struggle to prevent it's taking root and spreading.


Because the human condition ALWAYS has some people who won't learn from history.

Communism is bad and it has never worked and can not work successfully.
Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

You have to recognize Communism is like weeds. It is a never ending struggle to prevent it's taking root and spreading.


Because the human condition ALWAYS has some people who won't learn from history.

Communism is bad and it has never worked and can not work successfully.

You do understand that people in their own country have the right to determine their own destiny.

When another country tries to conquer's generally frowned upon by the world wide community.
Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

Viva Fidel!

Viva Che!

Every time I see some young mush for brains wearing a Che t-shirt I want to ask him if he actually knows what Che stood for and was responsible for.

Then I want to bitch slap them.

The best is the "American" Subversive Left openly rooting for Communism on the bizarre and wrong assumption that they have some special reward in store for bringing Socialism to the USA.

They will be the first layer of fertilizer in the Mass Graves that are the pot of gold at the end of every Progressive rainbow.

First, they've subversive so they can't be trusted

Second, they took a stand against their own government with little coaxing, so a little coaxing the other way and they'd be enemies of the state they just brought to power

Third, people that stupid should not be allowed to breed in the first place
Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

Viva Fidel!

Viva Che!

Every time I see some young mush for brains wearing a Che t-shirt I want to ask him if he actually knows what Che stood for and was responsible for.

Then I want to bitch slap them.

You wanna bitch slap someone for wearing a T-Shirt?

Tell me again how you think folks like you should carry handguns in public.

Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

You have to recognize Communism is like weeds. It is a never ending struggle to prevent it's taking root and spreading.


Because the human condition ALWAYS has some people who won't learn from history.

Communism is bad and it has never worked and can not work successfully.

Capitalism is bad and it really doesn't work for most people.

maybe it's time to start looking for something better.

Frankly, most Cubans are proud of their revolution. We've tried every trick in the book to get rid of the Castros and guess what, they are still there.

Maybe if we tried engaging them instead of trying to starve them out, we might make some progress.

But we're kind of like the shitty ex-girlfriend who drunk dials...
Yup, because continuing to punish Cuba 25 years after we "won" the Cold War is the humane thing to do.

Viva Fidel!

Viva Che!

Every time I see some young mush for brains wearing a Che t-shirt I want to ask him if he actually knows what Che stood for and was responsible for.

Then I want to bitch slap them.

That explains it. You are still upset that the girl you lusted after in college went off with the guy in the Che T-shirt after reading passages from The Motorcycle Diaries.
The cool thing about Rubio is that he is a liar about his "Cuban" experience. He said his family fled Cuba because of Castro. One thing. Castro wasn't in power, Batista was..

My grandfather KNEW Batista. He was the ambassador from Cuba to Canada.

And although I am pissed Castro took all my family's wealth and land, I also knew Batista was an idiot.

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