Commutation of Stone Sentence Correct Move

Nothing, in other words.

  • Multiple top Trump campaign aides told investigators that Trump himself, then the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, knew WikiLeaks had damaging information on the Clinton campaign.
    • Then chairman Paul Manafort, deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates, and personal attorney Michael Cohen told investigators that Stone told Trump and several advisers in July 2016 that he had spoken with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and that the website would begin dumping documents in just a few days.
    • Mueller's team "established that the Trump Campaign displayed interest in the WikiLeaks releases, and that former Campaign member Roger Stone was in contact with the Campaign about those releases, claiming advance knowledge of more to come," the report said.
  • Mueller concluded that Trump may have lied to investigators in his written answers to questions in the investigation.
    • "Cohen recalled a conversation in which Roger Stone told Trump that WikiLeaks planned to release information soon, and Manafort recalled that Trump had asked him to stay in touch with Stone about WikiLeaks," the report said.
    • "It is possible that, by the time the President submitted his written answers two years after the relevant events had occurred, he no longer had clear recollections of his discussions with Stone or his knowledge of Stone's asserted communications with WikiLeaks," the report said. "But the President's conduct could also be viewed as reflecting his awareness that Stone could provide evidence that would run counter to the President's denials and would link the President to Stone's efforts to reach out to WikiLeaks."
  • Stone "indicated he had knowledge" of Trump's written answers to Mueller.
    • Mueller's report noted that Stone went on Fox News on the evening of January 25, 2019, the day he made his first court appearance after being indicted.
    • "That evening, Stone appeared on Fox News and indicated he had knowledge of the President's answers to this Office's written questions," the report said. "When asked if he had spoken to the President about the allegation that he had lied to Congress, Stone said, 'I have not' and added, 'When the President answered the written interrogatories, he correctly and honestly said, 'Roger Stone and I never discussed this and we never did.'"
The first item is not a crime. The next two are nothing more than gossip.
Why would Barr’s DOJ prosecute him if there were no crimes? Is Barr in on the fixx?
Barr doesn't have dictatorial control over the DOJ. Barr isn't willing to toss esablished procedures into the waste bin like Democrat AGs.
Hold up... didn’t Barr just step in and drop the Flynn case? That directly goes against what you just said does it not?
Go annoy someone else.
I’m sorry if pointing out your own contradictions and fake statements is annoying to you. Try being honest and accurate with what you say and that won’t happen.
You only point out your inability to commit logic.
If that’s true then show where my logic falls apart. You don’t make any counterpoints. You just say your annoyed and throw out meaningless insults. Do better
I'm done debating you, turd. You're just annoying. You have nothing of interest to say.
If you can’t handle getting your BS exposed them don’t throw out BS. It’s pretty simple. If I’m making illogical points then beat them with logical counterpoints. You haven’t even tried to do that. That’s weak
Go away, turd. You are obviously stalking me. I'm tired of your endless posts saying nothing more than "nuh uhn!."
Barr investigated people who broke the law and violated the rights of innocent people. McCabe, and Comey investigated innocent people and attempted to overthrow a lawfully elected president.
Where are the charges against Comey and McCabe? The DOJ recently announced it was not pursuing charges against McCabe because they know the case wouldn't result in a conviction.
I was truly mystified by that. Barr doesn't seem to have a spine.
Stone was convicted of lying to congress and threatening a witness.
Bullshit charges, of course. The victim of his so-called "threat" said it was joke.

Stone Witness Randy Credico Defends Prosecutors, Assails ... › News › Muckraker

Feb 12, 2020 - The comedian and longtime activist had described at trial how Stone threatened to kill Bianca the dog, while prosecutors cited April 2018 text ...
He said it was a joke.
Barr doesn't have dictatorial control over the DOJ. Barr isn't willing to toss esablished procedures into the waste bin like Democrat AGs.
Hold up... didn’t Barr just step in and drop the Flynn case? That directly goes against what you just said does it not?
Go annoy someone else.
That's what you do every time somebody catches you in a lie.
Having an anal retentive defintition for a word I used doesn't make it a lie, jackass.
I was truly mystified by that.
I'm sure you were. Because you believed all the horseshit, fever swamp accusations you've heard about both men. IOW, you got duped again. Wake the hell up. They're playing you.
Barr doesn't have dictatorial control over the DOJ. Barr isn't willing to toss esablished procedures into the waste bin like Democrat AGs.
And yet he did with the unprecedented decision to drop charges against Flynn.
No, that was the result of years of investigation and a huge mass of irrefutable evidence of Flynn's innocence, you unmitigated douchebag.
A history question. Has any prez ever commuted the sentence of someone who withheld crucial evidence during a trial having potential criminal liability or implications for impeachment for that prez?

If not, Stone's commutation will go down in history as the most corrupt use of the clemency power bestowed on the prez.

Has any prez ever commuted the sentence of someone who withheld crucial evidence during a trial having potential criminal liability or implications for impeachment for that prez?

Yes, when Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera.
Go away, turd. You are obviously stalking me. I'm tired of your endless posts saying nothing more than "nuh uhn!."

He's "stalking" you by exposing your lies. You don't like being shown to be a liar, so you accuse him of "stalking" rather than tell the truth.
"Stone epitomizes the danger the Framers had in mind when they debated the pardon power. George Mason warned at Virginia’s ratifying convention in 1788 that the president “ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself.”

James Madison’s reply was, in retrospect, heartbreakingly naive.
“There is one security in this case,” he observed. “If the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him.”

Madison never foresaw a circumstance when Repub senators would betray their oath to the Constitution and the country and acquit a prez guilty of extortion and obstruction.
*Stone, in fact, said the corrupt part out loud, in a conversation with NBC’s Howard Fineman shortly before Trump’s announcement. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,” Stone told Fineman. “It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.”*

The takeaway here isn't hard to figure out. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,”...............meaning..............Stone didn't tell the damaging info he knew about.

