Company Cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. Charged with Securities Fraud

Oh wait....I thought liberals didn't like making money, they be all about helping them poor black folks.....

I'm shocked. An idiot nutter thinks he knows what liberals think....and can't help himself from typing it.
The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any US president.

1 Iran-Contra Affair
2 Department of Housing and Urban Development grant rigging
3 Lobbying scandal
4 EPA scandals
5 Inslaw Affair
6 Savings & loan crisis
7 Debategate


Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why take the easy route? This forum is bogged down by people deflecting. It can be stopped.

Liberals always do this. They make false equivalencies to justify whatever wrongdoing they are doing. It's OKAY for Harry Reid's son to commit securities fraud. It's justified by some past wrongdoing by someone else. We can't stop democrat's committing securities fraud, they have a right to defraud because a republican did something wrong at some point in time. This is, of course, how lawlessness becomes rampant. Everyone is justified no matter what they have done, because someone else at some other time also did something wrong.

You're right! USMB conservatives NEVER deflect. Absolutely never.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.
Gee's there's a fucking surprise.:lol:

Company co-founded by Nancy Pelosi's son charged with securities fraud - Washington Times

This isn't news to anybody who knows about the land swindles Queen Nancy and her husband have arranged for decades.

You don't think she got rich on her Congressional salary, do you? :eusa_whistle:
WTF does it matter if the Bush twins were drunks or if Chelsea is uglier than hell, etc.. THIS IS ABOUT CORRUPTION in the Pelosi family and it has been investigated for YEARS.. everyfuckingbody knows she and her husband are as corrupt as they come..

Except you are spinning like hell. Note the PAST TENSE in the copy:

"The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures."
Cohen, Corazzi, Anaya, and Erik Perry, a former executive at Natural Blue, were all charged with federal fraud violations. """"

Paul Pelosi Jr. WAS NOT one of the four charged. Now was he, fuzzy wuzzy?

Keep trying, Gumslinger. One day maybe you'll be relevant.
If he committed any crimes, and is found guilty, then he should be punished accordingly. /thread

Pelosi is not even charged. This is an inept attempt at a smear.

That's what I just posted. Without that name the WT wouldn't have even printed the article.
Gumslinger is banking on her buds here to not even bother reading the article. She knows they are a bunch of trained seals who read headlines only.
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We have the best Political WHORES MONEY CAN BUY.

The rewards of being related to them are endless.........................

Our we could be like Reid and give Campaign finance money to our kids. It's against the law, but who cares. Nothing will happen about it as always.................Because they control the law.

This happens on both sides of the Isle...............The TEA Party is attempting to take out some of the Trash in the GOP.................

Are the Dems going to get rid of Pelosi now........................And take out their Trash...........

I think not. They had no problem throwing out the Blue Dogs who dared NOT FOLLOW THE PARTY LINE..............

You can haven all the regulations imaginable on the books, but if there's only a token handful of underfunded regulators, then it's as if the fetters were neither attached nor locked, and piles of sawblades sitting around. That's the new American way of establishing unfettered capitalism.

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

They have practiced Keynes theory and thrown monumental amounts of currency and loans at the situation. Where is the real sustained growth..................................

You will of course use the spam tech to deny that the Market is nothing more than a bubble again, siting the BS of how great it is now..........Yet we are headed for another melt down, and you will deflect again because you are nothing more than a mouth piece.

Currency manipulation is BS. Which is what we have now.
We have the best Political WHORES MONEY CAN BUY.

The rewards of being related to them are endless.........................

Our we could be like Reid and give Campaign finance money to our kids. It's against the law, but who cares. Nothing will happen about it as always.................Because they control the law.

This happens on both sides of the Isle...............The TEA Party is attempting to take out some of the Trash in the GOP.................

Are the Dems going to get rid of Pelosi now........................And take out their Trash...........

I think not. They had no problem throwing out the Blue Dogs who dared NOT FOLLOW THE PARTY LINE..............

You can haven all the regulations imaginable on the books, but if there's only a token handful of underfunded regulators, then it's as if the fetters were neither attached nor locked, and piles of sawblades sitting around. That's the new American way of establishing unfettered capitalism.

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

They have practiced Keynes theory and thrown monumental amounts of currency and loans at the situation. ....

Who has? Do you mean the $750,000,000,000 Hank Paulson and Dubya gave to the banks who crashed the economy in the first place?
Ironically, the four are charged with violating the sort of regulations that conservatives don't believe should even exist.
You can haven all the regulations imaginable on the books, but if there's only a token handful of underfunded regulators, then it's as if the fetters were neither attached nor locked, and piles of sawblades sitting around. That's the new American way of establishing unfettered capitalism.

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

They have practiced Keynes theory and thrown monumental amounts of currency and loans at the situation. ....

Who has? Do you mean the $750,000,000,000 Hank Paulson and Dubya gave to the banks who crashed the economy in the first place?

TARP was a smoke screen, the Real Bail out was at the Discount window of the Federal Reserve..........

