Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

This is nonsense, there are a plethora of other semi-auto rifles and pistols that can kill just as many people in the same amount of time. And they ain't considered to be assault weapons either. And here's the thing: deaths from mass shootings are a small % of gun violence deaths, far more are suicides with guns that are NOT AR-15s or any other assault weapon. And on top of that, the number of gun violence deaths is a small % of deaths in this country from other means (knives, etc.).
He has no critical thinking skills.
This is nonsense, there are a plethora of other semi-auto rifles and pistols that can kill just as many people in the same amount of time. And they ain't considered to be assault weapons either. And here's the thing: deaths from mass shootings are a small % of gun violence deaths, far more are suicides with guns that are NOT AR-15s or any other assault weapon. And on top of that, the number of gun violence deaths is a small % of deaths in this country from other means (knives, etc.).

Name one hunting Semi Auto Rifle that can do it? Even the vaunted Mini-14 can't push out as much firepower in a short time as the AR. Case in point, to reload the Mini-14, you have to take your eye off the target window. Then you have to reaquire it. I can reload the AR or the M-16 and never take my eye off the target window. Just as soon as the Mag sinks in (faster than the mini-14) and the bolt is slammed forward, I continue on the same sight windows. There is a reason that the AR is designed that way. It's the baddest dude in a firefight less than 50 yds away.
This is nonsense, there are a plethora of other semi-auto rifles and pistols that can kill just as many people in the same amount of time. And they ain't considered to be assault weapons either. And here's the thing: deaths from mass shootings are a small % of gun violence deaths, far more are suicides with guns that are NOT AR-15s or any other assault weapon. And on top of that, the number of gun violence deaths is a small % of deaths in this country from other means (knives, etc.).

More and more, people aren't buying your BS.
Educate yourself. That Mag has to rock in place to lock plus you have to take your eye off the sight window and then require it.
I am educated on the topic. 42 rounds, Junior. And fires just as quick as the fucking AR 15 style you fear so much.
And brown ARs, Pink ARs and even Rainbow ARs. Now if some Politico were to present a ban on just the Pink and Rainbow ones, you would blindly support it, MAGAt.
Again, Junior, 32 dead in the Va Tech shooting. No Ars.

Whatbelse you got.
Again, Junior, 32 dead in the Va Tech shooting. No Ars.

Whatbelse you got.

That was before the various inhibits that have been put into place where you may get one room but not 5 friggin buildings full of people. A Machette would have done more damage back then.

Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms​

well, lot's of money spent making this battle weapon even deadlier is one thing

Using Military terms, a Battle Rifle is usually a 30 Cal or larger that isn't exactly light. The Military calls it an Assault Rifle.
Prefer it to be banned. Gunnutters will stomp and pout. Oh well.
Over 20 million out there. And any ban proposal out there includes a grandfather clause that allows transfers of grandfathered weapons.

And what will happen is you will get ban compliant weapons:

That was before the various inhibits that have been put into place where you may get one room but not 5 friggin buildings full of people. A Machette would have done more damage back then.
Back then? That was only 2007. Stop with the Bs.

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