What information was that?

"A former top Trump campaign official on Tuesday testified that President Donald Trump talked to political trickster Roger Stone about WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign.
That testimony by Rick Gates at Stone’s trial contrasts with Trump’s claim last November that he did not recall speaking to Stone about WikiLeaks, the document disclosure group that during the 2016 campaign released emails stolen from the Democratic Party and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s own campaign chief.

Gates testified in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that less than a minute after finishing a July 2016 call from Stone, Trump indicated that “more information would be coming” from Wikileaks."

I'd say Stone earned more than a commutation for obstructing the investigation. He should get a penthouse suite in Trump Tower or a permanent room at Mar-A-Lago. Because if Stone hadn't betrayed the country, justice, and basic decency Individual 1 may very well have been impeachment for conspiracy (with Wikileaks) to defraud the voting public. This, on top of the 4 counts of obstruction Mueller provided evidence of in his report.

WTF Dood, your link is from NOV 2019.
*Stone, in fact, said the corrupt part out loud, in a conversation with NBC’s Howard Fineman shortly before Trump’s announcement. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,” Stone told Fineman. “It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.”*

The takeaway here isn't hard to figure out. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,”...............meaning..............Stone didn't tell the damaging info he knew about.

What information was that?

"A former top Trump campaign official on Tuesday testified that President Donald Trump talked to political trickster Roger Stone about WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign.
That testimony by Rick Gates at Stone’s trial contrasts with Trump’s claim last November that he did not recall speaking to Stone about WikiLeaks, the document disclosure group that during the 2016 campaign released emails stolen from the Democratic Party and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s own campaign chief.

Gates testified in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that less than a minute after finishing a July 2016 call from Stone, Trump indicated that “more information would be coming” from Wikileaks."

I'd say Stone earned more than a commutation for obstructing the investigation. He should get a penthouse suite in Trump Tower or a permanent room at Mar-A-Lago. Because if Stone hadn't betrayed the country, justice, and basic decency Individual 1 may very well have been impeachment for conspiracy (with Wikileaks) to defraud the voting public. This, on top of the 4 counts of obstruction Mueller provided evidence of in his report.

WTF Dood, your link is from NOV 2019.
And that is pertinent because.......................................................?
Of what use is it to have him take up jail space anyway? Is Stone a clean, follow the rules trustworthy man? Of course not he is what we call the swamp. No different than any other wealthy person in politics. Notice how there's no poor people ever getting into office.
Start the impeachment
Trump will be gone by Labor Day

Trump could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue, and the republicans in the senate wouldn't convict him.
See in reality thinking land instead of fake emotion and wishful land we deal with “what is” rather than “what if”
Try it for just 24 hours. It is life changing
In real debate you post an actual argument, not meaningless platitudes. If you think he wrote something that’s false then provide the correction, otherwise you’re just wasting time
I provided the correction, you just don’t like it due to its effectiveness.
You didn’t provide a correction
*Stone, in fact, said the corrupt part out loud, in a conversation with NBC’s Howard Fineman shortly before Trump’s announcement. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,” Stone told Fineman. “It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.”*

The takeaway here isn't hard to figure out. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,”...............meaning..............Stone didn't tell the damaging info he knew about.

What information was that?

"A former top Trump campaign official on Tuesday testified that President Donald Trump talked to political trickster Roger Stone about WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign.
That testimony by Rick Gates at Stone’s trial contrasts with Trump’s claim last November that he did not recall speaking to Stone about WikiLeaks, the document disclosure group that during the 2016 campaign released emails stolen from the Democratic Party and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s own campaign chief.

Gates testified in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that less than a minute after finishing a July 2016 call from Stone, Trump indicated that “more information would be coming” from Wikileaks."

I'd say Stone earned more than a commutation for obstructing the investigation. He should get a penthouse suite in Trump Tower or a permanent room at Mar-A-Lago. Because if Stone hadn't betrayed the country, justice, and basic decency Individual 1 may very well have been impeachment for conspiracy (with Wikileaks) to defraud the voting public. This, on top of the 4 counts of obstruction Mueller provided evidence of in his report.

WTF Dood, your link is from NOV 2019.
And that is pertinent because.......................................................?

Obviously you have no fricken clue what "pertinent" means.
Has any prez ever commuted the sentence of someone who withheld crucial evidence during a trial having potential criminal liability or implications for impeachment for that prez?

Yes, when Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera.

Total Bullshit

Oscar López Rivera (born January 6, 1943) is a Puerto Rican activist and militant who was a member and suspected leader[1] of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a clandestine paramilitary organization devoted to Puerto Rican independence that carried out more than 130 bomb attacks in the United States between 1974 and 1983.[1] López Rivera was tried by the United States government for seditious conspiracy, use of force to commit robbery, interstate transportation of firearms, and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.

López Rivera declared himself a prisoner of war and refused to take part in most of his trial. He maintained that according to international law he was an anticolonial combatant and could not be prosecuted by the United States government. On August 11, 1981, López Rivera was convicted and sentenced to 55 years in federal prison. On February 26, 1988, he was sentenced to an additional 15 years in prison for conspiring to escape from the Leavenworth prison.

López Rivera was not directly linked to any specific bombings.[2][3] Many considered him to be the world's longest-held political prisoner, with a number of political and religious groups calling for his release.[4] U.S. President Bill Clinton offered him and 13 other convicted FALN members conditional clemency in 1999; López Rivera rejected the offer on the grounds that not all incarcerated FALN members received pardons. In January 2017, President Barack Obama commuted López Rivera's sentence; he was released in May 2017, having served 36 years in prison, longer than any other member of the FALN.

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