Common sense- Trumps economy was better than Biden’s


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May 12, 2022

Trump’s Economy Really Was Better Than Obama’s

At least until the pandemic, the president’s unconventional policy got unprecedented results.

But if you watch what Biden supporters say on CNN, MSNBC and outlets, you would think that they were living in a different world compared to our world. It continues to be unfortunate to see what Biden supporters say about Joe Biden. Let’s look at the bottom line…. the price of gas here in Buffalo New York was two dollars a gallon under Trump , under Biden is approaching four dollars a gallon. And those price differences are felt throughout the entire country.

Donald Trump brought us a very solid economy. The best in years in this country.

And it is things like that the price of gas for example, working class people are paying through the roof and they hear somebody support Joe Biden for whatever reason it is, it is infuriating. Even more so know it all Biden supporters say things like . “you don’t understand how the economy works.” And yet people are paying two times even three times more for their food at restaurants compared to what it was under Donald Trump. Imagine that for a moment going up to a hot dog store like we have a Buffalo “teds hotdogs” it’s now $31 for two drinks , two hot dogs and two fries.

Going to five guys burgers and paying $21 for a burger, a milkshake and a fry … all of these astonishing prices are happening under Joe Biden, and yet he has these lowlife supporters who try and tell fellow Americans that they just don’t understand the economy. No , actually, we understand how that a better energy policies under Trump, a great foreign policy, with no war in Ukraine led us to a better economy. One would have to be on drugs, or totally brainwashed to realize that we did not start new wars under Donald Trump. And under Joe Biden, we have funneled over $100 billion to Ukraine , much of that money is unaccounted for.

It seems no matter how the prices are, seems to matter how high gas prices are , and food prices are under Biden that Joe Biden will continue to have supporters. And perhaps it is because of his racist policies toward America, his degradation of American history, his supporting of denigrating white people of American history, but saying nothing about blacks of Africa that owned slaves. His policies are horrendous. They make no sense. Certainly Bidens policies toward race makes absolutely no sense in the context of global history.


Trump’s Economy Really Was Better Than Obama’s

At least until the pandemic, the president’s unconventional policy got unprecedented results.

But if you watch what Biden supporters say on CNN, MSNBC and outlets, you would think that they were living in a different world compared to our world. It continues to be unfortunate to see what Biden supporters say about Joe Biden. Let’s look at the bottom line…. the price of gas here in Buffalo New York was two dollars a gallon under Trump , under Biden is approaching four dollars a gallon. And those price differences are felt throughout the entire country.

Donald Trump brought us a very solid economy. The best in years in this country.

And it is things like that the price of gas for example, working class people are paying through the roof and they hear somebody support Joe Biden for whatever reason it is, it is infuriating. Even more so know it all Biden supporters say things like . “you don’t understand how the economy works.” And yet people are paying two times even three times more for their food at restaurants compared to what it was under Donald Trump. Imagine that for a moment going up to a hot dog store like we have a Buffalo “teds hotdogs” it’s now $31 for two drinks , two hot dogs and two fries.

Going to five guys burgers and paying $21 for a burger, a milkshake and a fry … all of these astonishing prices are happening under Joe Biden, and yet he has these lowlife supporters who try and tell fellow Americans that they just don’t understand the economy. No , actually, we understand how that a better energy policies under Trump, a great foreign policy, with no war in Ukraine led us to a better economy. One would have to be on drugs, or totally brainwashed to realize that we did not start new wars under Donald Trump. And under Joe Biden, we have funneled over $100 billion to Ukraine , much of that money is unaccounted for.

It seems no matter how the prices are, seems to matter how high gas prices are , and food prices are under Biden that Joe Biden will continue to have supporters. And perhaps it is because of his racist policies toward America, his degradation of American history, his supporting of denigrating white people of American history, but saying nothing about blacks of Africa that owned slaves. His policies are horrendous. They make no sense. Certainly Bidens policies toward race makes absolutely no sense in the context of global history.

Trump's economy was WAY better than Bidenomics. Bidenomics is crippling America and has all but completely destroyed “the American dream.” It's tragic and disgusting what Biden and his band of lackeys has done to this nation. Of course, Pedo Joe is simply perpetuating the destructive polices of the first openly gay (and illegitimate) President of the USA, Barry Obama.
Trump's economy was WAY better than Bidenomics. Bidenomics is crippling America and has all but completely destroyed “the American dream.” It's tragic and disgusting what Biden and his band of lackeys has done to this nation. Of course, Pedo Joe is simply perpetuating the destructive polices of the first openly gay (and illegitimate) President of the USA, Barry Obama.
This ^agreed %. I find it to be astonishing that there are people that continue to support Joe Biden when the average cost of a home is $400,000.

And that is the American dream being able to afford a home in this country. Under Trump the average price of a home is $200,000.

Biden is hurting the middle class. And that’s probably an understatement and this is white Americans all across the country are very upset about. They see somebody support Joe Biden and then they say “wait a minute I’m living in this tiny apartment I can’t afford a home what’s going on here.”
This ^agreed %. I find it to be astonishing that there are people that continue to support Joe Biden when the average cost of a home is $400,000.

