Comparing Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to today's American Left

DNC cultist hates America
Trump supporters supported Trump because of his policies of putting America first
DNC cultists hated him for that

Trump didn't put America First. He tore up all your trade deals without negotiating new ones. Your trade deficit, which he was going to wipe out, went up by 15%.

American farmers got wiped out in his trade war with China. There is a reason why they call these things "trade wars". It's because there are casualties. Highest level of American farm bankruptcies in history. And it was the small family farmers going under. The people who live on the land and care for the environment. Not the big corporate factory farms. They survived just fine on the government subsidies. It was the little guys who went under.
Trump: "Hey Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find Hillay's missing emails."


Either you are playing dumb, or you are just a lost subverted drone.

Trump was not impeached for anything having to do with Russia. Trump was impeached for his own actions while in office, and his accusers, in all cases, have been other Republicans. People within the Executive Branch who Trump himself hired.

Trump: "Hey Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find Hillay's missing emails."


Either you are playing dumb, or you are just a lost subverted drone.
What a fucking moron.
In Trump's cult,,,,,,,,,,,,,is there any other kind?

February 29 2020
Trump at CPAC:

"Russia, if you're listening… A very famous — they cut that thing so quick at the end because they didn't want to hear the laughter in the place and me laughing. It was just ‘boom.’ These are really dishonest people."

Sure, the lying retard.

You can't even lie as "gooder" than your dear leader.
THAT'S sad................

From that far right source, REUTERS

"WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations."

This is where, if you were serious, you would admit you were wrong and apoligize for your smearing of good people.
Trump didn't put America First. He tore up all your trade deals without negotiating new ones. Your trade deficit, which he was going to wipe out, went up by 15%.

American farmers got wiped out in his trade war with China. There is a reason why they call these things "trade wars". It's because there are casualties. Highest level of American farm bankruptcies in history. And it was the small family farmers going under. The people who live on the land and care for the environment. Not the big corporate factory farms. They survived just fine on the government subsidies. It was the little guys who went under.
Yes he did but you DNC cultist hate America
From that far right source, REUTERS

"WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations."

This is where, if you were serious, you would admit you were wrong and apoligize for your smearing of good people.
"Good people"?.............Traitors.
The article is over a year old.

January 5 2022
Steven D'Antuono, assistant director for the FBI's Washington field office, said those inquiries are priorities as part of the broader complex investigation.

The January 6 attack reframed the face of a domestic terrorism threat that the FBI, Homeland Security Department and other agencies say has grown rapidly. And the January 6 investigation has led to several arrests of what appear to be political extremists on the far right, and extensive investigations into militarized organizations that affiliated themselves with Trump and had members participating in the Capitol violence.

The move, which departed from precedent, was aimed at providing lawmakers with information that they could use more quickly to expose the conduct among people in the former administration who inspired the attack. That includes former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who according to testimony by former Trump officials, sought to engineer a coup of department leadership before January 6 and wanted to use the department to support Trump's false election fraud claims.
Yes he did but you DNC cultist hate America
No, just the traitors who reside in it.

"Good people"?.............Traitors.
The article is over a year old.

January 5 2022
Steven D'Antuono, assistant director for the FBI's Washington field office, said those inquiries are priorities as part of the broader complex investigation.

The January 6 attack reframed the face of a domestic terrorism threat that the FBI, Homeland Security Department and other agencies say has grown rapidly. And the January 6 investigation has led to several arrests of what appear to be political extremists on the far right, and extensive investigations into militarized organizations that affiliated themselves with Trump and had members participating in the Capitol violence.

The move, which departed from precedent, was aimed at providing lawmakers with information that they could use more quickly to expose the conduct among people in the former administration who inspired the attack. That includes former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who according to testimony by former Trump officials, sought to engineer a coup of department leadership before January 6 and wanted to use the department to support Trump's false election fraud claims.

"inspired"? Inspiring is not planning or directing. You claimed a PLOT, to support it, you cite a guy going after people that "inspired" something.

That's a big difference. ANd, vague as that is, it is not a good difference.
"inspired"? Inspiring is not planning or directing. You claimed a PLOT, to support it, you cite a guy going after people that "inspired" something.
WTF, Moron?
THAT is the beginning of a plan.
That's a big difference. ANd, vague as that is, it is not a good difference.
The FBI and DOJ will find out, when the Trump rats start talking.
I find it interesting that you have to give us "meanings" for all of Mr. Alinsky's listed items. Although Mr. Alinsky's points are clearly stated, you then turn yourself into a pretzel and tell several lies, to make these points applicable to the left.

Take point #1. The Trump Cult are small in numbers but they turn up with their AR15's at demonstrations, and Trump holds these huge rallies drawing thousands of people, and they doxx everyone Trump disparages.
If you have the right to carry an AR 15, then you’re fine. Proof there are loads of illegal AR15’s at trump rallies?

Proof that thousands of people doxx people who disagree with Trump?
What a fucking moron.
In Trump's cult,,,,,,,,,,,,,is there any other kind?

February 29 2020
Trump at CPAC:

"Russia, if you're listening… A very famous — they cut that thing so quick at the end because they didn't want to hear the laughter in the place and me laughing. It was just ‘boom.’ These are really dishonest people."

Sure, the lying retard.

Did Trump happen to mention that later that night, after Trump made that speech, the Russian GRU hacked the DNC computers?????

Maybe the Russians didn't realize Trump was joking.

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