CDZ Comparing Guns and Motor Vehicles in the US

There are roughly the same number of guns and motor vehicles in the US, and they are associated with the same number of deaths. However, about 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides, so the likelihood of accidental death involving a car is about three times the likelihood of being killed by a gun (even greater if you factor out criminal/law enforcement deaths).

It just occurred to me that, given the huge number of guns in our country, remarkably few deaths can be attributed to gun ownership per se. Statistically, you are much safer owning a gun than driving in a car. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the illegal use of firearms instead of their ownership?

Motor vehicles need to be registered, and their drivers need to be licensed and insured. Are you recommending all of those for guns and gun owners?

Drivin' is a privilege..........gun ownership a right.........please look up the fine details between the two before commenting any furthur. Thanx!

there is no "right" to UNREGULATED gun ownership. you might want to go back and re-read Heller.

To paraphrase Heller: the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment are not absolute, they are subject to reasonable restrictions by government – it is not a right to possess any weapon so desired for any purpose so desired any place so desired.

The issue is not whether government is authorized to regulate firearms – as clearly it is – rather, the issue is what regulatory measures are consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, and what measures are not.

Doesn't seem to be too clearly written does it?

That is why we have courts

Only those who do not agree with it, and do not want it to be obeyed, claim that there is any lack of clarity in what is written, and that there is any need for courts to “interpret” it away from what it clearly says.
Then you agree that guns are only needed to support a well regulated militia
Who needs Heller?
The Right of "The People" shall not be infringed….did not say the right of a militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed………….

The contortions you gun grabbers go through to deny the Right is funny and scary at the same time.

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