And that is the American dream being able to afford a home in this country. Under Trump the average price of a home is $200,000.

Biden is hurting the middle class. And that’s probably an understatement and this is white Americans all across the country are very upset about. They see somebody support Joe Biden and then they say “wait a minute I’m living in this tiny apartment I can’t afford a home what’s going on here.”
The average cost of a home jumped because of COVID and lockdowns.

It FUELED inflation it is not the result of it

Trump’s Economy Really Was Better Than Obama’s

At least until the pandemic, the president’s unconventional policy got unprecedented results.

But if you watch what Biden supporters say on CNN, MSNBC and outlets, you would think that they were living in a different world compared to our world. It continues to be unfortunate to see what Biden supporters say about Joe Biden. Let’s look at the bottom line…. the price of gas here in Buffalo New York was two dollars a gallon under Trump , under Biden is approaching four dollars a gallon. And those price differences are felt throughout the entire country.

Donald Trump brought us a very solid economy. The best in years in this country.

And it is things like that the price of gas for example, working class people are paying through the roof and they hear somebody support Joe Biden for whatever reason it is, it is infuriating. Even more so know it all Biden supporters say things like . “you don’t understand how the economy works.” And yet people are paying two times even three times more for their food at restaurants compared to what it was under Donald Trump. Imagine that for a moment going up to a hot dog store like we have a Buffalo “teds hotdogs” it’s now $31 for two drinks , two hot dogs and two fries.

Going to five guys burgers and paying $21 for a burger, a milkshake and a fry … all of these astonishing prices are happening under Joe Biden, and yet he has these lowlife supporters who try and tell fellow Americans that they just don’t understand the economy. No , actually, we understand how that a better energy policies under Trump, a great foreign policy, with no war in Ukraine led us to a better economy. One would have to be on drugs, or totally brainwashed to realize that we did not start new wars under Donald Trump. And under Joe Biden, we have funneled over $100 billion to Ukraine , much of that money is unaccounted for.

It seems no matter how the prices are, seems to matter how high gas prices are , and food prices are under Biden that Joe Biden will continue to have supporters. And perhaps it is because of his racist policies toward America, his degradation of American history, his supporting of denigrating white people of American history, but saying nothing about blacks of Africa that owned slaves. His policies are horrendous. They make no sense. Certainly Bidens policies toward race makes absolutely no sense in the context of global history.

Karl W. Smith,Staff Columnist

Same shit, different day, DAY after DAY.

Teabaggers, for decades think opinions are FACT.
This ^agreed %. I find it to be astonishing that there are people that continue to support Joe Biden when the average cost of a home is $400,000.

And that is the American dream being able to afford a home in this country. Under Trump the average price of a home is $200,000.

Biden is hurting the middle class. And that’s probably an understatement and this is white Americans all across the country are very upset about. They see somebody support Joe Biden and then they say “wait a minute I’m living in this tiny apartment I can’t afford a home what’s going on here.”
I moved from Denver to southern Utah for two reasons: 1) Colorado was turning into a wannabe California. 2) I wanted to buy an affordable home in the sticks.

After Biden used Covid to destroy America's economy, it became apparent that buying a house would have to be put on hold until things got back to normal. Well, under Biden, things have gone from very bad to worse. I'm not sure America will ever rebound, and I think “normal” could very well be a thing of the past.
This is what Joe Biden’s policies have brought us. Extremely high inflation, higher than any that we have seen since Jimmy Carter.

So this is just common sense, and it is appalling to see Biden supporters Try and label Joe Biden‘s economy as great.

No matter what the price of gas is, no matter what the astronomical price of a home is. And these prices are staring Biden supporters in the face. They will go up to somebody and tell them how great Joe Biden is how smart he is , how our economy is doing fine. That really is a tragedy to see how some of my fellow Democrats are acting and they are putting politics before country.

Biden BLM supporters are the same people that denigrate America’s history. They will denigrate the 1950s a time of when we had the great prosperity. The greatest economic boom in American history. Because of men like FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, John F Kennedy. Under those presidencies We saw the middle class in his most prosperous state in American history. In those days Union jobs accounted for 1/3 of all jobs in America. Now today under Joe Biden about 10% of the American population has a Unionized job.

I have noticed that Biden supporters will support a man being able to go into a woman’s bathroom, or they ignore it. Making their positions absurd. So they have no leg to stand on. That’s what you get from Joe Biden supporters. Not only do they offer up excuses for his horrible economy, but also his awful social policies. Or sometimes they ignore his social policies, which is even worse.

But yes, as we all know, it doesn’t matter what facts are staring most Biden supporters in the face, they will continue no matter what to support this guy.

Thankfully, that’s where independent votes come through. Independents are leaning toward Donald Trump far more so than Joe Biden. just about no way that Biden can win in 2024.
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The inflation was inevitable.

And Trump's massive spending and TRILLIONS in help from the Fed contributed to the problem.