The other is the QE BS to the tune of 4.5 TRILLION now......It was 16.1 Trillion at the back door..............

Now add in the stimulous packages........................

They put out over 20 Trillion via loans and recorded Gov't bails.................

All they have done is create a new bubble.
Ironically, the four are charged with violating the sort of regulations that conservatives don't believe should even exist.

I've argued this point over and over again. Has Obama and the Dems brought back Glass Steagall............

As Dudd and Frankeinstein is a joke..............
If he's a democrat it don't matter. How many people were defrauded by former N.J. governor Jon Corzine and they didn't even go after him.

The terrible truth is that the SEC is a paper tiger, it does not go after anyone not caught red-handed and/or able to mount a significant legal defense.

And the far left denies any wrong doing to protect their own..

Who here denied wrong doing? Name names.
WTF does it matter if the Bush twins were drunks or if Chelsea is uglier than hell, etc.. THIS IS ABOUT CORRUPTION in the Pelosi family and it has been investigated for YEARS.. everyfuckingbody knows she and her husband are as corrupt as they come..

Except you are spinning like hell. Note the PAST TENSE in the copy:

"The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures."
Cohen, Corazzi, Anaya, and Erik Perry, a former executive at Natural Blue, were all charged with federal fraud violations. """"

Paul Pelosi Jr. WAS NOT one of the four charged. Now was he, fuzzy wuzzy?

Keep trying, Gumslinger. One day maybe you'll be relevant.

Fair enough, so now you will quit your bitching about Chaney and Halliburton? I mean Chaney WAS an employee before he became vice-president.
WTF does it matter if the Bush twins were drunks or if Chelsea is uglier than hell, etc.. THIS IS ABOUT CORRUPTION in the Pelosi family and it has been investigated for YEARS.. everyfuckingbody knows she and her husband are as corrupt as they come..

Except you are spinning like hell. Note the PAST TENSE in the copy:

"The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures."
Cohen, Corazzi, Anaya, and Erik Perry, a former executive at Natural Blue, were all charged with federal fraud violations. """"

Paul Pelosi Jr. WAS NOT one of the four charged. Now was he, fuzzy wuzzy?

Keep trying, Gumslinger. One day maybe you'll be relevant.

Fair enough, so now you will quit your bitching about Chaney and Halliburton? I mean Chaney WAS an employee before he became vice-president.

It's Cheney, not Chaney. And let's get real here: Pelosi was GONE before the corruption and I doubt when he was there that his company got $39B in contracts in Iraq.

Take your apples and oranges and peddle them somewhere else.

Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney’s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion
Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney?s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion | LeakSource
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The terrible truth is that the SEC is a paper tiger, it does not go after anyone not caught red-handed and/or able to mount a significant legal defense.

And the far left denies any wrong doing to protect their own..

Who here denied wrong doing? Name names.

Corzine's incredible corruption is how Christy got elected. This is a BLUE state and always has been. The backlash was intense and every Dem in this state wanted Corzine gone.
Except you are spinning like hell. Note the PAST TENSE in the copy:

"The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged a company cofounded by Paul Pelosi Jr. with fraud on Wednesday after learning that two convicted criminals were running the business.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures."
Cohen, Corazzi, Anaya, and Erik Perry, a former executive at Natural Blue, were all charged with federal fraud violations. """"

Paul Pelosi Jr. WAS NOT one of the four charged. Now was he, fuzzy wuzzy?

Keep trying, Gumslinger. One day maybe you'll be relevant.

Fair enough, so now you will quit your bitching about Chaney and Halliburton? I mean Chaney WAS an employee before he became vice-president.

It's Cheney, not Chaney. And let's get real here: Pelosi was GONE before the corruption and I doubt when he was there that his company got $39B in contracts in Iraq.

Take your apples and oranges and peddle them somewhere else.

Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney’s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion
Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney?s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion | LeakSource

Cheney wasn't gone from Halliburton? And why was it Clinton gave all sorts of contracts to Halliburton?
Fair enough, so now you will quit your bitching about Chaney and Halliburton? I mean Chaney WAS an employee before he became vice-president.

It's Cheney, not Chaney. And let's get real here: Pelosi was GONE before the corruption and I doubt when he was there that his company got $39B in contracts in Iraq.

Take your apples and oranges and peddle them somewhere else.

Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney’s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion
Contractors Reap $138 Billion from Iraq War, Cheney?s Halliburton #1 with $39.5 Billion | LeakSource

Cheney wasn't gone from Halliburton? And why was it Clinton gave all sorts of contracts to Halliburton?

Even Obama uses Halliburton.
Didn't Obama work with acorn, you know the organization that got shut down for breaking the law?
Ironically, the four are charged with violating the sort of regulations that conservatives don't believe should even exist.

I've argued this point over and over again. Has Obama and the Dems brought back Glass Steagall............

As Dudd and Frankeinstein is a joke..............

Why bring back the part of G/S that was repealed? What does it have to do with ANYTHING on this topic? BUT how do the Dems do it again? Remember the GOP/TP?

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