Communism, fascism, globalism

I think we are already Global, economically, politically etc.

In my opinion the real question is will we become communist all around the world or will other Countries join Capitalism. I think they are working on a Global United Planet. Once that is resolved the next evolution is space exploration like star trek. If Capitalism wins then many countries will have land grabs and entrepreneur opportunities in Countries that never had a chance before. China and Russia want USA to adopt their ways. NOPE!
Which is precisely what the democrats want, that's why they want to abolish the filibuster so they can create a one-party gov't into perpetuity. And add 4 new progressive liberal justices to the SCOTUS so every policy they have will not be overturned in the courts. And add Puerto Rico and DC as new states so they can increase their control of the Senate. And nationalize the voting laws so anybody can vote as often as they want to. And abolish the Electoral College and go to a popular vote, thereby eliminating any influence by smaller and least populous states. Beware - all of that is possible, and they woulda done it already except for Manchin and Sinema.

Trump ranted and raved opposing the Electoral College in 2012. I think we should keep it.
Communism: Globalist
Fascism: Nationalist

Communism: No private property
Fascism: Private property

Communism: Class warfare
Fascism: Class cooperation

Communism: Murder agricultural class
Fascism: Revere agricultural class

Communism: Nationalize businesses
Fascism: Denationalize businesses

Communism: Gun bans and confiscation
Fascism: Loosened gun laws

Communism: Anti-family
Fascism: Pro-family

Communism: Starves it's citizens
Fascism: Drains swamps to create more farmland

You're right; they're basically the same thing.
Your first example is outdated. That notion is from 1968 (SJ Woolf, The Nature of Fascism). Fascism has gone international: American-assisted SARS2, Musk's X, etc.
The whole absurdity of anti-communism is that the shortage of goods is presented as "the failure of communism", and mass unemployment, impoverishment and obscurantism as the failure of people, which has nothing to do with capitalism.

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