There is no better example of the Dunning Kruger Effect than a Trumpster trying to "explain" economics and markets.
Trump does equally well with hurricane forecast.

I moved from Denver to southern Utah for two reasons: 1) Colorado was turning into a wannabe California. 2) I wanted to buy an affordable home in the sticks.

After Biden used Covid to destroy America's economy, it became apparent that buying a house would have to be put on hold until things got back to normal. Well, under Biden, things have gone from very bad to worse. I'm not sure America will ever rebound, and I think “normal” could very well be a thing of the past.
Yes this astronomical pricing of homes is something that relates to Joe Biden getting us involved in ukraine. That helped to shoot up gas prices through the roof. If Biden was a great leader, like we have had in our countries history, he would’ve been able to prevent the war in the first place, or when it occurred force a cease-fire …there by lowering the price of gas, goods as well as homes.

I also went through Colorado, I stayed in Denver for a night. You can see homeless people all over the place. They have a Lotta problems over there.

How are things in Utah? I actually drove through Utah and stayed there for a night or two on my trip to Las Vegas. I thought the people of Utah were very nice and hospitable. I was kind of on the outskirts of Salt Lake City.

The deserts and canyons of Utah are beautiful.
Yes this astronomical pricing of homes is something that relates to Joe Biden getting us involved in ukraine. That helped to shoot up gas prices through the roof. If Biden was a great leader, like we have had in our countries history, he would’ve been able to prevent the war in the first place, or when it occurred force a cease-fire …there by lowering the price of gas, goods as well as homes.

I also went through Colorado, I stayed in Denver for a night. You can see homeless people all over the place. They have a Lotta problems over there.

How are things in Utah? I actually drove through Utah and stayed there for a night or two on my trip to Las Vegas. I thought the people of Utah were very nice and hospitable. I was kind of on the outskirts of Salt Lake City.

The deserts and canyons of Utah are beautiful.
Biden has added a whopping $2 trillion to the debt in only the past 2 years. That's half of what the entire Federal budget used to be. :oops:
This ^agreed %. I find it to be astonishing that there are people that continue to support Joe Biden when the average cost of a home is $400,000.

And that is the American dream being able to afford a home in this country. Under Trump the average price of a home is $200,000.

Biden is hurting the middle class. And that’s probably an understatement and this is white Americans all across the country are very upset about. They see somebody support Joe Biden and then they say “wait a minute I’m living in this tiny apartment I can’t afford a home what’s going on here.”
Libs are borderline communists and that is anti middle class
You do know that someone gave Trump the altered map.
So Trump decided to pose for a photo, with his "gift"?


As the orange hurricane forecaster keeps a sharpie handy at all times?

And without fail, the former president brought out a Sharpie to sign one of the slats of his beloved border wall, which he said was at the request of the border patrol agents at the site. "I autographed one of the bollards," he said.Nov 14, 2022 fail, the former,the bollards," he said.

6 memorable times Trump wielded his trademark Sharpie fail, the former,the bollards," he said.

Trump appears to wield infamous Sharpie to sign bond ...

1695483393508.png › ... › US politics fail, the former,the bollards," he said.
Jun 14, 2023 — It was a feature of his presidency and sometimes a source of amusement, but Donald Trump's love of Sharpie marker pens has resurfaced as he ... fail, the former,the bollards," he said.

President Donald Trump Sharpie Marker Used For Bills & ...

Max Rambod › books › donald-trump
Very hard to obtain presidential bill signed pen. This is the first version Sharpie pen, which was used by Trump up until the end of 2020. and again as of ... fail, the former,the bollards," he said.

Trump drags his Alabama hurricane claims into 6th day​

Politico › story › 2019/09/06 › trum...

Sep 6, 2019 — 'This nonsense has never happened to another President,' Trump complained on Twitter.


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That's because trump was literally holding back the bad guys.

People like Claus Schwab, George soros, the world economic forum, china, illegals and so on were not a threat when Trump was president. All the people who have directly and indirectly weakened our nation were held at bay by trump.

The very instant trump was out of office our nation across the board began a decline that has only accelerated since then. As soon as he left we saw crime rise in cities, more drug use, more illegals, more inflation, more shutting down on oil production, more money sent to other countries, more inflation hikes by the fed, more surveillance, and so on.

And soon as trump wants back in we have seen the largest scale attack on a politician greater than any other. It's obvious they are doing everything to keep him from getting back in.

Trump was keeping the wolves at bay and now that they are in our economy is tanking because it's intended to destabilize America
And the thing is this: if Manchin and Sinema hadn't torpedoed the effort, the democrats would have abolished the Senate filibuster and spend huge gobs of money that would have increased inflation worse than it was, starting with the Build Back America legislation that by some estimates exceeded 5 trillion dollars. How much more would they have spent if the GOP hadn't stopped them, and how much worse would inflation be? People bitch about Trump's spending, but it was higher than he and the democrats wanted and the reason for that was because the democrats wouldn't vote for any spending until they got more money for their pet programs. There has never been a spending bill where the democrats wanted to spend less than the GOP did. Never.

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