Communication between God and man

Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Why should a fool who denies God be given any credence in dictating how God would choose to make himself and his reality known to Man?
I don't deny god I simply see no proof for or against the existence of a god, making me agnostic on the subject. I've read the bible and some of the Koran and the Mormon book as well, and I see no proof of god, just words on a page that quite frankly, don't even sound very plausible when you read them in sequence.
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  • #22
Brigham Young married around 55 times, which makes him a total nutcase. That he was the successor of a con man is no surprise. That you're impressed by him is also not a shock. Birds of a feather...

Any comments about what he said? Did you read any of it?
It's just more proof what nonsense the Mormon church is. Ex: he speaks of telling the devil that it's none of his business... (your fave). It's like a cartoon, only this cartoon takes you for your money and young daughters. Sad. Really sad.

What about it is a cartoon? What do you find sad about encouraging people to have a relationship with and communicating with the Lord? What is sad about encouraging people to learn from the Lord and not just taking the word of what others say?
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.
Reminds me of the comic book character spawn
But the devil is real.

And if you read what Brigham is saying you will see him teaching exactly how anyone can know the things of God for themselves.

If you want a testimony of prayer, you need to exercise faith to start praying. If you want to get to know God seek out a relationship with Him. Listen for His Spirit.
Recognize your blessings.

Finally captain John smith is the guy Pocahontas saved. He has nothing to do with anything
The devil is real? So you have proof. What do you have?

B.Y. made all that stuff up. There's zero proof that what he says is for real.

Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:

No earthly argument, no earthly reasoning can open the minds of intelligent beings and show them heavenly things; that can only be done by the Spirit of revelation

No man can know Jesus the Christ except it be revealed from heaven to him [see 1 Corinthians 12:3]

Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to understand fully the plan of salvation

Without the revelations of God we know not who we are, whence we came, nor who formed the earth on which we live, move and have our being

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

In every part and portion of the revelations of God as given to the children of men, or to any individual in heaven or on earth, to understand them properly, a man needs the Spirit by which they were given—the Spirit that reveals such matters to the understanding, and makes them familiar to the mind
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Atheists do not pray.

Which is one of the reasons why you never learn God is real.
  • Thread starter
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  • #23
But the devil is real.

And if you read what Brigham is saying you will see him teaching exactly how anyone can know the things of God for themselves.

If you want a testimony of prayer, you need to exercise faith to start praying. If you want to get to know God seek out a relationship with Him. Listen for His Spirit.
Recognize your blessings.

Finally captain John smith is the guy Pocahontas saved. He has nothing to do with anything
The devil is real? So you have proof. What do you have?

B.Y. made all that stuff up. There's zero proof that what he says is for real.

Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:

No earthly argument, no earthly reasoning can open the minds of intelligent beings and show them heavenly things; that can only be done by the Spirit of revelation

No man can know Jesus the Christ except it be revealed from heaven to him [see 1 Corinthians 12:3]

Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to understand fully the plan of salvation

Without the revelations of God we know not who we are, whence we came, nor who formed the earth on which we live, move and have our being

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

In every part and portion of the revelations of God as given to the children of men, or to any individual in heaven or on earth, to understand them properly, a man needs the Spirit by which they were given—the Spirit that reveals such matters to the understanding, and makes them familiar to the mind
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Any comments about what he said? Did you read any of it?
It's just more proof what nonsense the Mormon church is. Ex: he speaks of telling the devil that it's none of his business... (your fave). It's like a cartoon, only this cartoon takes you for your money and young daughters. Sad. Really sad.

What about it is a cartoon? What do you find sad about encouraging people to have a relationship with and communicating with the Lord? What is sad about encouraging people to learn from the Lord and not just taking the word of what others say?
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.
Reminds me of the comic book character spawn
The devil is real? So you have proof. What do you have?

B.Y. made all that stuff up. There's zero proof that what he says is for real.

Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:

No earthly argument, no earthly reasoning can open the minds of intelligent beings and show them heavenly things; that can only be done by the Spirit of revelation

No man can know Jesus the Christ except it be revealed from heaven to him [see 1 Corinthians 12:3]

Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to understand fully the plan of salvation

Without the revelations of God we know not who we are, whence we came, nor who formed the earth on which we live, move and have our being

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

In every part and portion of the revelations of God as given to the children of men, or to any individual in heaven or on earth, to understand them properly, a man needs the Spirit by which they were given—the Spirit that reveals such matters to the understanding, and makes them familiar to the mind
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Atheists do not pray.

Which is one of the reasons why you never learn God is real.
You might discover the truth yourself, one day.
It's just more proof what nonsense the Mormon church is. Ex: he speaks of telling the devil that it's none of his business... (your fave). It's like a cartoon, only this cartoon takes you for your money and young daughters. Sad. Really sad.

