Companies crapping out on Paula!

Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Being able to fire an employee due to advertising and public image doesn't represent current American ideals? You as a conservative believe this?
A companies right to fire someone isn't okay with you?
Black cRapppers use the "N" word over a dozen times in one song, but it's considered "artistic expression" and they get paid millions. But when a White woman uses it, look out cuz the shitstorm is coming!
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Being able to fire an employee due to advertising and public image doesn't represent current American ideals? You as a conservative believe this?
A companies right to fire someone isn't okay with you?

You clearly know nothing about contract law. But that is no surprise. Hell, you can't even write a cogent sentence in English! "A companies (sic) right....?" Seriously?

Go get your high school diploma. Then I will consider discussing something with you. Until then, you are nothing to me but a troll.
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Black cRapppers use the "N" word over a dozen times in one song, but it's considered "artistic expression" and they get paid millions. But when a White woman uses it, look out cuz the shitstorm is coming!

It's not about the 'N' word. It is about a white female employee who told Paula that if she didn't giver her money she would ruin Paula's life. Extortion. That is what it is about. And Paula wouldn't play. She doesn't deserve what is happening to her.
Only in obama's america can someone be punished today for something they said 26 years ago!

See below. This is not about 30 years ago. It is about a white female employee who was hired 5 or so years ago going to Paula and telling her that if Paula didn't give her money she would ruin her life. Extortion. That is what it is about.
Only in obama's america can someone be punished today for something they said 26 years ago!

See below. This is not about 30 years ago. It is about a white female employee who was hired 5 or so years ago going to Paula and telling her that if Paula didn't give her money she would ruin her life. Extortion. That is what it is about.

That is what this this is about. Extortion. To justify that extortion, they are bringing up something that was said 26 years ago, when such a comment was perfectly normal.

Paula Deen should not be apologizing all over the place. She should have kept her dignity and told them to fuck off. It wouldn't have hurt her any more than what has happened.
Only in obama's america can someone be punished today for something they said 26 years ago!

See below. This is not about 30 years ago. It is about a white female employee who was hired 5 or so years ago going to Paula and telling her that if Paula didn't give her money she would ruin her life. Extortion. That is what it is about.

That is what this this is about. Extortion. To justify that extortion, they are bringing up something that was said 26 years ago, when such a comment was perfectly normal.

Paula Deen should not be apologizing all over the place. She should have kept her dignity and told them to fuck off. It wouldn't have hurt her any more than what has happened.

No, this white woman has alleged far more than something that happened almost 30 years ago. She went to Paula first and demanded money telling Paula if she didn't pay she would ruin Paula's life:

Jackson v. Deen Et Al. Complaint
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She wasn't fired. Her contract expired and the network choose not to renew it.

High profile. In a manner intended to hurt as much as possible. So, I don't have to buy their product. I never HAD a contract with them.
Paula Deen Smithfield Endorsement Deal Over: Company Drops Deen In Wake Of Racist Remarks

Dear Smithfield Hams,

This is America where people are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Clearly you do not believe in American ideals. Therefore, I will not help you and your employees partake of the American dream. I will NEVER buy another Smithfield ham.

Yours Truly,

A Former Customer

Being able to fire an employee due to advertising and public image doesn't represent current American ideals? You as a conservative believe this?
A companies right to fire someone isn't okay with you?

You clearly know nothing about contract law. But that is no surprise. Hell, you can't even write a cogent sentence in English! "A companies (sic) right....?" Seriously?

Go get your high school diploma. Then I will consider discussing something with you. Until then, you are nothing to me but a troll.

Contract laws? Do you know what was in her contract?
A troll? You mean the five times you have brought up my mod status was not trolling?

I may have made a grammar error, but your OP is moronic and doesn't make sense at all.

So I will assume you are a troll until your provide Paula's contract, and prove that they went against her contract by firing her. Which is something you did not state in your OP. You stated it was against American Ideals. Last time I checked American Ideals has nothing to do with contract laws. Stupid hypocrite troll.
This will probably be one of the best thing that happens to Paula Deens career.

Her show ratings were plunging double digits in the last year, embroiled in a lawsuit because of her brother... And now she's front page news again, her book sales have skyrocketed and she's got millions of people all riled up to throw support her way.:)

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