Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

Nope not giving up my Constitutional Rights because of knee jerk reactions and a false sense of security.

Well I just hope you're caught up in one of these "knee-jerk" reactions one of these days and are running for your own life.

Sandy Hook, Columbine, San Bernandino, Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, church in Texas, Virginia tech and south Florida two days ago--and all those other "knee jerk" reactions that have gone on across this country.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.
Nope not giving up my Constitutional Rights because of knee jerk reactions and a false sense of security.

Well I just hope you're caught up in one of these "knee-jerk" reactions one of these days and are running for your own life.

Sandy Hook, Columbine, San Bernandino, Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, church in Texas, Virginia tech and south Florida two days ago--and all those other "knee jerk" reactions that have gone on across this country.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.
those were the days before all racists became republican
Well I just hope you're caught up in one of these "knee-jerk" reactions one of these days and are running for your own life.

Sandy Hook, Columbine, San Bernandino, Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, church in Texas, Virginia tech and south Florida two days ago--and all those other "knee jerk" reactions that have gone on across this country.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.
those were the days before all racists became republican
Well that's complete bullshit all the racist Democratic politicians stayed Democrats. The real reason that states like Alabama turned to Republicans were economic.
Nope not giving up my Constitutional Rights because of knee jerk reactions and a false sense of security.

Well I just hope you're caught up in one of these "knee-jerk" reactions one of these days and are running for your own life.

Sandy Hook, Columbine, San Bernandino, Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, church in Texas, Virginia tech and south Florida two days ago--and all those other "knee jerk" reactions that have gone on across this country.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.

BULLSHIT--there is a new arm of the Republican party called the ALT-RIGHT. They came from

Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. This was the alt-right,
a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet.
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville, Virgina to make a statement.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

So don't tell me the south isn't racist, they sure as hell are. We have a few of them on this board that are more than vocal about it, and every dam one of them is a major Trump supporter.

Well I just hope you're caught up in one of these "knee-jerk" reactions one of these days and are running for your own life.

Sandy Hook, Columbine, San Bernandino, Las Vegas, Orlando, Aurora, church in Texas, Virginia tech and south Florida two days ago--and all those other "knee jerk" reactions that have gone on across this country.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.

BULLSHIT--there is a new arm of the Republican party called the ALT-RIGHT. They came from

Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. This was the alt-right,
a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet.
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville, Virgina to make a statement.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

So don't tell me the south isn't racist, they sure as hell are. We have a few of them on this board that are more than vocal about it, and every dam one of them is a major Trump supporter.

Seriously, The racist alt-righters are a fringe group.
Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.

That first suggestion alone is why you people never get anywhere in your gun control efforts because your definition of "common sense" is anything but. What you want is practically full confiscation. Pretty much every gun out there is semi-automatic, so one, gun owners rightfully never trust you loons when you say you want "common sense" controls because we know you really mean is no guns at all and two, banning all semi-autos would be unconstitutional.

And you have the nerve to refer to others as extremists.
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.

I vote for common sense child regulations, let's bring discipline and accountability back to the schools and the home.

I tend to stay away from gun free zones so I'm not likely to get shot by a mass murder. I also live in Alabama an open carry state the cowards that target unarmed people wouldn't last long here.
I would live in Zambia before Alabama, the KKK racist white trash state
I was married to a black women and have mixed race kids and saw as much or more racism in states like NY and California then I did in Alabama so you are completely full of shit.
By the way the prevalent racism your thinking of hasn't been an issue since the days of the Democrats Jim Crow laws, segregation and the KKK was the militant arm of the party.

BULLSHIT--there is a new arm of the Republican party called the ALT-RIGHT. They came from

Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. This was the alt-right,
a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet.
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville, Virgina to make a statement.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

So don't tell me the south isn't racist, they sure as hell are. We have a few of them on this board that are more than vocal about it, and every dam one of them is a major Trump supporter.

Seriously, The racist alt-righters are a fringe group.
but some of them are good people??
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.

When was the last mass shooting in the UK?
Look it up yourself liar.

Quite some time ago.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.

When was the last mass shooting in the UK?

The U.K. averaged 1 mass shooting every 10 years.....they stopped 2 mass shootings just recently, the 19 year old who was going to shoot up the university that had kicked him out posted on Social Media and was captured by police, and the elementary school kid who brought a shotgun to school changed his mind and called the police on himself...

So they average 1 every 10 years......and managed to stop 2.......this is after they banned and confiscated guns...doofus.

So they really don't have a mass shooting problem. Thank you.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........


Stupid is not recognizing it is a US problem. Nobody else has regular school shootings.

Moron...we know it is a problem, you asswipes just don't have the solution...we do. You get rid of gun free zones and allow some staff, with training, to carry guns....

Funny, mass shootings aren't a problem where there is strong gun control. can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........


Stupid is not recognizing it is a US problem. Nobody else has regular school shootings.

Moron...we know it is a problem, you asswipes just don't have the solution...we do. You get rid of gun free zones and allow some staff, with training, to carry guns....

Funny, mass shootings aren't a problem where there is strong gun control.
Funny how mass shootings never occur in police stations.
Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.

That first suggestion alone is why you people never get anywhere in your gun control efforts because your definition of "common sense" is anything but. What you want is practically full confiscation. Pretty much every gun out there is semi-automatic, so one, gun owners rightfully never trust you loons when you say you want "common sense" controls because we know you really mean is no guns at all and two, banning all semi-autos would be unconstitutional.

And you have the nerve to refer to others as extremists.
how many mass shootings in japan ,,in australia land??
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........


Stupid is not recognizing it is a US problem. Nobody else has regular school shootings.

Moron...we know it is a problem, you asswipes just don't have the solution...we do. You get rid of gun free zones and allow some staff, with training, to carry guns....

Funny, mass shootings aren't a problem where there is strong gun control.
Funny how mass shootings never occur in police stations.

Well there sure were lots of armed police here:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.
Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.

That first suggestion alone is why you people never get anywhere in your gun control efforts because your definition of "common sense" is anything but. What you want is practically full confiscation. Pretty much every gun out there is semi-automatic, so one, gun owners rightfully never trust you loons when you say you want "common sense" controls because we know you really mean is no guns at all and two, banning all semi-autos would be unconstitutional.

And you have the nerve to refer to others as extremists.
how many mass shootings in japan ,,in australia land??
How many mass shootings at police stations?

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