What about it is a cartoon? What do you find sad about encouraging people to have a relationship with and communicating with the Lord? What is sad about encouraging people to learn from the Lord and not just taking the word of what others say?
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.
Reminds me of the comic book character spawn
Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Atheists do not pray.

Which is one of the reasons why you never learn God is real.
You might discover the truth yourself, one day.
That's true for everyone.

Why do you think human souls live on after the body dies? That's just wishful thinking. Even I hope Hitler in hell.

I take that back. What kind of sick creature would want someone or something to burn forever? Even me, an atheist, wouldn't do that to anyone no matter what they did.

You people claim that's what the punishment is for not believing your unbelievable story. What a sick good you worship who is so pretty. If he wanted us to believe he sent his son he should have done it now not 2000 years ago.

Clearly a man made up religion
What about it is a cartoon? What do you find sad about encouraging people to have a relationship with and communicating with the Lord? What is sad about encouraging people to learn from the Lord and not just taking the word of what others say?
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.
Reminds me of the comic book character spawn
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Atheists do not pray.

Which is one of the reasons why you never learn God is real.
You might discover the truth yourself, one day.
That's true for everyone.

Why do you think human souls live on after the body dies? That's just wishful thinking. Even I hope Hitler in hell.

I take that back. What kind of sick creature would want someone or something to burn forever? Even me, an atheist, wouldn't do that to anyone no matter what they did.

You people claim that's what the punishment is for not believing your unbelievable story. What a sick good you worship who is so pretty. If he wanted us to believe he sent his son he should have done it now not 2000 years ago.

Clearly a man made up religion
Of course all religions are man-made.
The devil is real? So you have proof. What do you have?

B.Y. made all that stuff up. There's zero proof that what he says is for real.

Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:

No earthly argument, no earthly reasoning can open the minds of intelligent beings and show them heavenly things; that can only be done by the Spirit of revelation

No man can know Jesus the Christ except it be revealed from heaven to him [see 1 Corinthians 12:3]

Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to understand fully the plan of salvation

Without the revelations of God we know not who we are, whence we came, nor who formed the earth on which we live, move and have our being

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

In every part and portion of the revelations of God as given to the children of men, or to any individual in heaven or on earth, to understand them properly, a man needs the Spirit by which they were given—the Spirit that reveals such matters to the understanding, and makes them familiar to the mind
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

The Book of Mormon contains instructions on how to receive proof of its truth. But the cliché about leading a horse to water remains true. You cannot receive this truth against your will.
Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

The Book of Mormon contains instructions on how to receive proof of its truth. But the cliché about leading a horse to water remains true. You cannot receive this truth against your will.
Just looks like a bunch of made up nonsense to me. What about that is proof of that book or its god being real?
  • Thread starter
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  • #31
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.
Reminds me of the comic book character spawn
You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Atheists do not pray.

Which is one of the reasons why you never learn God is real.
You might discover the truth yourself, one day.
That's true for everyone.

Why do you think human souls live on after the body dies? That's just wishful thinking. Even I hope Hitler in hell.

I take that back. What kind of sick creature would want someone or something to burn forever? Even me, an atheist, wouldn't do that to anyone no matter what they did.

You people claim that's what the punishment is for not believing your unbelievable story. What a sick good you worship who is so pretty. If he wanted us to believe he sent his son he should have done it now not 2000 years ago.

Clearly a man made up religion
Of course all religions are man-made.

Did God tell you that? Did you ask His opinion on the matter?
  • Thread starter
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  • #32
Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

You can ask God after studying out the principles it teaches.

But you don't want to. You want someone else to.
  • Thread starter
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  • #33
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.

And yet it exists and can't be explained away. Nor can the witnesses be explained away. Which is why they are ignored.
You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.

And yet it exists and can't be explained away. Nor can the witnesses be explained away. Which is why they are ignored.
I wish only piece of mind for you.
  • Thread starter
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  • #35
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.

And yet it exists and can't be explained away. Nor can the witnesses be explained away. Which is why they are ignored.
I wish only piece of mind for you.

And I wish the beat for you as well
Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.

And yet it exists and can't be explained away. Nor can the witnesses be explained away. Which is why they are ignored.
I wish only piece of mind for you.

And I wish the beat for you as well
What kind of people would you be if you didn't wish other people well? I'm an atheist and wish for peace and happiness why wouldn't Mormons Christians Muslims and Jews?

I love the Mormon story because there's some truth to it. Like Joseph Smith I prayed asking God which religion I should join and he told me none too. They're all corrupt. Jesus existed 2000 years ago but somewhere along the way Christianity lost its authority from God. There was a break in the line from Jesus to modern day Pope. The church lost its way.

So in 1800 god revisited North America. Makes complete sense. I don't know why Christians would doubt this. Do they deny Joseph Smith existed? Or do they think the whole story is made up?
  • Thread starter
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  • #37
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.
The Book of Mormon is, of course, preposterous.

