Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.

No need to read any further than the first lie. There were not 18 school shootings this year.
There are no single mothers in the other nations? No video games, no loud music, violence on TV? What is the big difference is that there is easy access to guns, guns that are designed only for killing people. Look at how many of the mass killings are done with those weapons. Time for action, the hell with prayers and sympathy.

You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims???
This is the fault of the FBI. There is no way around it. The FBI needs a good housecleaning and criminal charges come out of this.
There hasn't been 18 school shootings this year
??? Are you griping because the number is at least 19 rather than 18? Did you not notice that there were 17 school kids shot in FL the other day. A few weeks earlier two more kids were shot dead and 17 were wounded in a KY school.
No I'm not griping I pointing out a factual error. Why are you and others counting accidental discharges of firearms and suicides in that claim ?
What was accidental about the FL shooting that just happened? That was 17 shootings.
What was accidental/suicidal about the KY shooting? That was two shootings.
17+2 = 19. 19>18.
That is not what they are claiming. What they are saying is the has been 18 separate school shootings and that is a lie.
There are no single mothers in the other nations? No video games, no loud music, violence on TV? What is the big difference is that there is easy access to guns, guns that are designed only for killing people. Look at how many of the mass killings are done with those weapons. Time for action, the hell with prayers and sympathy.

You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims???
So what will stop mass killings ?
There are no single mothers in the other nations? No video games, no loud music, violence on TV? What is the big difference is that there is easy access to guns, guns that are designed only for killing people. Look at how many of the mass killings are done with those weapons. Time for action, the hell with prayers and sympathy.

You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....
So nothing about the root cause?

Like single mothers, violence on television, movies, video games, in music.....

Other countries have those things and don’t have regular school shootings...

I would rather get shot walking down the sidewalk then acid in the face.

Britain is one of the worst countries in the world for acid attacks per person, it has been revealed

You realize a gun will kill you? You can’t be this dumb.
Are you a gang member? This is mostly a gang on gang thing...

Again you stupid fuck I would rather take my chances with a bullet then acid.

Yeah so how the fuck you going to get guns away from gang bangers when most of them it illegal for them to own them because of felony's

You realize the acid often washes off with water with minimal damage? Minimal damage gunshot wounds are rare.
There are no single mothers in the other nations? No video games, no loud music, violence on TV? What is the big difference is that there is easy access to guns, guns that are designed only for killing people. Look at how many of the mass killings are done with those weapons. Time for action, the hell with prayers and sympathy.

You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.
You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.

When was the last mass shooting in the UK?
There are no single mothers in the other nations? No video games, no loud music, violence on TV? What is the big difference is that there is easy access to guns, guns that are designed only for killing people. Look at how many of the mass killings are done with those weapons. Time for action, the hell with prayers and sympathy.

You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

And how do you do it here? Aussie has less people then California.
Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.

When was the last mass shooting in the UK?
Look it up yourself liar.
You have nothing to offer in anything we could possibly compromise on.
No leverage to negotiate with ... No legal standing for your position.

The only thing you could possibly have is a threat ... Go pound sand ... :thup:

You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You mean except for France......right? Where fully automatic military rifles....actual military rifles, not AR-15s are completely against the gun shows in the country, no gun stores in the country.......and they had mass shootings at Charlie Hebdo, and at the Bataclan concert mean except for that shooting problem...right?
You want no more mass killings?? Do what the AUSSIES did ,,banned auto ,semi automatic weapons and shot guns

Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........


Stupid is not recognizing it is a US problem. Nobody else has regular school shootings.
Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.
Sure they do.

When was the last mass shooting in the UK?

The U.K. averaged 1 mass shooting every 10 years.....they stopped 2 mass shootings just recently, the 19 year old who was going to shoot up the university that had kicked him out posted on Social Media and was captured by police, and the elementary school kid who brought a shotgun to school changed his mind and called the police on himself...

So they average 1 every 10 years......and managed to stop 2.......this is after they banned and confiscated guns...doofus.
Wrong...they did not stop mass killings...that is a lie.....dumb luck has kept them safe.....they have had numerous incidents of shooters in public spaces with guns....who simply didn't shoot more people, or did 't kill the ones they hit....

This is a lie that you keep pushing...

Please explain how Australian gun control laws kept these individuals from shooting more people...Australian gun crime is going up, not down, and they have been living on dumb luck since they banned guns...

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia
  • 16 January 1998 to 15 June 2009 – Melbourne gangland killings – A series of 35 murders of crime figures and their associates that began with the slaying of Alphonse Gangitano in his home, most likely by Jason Moran, the latest victim being Des Moran who was murdered in Ascot Vale on 15 June 2009.
  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria at La Trobe university in Melbourne, Victoria, armed with a 38-calibre revolver handgun and opened fire, killing cafeteria manager Leon Capraro and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
21st century[edit]
  • 13 March 2000 – Millewa State Forest Murders – Barbara and Stephen Brooks and Stacie Willoughby were found dead, all three having been shot execution style and left in the forest.[62][63]
  • 16 July 2001 – Peter James Knight, an anti-abortion activist, walked into an abortion clinic in East Melbourne armed with a rifle. Knight shot dead security guard Stephen Gordon Rogers and was later overpowered by staff in the abortion clinic. After his arrest, Knight was charged and convicted of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
  • 14 October 2002 – Dr. Margret Tobin, the South Australian head of Mental Health Services, was shot dead by Jean Eric Gassy as she walked out of a lift in her office building.
  • 21 October 2002 – Monash University shootingHuan Xiang opened fire in a tutorial room, killing two and injuring five.
  • 25 October 2003 – Greenacre double murder – A man and a woman are shot dead in a house in the suburb of Greenacre, Sydney which was the result of a feud between two Middle Eastern crime families. Twenty-four-year-old Ziad Abdulrazak was shot 10 times in the chest and head and 22-year-old Mervat Hamka was shot twice in the neck while she slept in her bedroom. Up to 100 shots were fired into the house by four men who were later arrested and convicted of the murders.
  • 18 February 2006 – Cardross Hit and Run – Thomas Graham Towle crashed his car at high speed into a group of 13 teenagers, killing six and injuring seven near the town ofCardross, Victoria.[73]
  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[75]

An expidited list.....

