Communism, fascism, globalism

The demrats have been trying that since BO and Thief in Chief Biden using the JD, FBI etc against political oppostion.
Horse crap, eagle. Trump wanted to and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the FBI stood him down. The Secret Service was listening, though.
Communism: Globalist
Fascism: Nationalist

Communism: No private property
Fascism: Private property

Communism: Class warfare
Fascism: Class cooperation

Communism: Murder agricultural class
Fascism: Revere agricultural class

Communism: Nationalize businesses
Fascism: Denationalize businesses

Communism: Gun bans and confiscation
Fascism: Loosened gun laws

Communism: Anti-family
Fascism: Pro-family

Communism: Starves it's citizens
Fascism: Drains swamps to create more farmland

You're right; they're basically the same thing.
Fascism is a means of control. It is not a substantive ideology. Communism is a substantive ideology, as perverse and dangerous as it may be.
None of those things are the same.

I wish just once you guys would educate yourselves on the topics you want to get triggered about.
Well, they don't need to in their world. They just spray them around to scare each other.

Toss in a random "Soros" or "Hillary" or "Satan" and you have yourself a full-on paranoia party.
Monarchy: A system of government where supreme power is vested in a single genetic lineage — a dictatorship passed through family inheritance.

Communism: A system of government in which the State plans and controls the economy and a single, authoritarian party holds power — a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Fascism: A system of government marked by the centralization of authority under a dictator in which an economy is subject to stringent governmental controls and political opposition is violently suppressed.

A system of government marked by the elimination of national sovereignty and the centralization of authority within international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum — all run by a small group of wealthy elites.

The op is correct whereas Mac1958 and the other libs posting on this topic are full of bull as usual

All the systems libs prefer depend on central planning and control of individuals
I do not believe that Fascism and Nazism are Far Right ideologies. Both of them want total central gov't control of everything, and that is not the goal of the Right. I think the Far right is actually Anarchism, as in no gov't control at all. It is the Far Left that wants total gov't control, be it Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism; they are all branches off the same tree.
They are far right Socialist. Fascism and Nazism allowed some people to actually own property, but it was the government who said what they could have and have not.
They are far right Socialist. Fascism and Nazism allowed some people to actually own property, but it was the government who said what they could have and have not.

There is no such thing as Far Right Socialism. If the gov't decides what anybody can or cannot have, that is sure as hell is as close to total gov't control as you can get and that is precisely what the Far Left gov't models such as socialism, communism, fascism, and nazism do. I thought everyone understood that the Right wants smaller gov't with less control over people and communities.
There is no such thing as Far Right Socialism. If the gov't decides what anybody can or cannot have, that is sure as hell is as close to total gov't control as you can get and that is precisely what the Far Left gov't models such as socialism, communism, fascism, and nazism do. I thought everyone understood that the Right wants smaller gov't with less control over people and communities.
The MAGA and tea party want total control over eveyrbody.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia

Maybe this will help you a little better in the understanding of Socialism Far Left -Communism, and Far Right -Fascism/Nazism.
I don't need a simplistic libertarian analysis to better understand fascism. I've read dozens of highly detailed books written by fascists, antifascists, and people who actually manage to be neutral. I was a libertarian (specifically, an anarcho-capitalist) for over 20 years before I became a fascist.
There is no such thing as Far Right Socialism. If the gov't decides what anybody can or cannot have, that is sure as hell is as close to total gov't control as you can get and that is precisely what the Far Left gov't models such as socialism, communism, fascism, and nazism do. I thought everyone understood that the Right wants smaller gov't with less control over people and communities.
Germany and Italy were far right socialist, where they wanted a centralized government but allowed people to have some personal property. Russia at the time was far left socialists, where it was a centralized government but everything was for the collective.

What Is Fascism?​

Fascism is a government system led by one person, a dictator, who has complete power over the country. It's also known as a totalitarian government. Citizens of fascist countries must surrender their individual liberties and pledge extreme allegiance to their leader.

What Is Communism?​

Unlike fascism, a communist government focuses on equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens. It opposes capitalism, which encourages private profit and the empowerment of the individual. The philosophy of communism includes spreading its influence across country borders.

What is Classical Liberalism?​

Classical Liberalism: Origins and Impact
Classical liberalism is a political philosophy that values individual freedom, private property, and free markets.
I don't need a simplistic libertarian analysis to better understand fascism. I've read dozens of highly detailed books written by fascists, antifascists, and people who actually manage to be neutral. I was a libertarian (specifically, an anarcho-capitalist) for over 20 years before I became a fascist.
So you like fucking with people and getting them to conform to your ideas with physical threats?
When marxist take control of a country, they never lose another election.
I have noticed the same thing with the Democrats.
When Democrats take control of a state, they never lose another election.

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