And yet it exists and can't be explained away. Nor can the witnesses be explained away. Which is why they are ignored.
I wish only piece of mind for you.

And I wish the beat for you as well
What kind of people would you be if you didn't wish other people well? I'm an atheist and wish for peace and happiness why wouldn't Mormons Christians Muslims and Jews?

I love the Mormon story because there's some truth to it. Like Joseph Smith I prayed asking God which religion I should join and he told me none too. They're all corrupt. Jesus existed 2000 years ago but somewhere along the way Christianity lost its authority from God. There was a break in the line from Jesus to modern day Pope. The church lost its way.

So in 1800 god revisited North America. Makes complete sense. I don't know why Christians would doubt this. Do they deny Joseph Smith existed? Or do they think the whole story is made up?

Honestly, I think most of it is total ignorance. Some people assume a lot about Mormon but they won't read the Book of Mormon themselves or take the effort to actually understand what the Church teaches. Some wait for others to prove it instead of following the instructions God has set and seeking Him and learning for themselves.

It's why I continually invite people to read the Book of Mormon for themselves and not just rely on what they think they know about it or what others have said. I had a friend who read it for herself years ago. She was shocked to find out that Jesus was actually in the book.
I often hear that we need to have a relationship with God. I believe that to be a true principle. Key to that is revelation and prayer. I happened to be reading a chapter of quotes from Brigham Young on the matter and felt impressed to share a few.

Communication between God and man

I do not believe for one moment that there has been a man or woman upon the face of the earth, from the days of Adam to this day, who has not been enlightened, instructed, and taught by the revelations of Jesus Christ. “What! the ignorant heathen?” Yes, every human being who has possessed a sane mind. I am far from believing that the children of men have been deprived of the privilege of receiving the Spirit of the Lord to teach them right from wrong

I … believe positively that there is nothing known except by the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, whether in theology, science, or art

We often hear it said that the living oracles must be in the Church, in order that the Kingdom of God may be established and prosper on the earth. I will give another version of this sentiment. I say that the living oracles of God, or the Spirit of revelation must be in each and every individual, to know the plan of salvation and keep in the path that leads them to the presence of God

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

My favorite:
If the Devil says you cannot pray when you are angry, tell him it is none of his business, and pray until that species of insanity is dispelled and serenity is restored to the mind
This is Protestant doctrine. Martin Luther came up with this idea.

Oh yah the Mormons adopted it too. But not as rigidly as the other Protestants have.

The Mormons like the Catholics believe that their own high priesthood hold the keys of communication with God and therefore you cannot go around them you must obey them instead.

Martin Luther was trying to undo the yoke of slavery that the Pope had around his flock.

Oh yah, the Mormons are yoked in a similar fashion even though they pay lip service to Protestant "direct communication".
Communication between God and man.

Is only possible via a theophany in the minds eye.
Some people do receive these theophanies.

Moses did, obviously.

So did the Saints Peter, James, John, Paul, etc.

Constantine the Great apparently did also and he subsequently defeated a superior force of Roman soldiers who outnumbered him. This was probably the greatest miracle in the history of the world besides (1) the resurrection of Christ and (2) the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt.
Talking about the devil like he's a real person is cartoonish, and it's sad that actual real humans follow this comic book character like as though what he says is real. Him and John Smith simply made up a religion, and you can't prove otherwise. Ancient subs, golden plates... all total nonsense with nothing backing it up... and rather cartoonish.

But the devil is real.

And if you read what Brigham is saying you will see him teaching exactly how anyone can know the things of God for themselves.

If you want a testimony of prayer, you need to exercise faith to start praying. If you want to get to know God seek out a relationship with Him. Listen for His Spirit.
Recognize your blessings.

Finally captain John smith is the guy Pocahontas saved. He has nothing to do with anything
The devil is real? So you have proof. What do you have?

B.Y. made all that stuff up. There's zero proof that what he says is for real.

Brigham explains quite clearly how to obtain proof in the chapter I shared:

No earthly argument, no earthly reasoning can open the minds of intelligent beings and show them heavenly things; that can only be done by the Spirit of revelation

No man can know Jesus the Christ except it be revealed from heaven to him [see 1 Corinthians 12:3]

Without revelation direct from heaven, it is impossible for any person to understand fully the plan of salvation

Without the revelations of God we know not who we are, whence we came, nor who formed the earth on which we live, move and have our being

When the Spirit of revelation from God inspires a man, his mind is opened to behold the beauty, order, and glory of the creation of this earth and its inhabitants, the object of its creation, and the purpose of its Creator in peopling it with his children. He can then clearly understand that our existence here is for the sole purpose of exaltation and restoration to the presence of our Father and God

In every part and portion of the revelations of God as given to the children of men, or to any individual in heaven or on earth, to understand them properly, a man needs the Spirit by which they were given—the Spirit that reveals such matters to the understanding, and makes them familiar to the mind
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Typical Mormon bullsh!t.

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