comparing Bush Jr. and Adolph Hitler

Originally posted by NightTrain
Very well, Jones.

But here is the rule : I won't accept any of your bullshit 'backup' sites you've cited thus far throughout this thread.

Any backup you provide must be backed up with clear logic supported by Professional News Agencies affiliated with the AP (Associated Press). To go the extra mile, I usually provide 2 or 3 sources such as CNN, MSNBC, BBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, etc. - just a suggestion.

Haha, thats useless, all news is biased. I've supplied quotes. Sources you can look for on your own unless ive given it.

We'll begin with the statements you've made so far, and I want answers to the following - failure on your part to answer will strip away any tattered shred of credibility you may have remaining - I simply don't have the patience to play your games.
I don't give a hoot.

Respond to the following :


This should be easy, since this would be a matter of public record. Let's see it.

I guess you'd have to have a job & pay taxes to notice this, but the rest of us all got a nice tax break & even money back from the Federal Government recently.

Still, I want to see your well-informed sources that show he's a 'puppet head for corporations to funnel the american money to big business'. LOL

Yep, I'm sure you knew this was coming. Let's see your proof.

LOL Damn, this is funny. Explain this bit of previously unknown American History. Especially the Revolutionary War against Big Business.


proof proof proof. want me to take a picture?

Demonstrate that you know who Mussolini was, what he did, who he was Allied with, and how he met his brutal end.

Then explain why in the HELL you would quote such a person as if they would lend any credibility to your argument.
he knows from experience.

LOL Did he? Let's see the backup.

Sorry, Homey, but you do indeed need a link as specified above. Let's see your proof.

If not us, then who? France? :laugh:
You are suggesting we invade China? and N. Korea? Saudi Arabia? oh not the saudis they are our allies.
Have fun in that war buddy.

Wow! I see I haven't been keeping up with things. Educate me on all these astounding points in your above quote!
Like I said. Corporate gift packages. nobody can disprove that.

Explain and back up this cryptic statement, please.
That was answer to someones question. go back and check.

Is he really? Exactly what has Ashcroft done that was unconstitutional? Or did he really urinate on that revered document? As for the fool comment, we shall see when you answer this post as per your request.
lets see, off top of my head - Hes making "protest zones" for the sake of "security". America is a free speech zone!! Sometimes they're miles from where they wanted to be, close to the president so the cameras and press can see.
In these protest zones camera crews and reporters are not allowed to talk to the protesters.
They let pro bush people line the streets and moving the antibush people far away. Siting terrorist would hide in the crowds of protesters. DUH! why would they do that? they could just as likely be in pro-bush crowds. duh duh duh !


And, yes, I'm very curious as to why 'they picked that day'.
So there was know chance the mainstream media could pick it up. And Im not explaining everything to you like a child. Trying to have a converstion here.


Great! I want to see the backup.
Ive already supplied it.

No kidding? FOX gets their own daily briefing? Backup.
Been looking for a while.

Are you serious? Boy, I'm going to be very ticked off when you prove this to me! Let's see your facts.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Jeebus. One cannot argue with nonsense. There is no point.

You haven't presented a logical idea. Your twisted idea of logic is that Bush is Hitler Redux because he carries Barney around.

Get a grip.
Get out of here!~ I made no such reference to a dog. He shoulda left it out, you dont need to focus on THAT. Its irrelavent, except for the fact that it was used in his campaign for office possibly try to imply that he really is "compassionate".

Concerning Hitler. I say again, Bush is not Hitler. It is relevant because Bush's family wealth and rise to power are attributed to their connection with the nazis. AND, for the fact that they both dont respect democracy and are facists in every way.
"This country is not based on trust, it is based on suspicion"

"those who sacrifice freedoms for security get neither"

Guess who said these?
Despite your overdramatizing and attempts to create hysteria, I'll agree with you on one point. Elected officials generally do place their
own interests first and usually we elect people who want power.

Only the people who want to run run.

If our government was made up of one ruler, this would be a greater problem. As it is, it is in the government's best interest to do things
that appeal to us and to its collegues. We're needed to put people into
office. The approval of collegues is needed to wield power.

Our forefathers knew what we were getting into.
I'm not worried.
Originally posted by NightTrain
Neither do I, then :)

Email us when you're ready to finish your debates like an intelligent human.

Why was jones banned?

Ya anslinger, its like taking the blue pill!

Nighttrain, I would email you if I could. I cant seem to get into anything to email or PM, says im not allowed to.

I wish you guys could please get off the fact that I made statements that cant be proven by me. Is this why Im banned? Because I cant prove it? Its my opinion and I gave links to back it up. I cant do much more, you're asking too much.

Could you please explain why you banned me and what I can do to correct my problem.
Jones - It wasn't as much that you failed or refused to backup the claims you made, it was the foul attitude you displayed. I think a few people were more than patient with you. I'm going to unban your other ID. I could careless if you make unsubstantiated claims or post your conspiracy theories. Save the attitude for when you have a leg to stand on (sources!).
Thanks Jimnyc.

I can see I did have a bad attitude. But I don't take kindly to people calling me names.
I Was called a lyer, a looney liberal, biased, childish.
And you've called me a lyer more than once on this thread.
Let me get something straight, I would never try to lie to anyone here. Not on purpose anyway. But I cant prove ALL my opinions. Or any of them to you all in this case. What I said about criminals being in the whitehouse may sound really stupid to you guys. But thats what ive heard I believe it could be true based on questions that were asked to the administration, their reply was not sufficiant. They didnt say there were NOT any felons in are whitehouse, or deny if it was the most we've had in our whitehouse. Thats all I had , sorry.

If you could go back through this thread and see I was insulted many times. Atleast it felt that way. From moi calling me a rambler. To joan asking me if Ive taken my medication yet.
After alot of those types of comments I get do get edgy.
Originally posted by jonez
But I cant prove ALL my opinions. Or any of them to you all in this case.

If you had posted it as opinion last night all of this would have been avoided. Posting as fact will have people asking for sources. I'm sure plenty will still disagree with your opinions, but at least you won't get bombarded to backup your 'facts'.
:clap1: Yay~!

Ya maybe I should quit saying stuff like "The fact is..." unless I have something that somehow proves it. I just dont usually use mainstream media to much anymore, I go straight to the good stuff. Dont need to listen to a news source that thinks michael jackson getting arrested or whatever, is the top news for the day.

But anyway, you see what I mean by people rude to me, worse than ive done to anyone else? Seems unfair.
Ya maybe I should quit saying stuff like "The fact is..." unless I have something that somehow proves it.

Makes sense to me. I wouldn't call something a fact unless I can back it up.

But anyway, you see what I mean by people rude to me, worse than ive done to anyone else? Seems unfair.

No one ever said life was fair. I own the damn board and I get attacked by more people than anyone on the board. Just move one.
Heh, stop giving me the finger!! :D

Im thinking everyone needs to know where Im coming from. Im not a "loony liberal" in ANY sense.

Just listen to a little bit if you have time its not hard just click.

Thom Hartmann

EDIT: Weapons inspector is going to be on today. :cool:
jones is here and free to speak - and so are you.

So what's the problem?
Originally posted by h.j. anslinger
free speech award my ass, jones is trying to tell you something.......are you listening?????

I've read all your posts since yesterday and you are coming off with a shitty attitude. I suggest you lose it or move on.
We understand you. We just don't agree with your opinions.

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