Here is a list of shootings in Australia...notice, they are all after they banned and confiscated guns...tell did Australian gun laws stop these from becoming mass shootings?

I will quote a the rest....

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia

  • 3 August 1999 – La Trobe University shooting – Jonathan Brett Horrocks walked into the cafeteria in La Trobe university in Melbourne Victoria armed with a 38 caliber revolver handgun and opened fire killing Leon Capraro the boss and manager off the cafeteria and wounding a woman who was a student at the university.
If he had decided to keep shooting...would Australian gun laws have kept this from being a mass shooting?
Tell me...this doesn't count as a mass shooting...only because more of the victims didn't die...7 people shot......did Australian gun laws stop it from being a mass shooting?

  • 26 May 2002 – A Vietnamese man walked into a Vietnamese wedding reception in Cabramatta Sydney, New South Wales armed with a handgun and opened fire wounding seven people.
Another one.....this shooter couldn't clear his he only killed 2...the new standard for a mass shooting incident is 3 dead how did Australian gun laws keep this from being a mass shooting...rather than just dumb luck....?
And had this guy decided to keep shooting.....would Australian gun laws have stopped him? And kept this from being a mass shooting?

  • 18 June 2007 – Melbourne CBD shooting – Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on three people, killing one and seriously wounding two others who intervened when Hudson was assaulting his girlfriend at a busy Melbourne intersection during the morning peak. He gave himself up to police in Wallan, Victoria on 20 June.[71]

  • 28 April 2012 – A man opened fire in a busy shopping mall in Robina on the Gold Coast shooting Bandidos bikie Jacques Teamo. A woman who was an innocent bystander was also injured from a shotgun blast to the leg. Neither of the victims died, but the incident highlighted the recent increase in gun crime across major Australian cities including Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide.[citation needed]
this guy actually went into a mall......with a gun......after they banned and confiscated them...
  • 8 March 2013 – Queen Street mall siege – Lee Matthew Hiller entered the shopping mall on Queen Street Brisbane Queensland armed with a revolver and threatened shoppers and staff with the revolver, causing a 90-minute siege which ended when Hiller was shot and wounded in the arm by a police officer from the elite Specialist Emergency Response Team. Hiller was then later taken to hospital and was treated for his injury; he pleaded gulity to 20 charges and was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.[citation needed]
How did Australian gun control laws keep this shooting from being a muslim terrorist mass shooting? An immigrant to Australia got a gun in a country where they banned and confiscated them and now claim their gun control laws have stopped mass shootings...

  • 15 December 2014 – 2014 Sydney hostage crisis – Seventeen people were taken hostage in a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney by Man Haron Monis. The hostage crisis was resolved in the early hours of 16 December, sixteen hours after it commenced, when armed police stormed the premises. Monis and two hostages were killed in the course of the crisis.[87]
And how did Australian gun control keep this shooting from being a mass shooting?

  • 10 September 2015 – A 49-year-old woman is shot dead in a Mc Donald's restaurant in Gold Coast by her 57-year-old ex partner, who then turned the gun on himself afterwards and shot himself dead.
And had this kid walked into his a muslim immigrant and simply shot 3 would have been an act of muslim terrorism and a mass shooting ....again, luck saved Australia, not their gun control laws...
  • And how did Australian gun laws keep these muslim teenager from going to a school with this gun and shooting a bunch of students?

    Sydney police HQ shooting linked to terrorism: police commissioner

    The actions of the 15-year-old gunman who shot dead a New South Wales police civilian employee were an act of terrorism, police say.

    The radicalised youth of Middle Eastern background has been named as Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

    He killed the police employee, Curtis Cheng, as he was leaving police headquarters at Parramatta in Sydney's west around 4:30pm yesterday.

    The offender then fired several more shots at officers as they emerged from the building to respond to the incident.
CAN'T stop killings BUT NO MASS KILLINGS Why won't the AH republicans and their right arm the NRA do more than pray for the victims??? can't answer my can't show how Australian gun control laws actually stopped all those shootings from becoming mass public you don't even try to answer, because you can't......

Australian gun control did not stop mass shootings there.....dumb luck has been protecting them...and that can't last....

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a mass shooting problem. Fact.

You see that entire list...a list of public a country that banned and confiscated guns....the only thing that keeps those shootings from being mass public shootings is the decision of the shooter, who is shooting people, to not shoot more people, or he simply fails to kill all the people he shoots...

And you respond with that stupidity........


Stupid is not recognizing it is a US problem. Nobody else has regular school shootings.

Moron...we know it is a problem, you asswipes just don't have the solution...we do. You get rid of gun free zones and allow some staff, with training, to carry guns....
No. We aren’t passing anything right. Let’s. Especially when you argue with blatantly false information
I have yet to see any liberal propose anything that would have stopped this killer.

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